Minor subject Biology

For maths students, a minor in biology is exciting in many ways – on the one hand, it offers many insights into "the real world" and is currently changing rapidly due to current research; on the other hand, knowledge of mathematics can also be applied well in many areas.

This minor subject is a special minor subject. Please be sure to read the relevant information in the general information.

General information

Your degree programme, field of study, examination regulations version and (from PO 2018) minor subject version are relevant for the choice of minor subject. Please be sure to read the general information . There you will also find the number of credit points (CP) to be earned. Modules not listed here are possible with approval.

Please note: Not everything you can choose in TUCaN can also be included in the degree programme.

Due to a change in the study regulations of the minor subject, for example, certain module combinations may not be possible (because they overlap too much). In case of doubt, please ask for approval of a voluntary examination plan or ask our study coordinator.

Module name CP Module number
Mandatory (B.Sc. only; attention: mandatory modules of the B.Sc. are not selectable in the M.Sc.) Struktur und Funktion der Organismen 4 10-09-0001
Zellbiologie für Nebenfach Biologie 5 10-30-0002
Elective (freely selectable) Zellbiologie- Vorlesung 4 10-09-0002
Biodiversität und Phylogenie (Theorie) 5 10-15-0003
Genetik 6 10-09-0104
Physiologie der Organismen (Theorie) 4 10-15-0005
Physiologie der Mikroorganismen 6 10-09-0106
Ökologie und Evolution 4 10-09-0007
Ökologie 3 10-09-1007
Evolution 1 10-09-1107
Entwicklung und Stabilität 4 10-19-0008
Humanbiologie 3 10-09-0009
Allgemeine Chemie für Biologen 6 07-01-0303
Einführung in die Biochemie für Biologiestudierende (Theorie) 4 07-07-0309
Elective (selectable upon approval) Biodiversität und Phylogenie 9 10-11-0003
Entwicklung und Stabiltiät 6 10-19-0108
Physiologie der Organismen 6 10-19-0105
Bioinformatik BB 36 4 10-30-0036
Tierphysiologie – Vertiefung 3 10-30-1026
Neurobiologie 3 10-02-0211
more module possible upon approval*
* All elective modules from the core study programmes are eligible, provided there is sufficient capacity.
As a rule, participation is only possible if places are available. Registration takes place via the Biology study office, where availability is checked.
It is recommended to specialise in a biological sub-area and to attend further courses that can be continued in the Master's programme.

Study structure

Content information:

The biology degree programme at TU Darmstadt is divided into two different specialisations in the first four semesters:

  • Molecular and cellular biology (modules: Cell Biology, Genetics, Physiology of Microorganisms, Development and Stability)
  • Organismic and Systems Biology (modules: Structure and Function, Biodiversity and Phylogeny, Physiology of Organisms, Ecology and Evolution).

Technical notes

If biology is chosen as a minor subject in mathematics, you should choose one of these specialisations and select courses accordingly. In particular, you should definitely take one of the two courses from the first semester. Almost all of these modules consist of lectures, tutorials and practicals. You should mainly attend lectures, with practicals optional. Practicals can only be attended by minor subject students in exceptional cases (due to limited space). There are special modules for minor subject students, which either only contain the lectures or V+Ü without practicals. Please always indicate one of these modules in the plan, not the biology module from the biology module handbook, as this usually also contains the practical course.

Modules from the specialisation area are not an option – they are offered in blocks during the semester, i.e. individual courses only run for 3 weeks, but on a daily basis.

As part of the biology minor, you can also choose courses from chemistry or physics that are offered for biologists.

The minor subject Biology on the Master's degree programme requires a corresponding Bachelor's minor subject.This means that appropriate knowledge is expected. This does not automatically mean that you have to prove it.It is just that no consideration is given if the expected knowledge is missing.

In the Master's programme in Biology (“Technical Biology”), most of the course content is offered as large modules (15 CP) in an elective area. Most of these modules are also taught in blocks during the semester (6 weeks each).

For biology as a non-mathematical specialisation (interdisciplinary mathematics), you should try to integrate at least 1 such module into your curriculum.

If you specialise in biology in the interdisciplinary mathematics field of study, you must provide evidence of basic knowledge in biology amounting to at least 20 CP.

A non-mathematical specialisation in this minor subject is only possible with the approval of the examination board.

In the case of a specialisation in this subject in the interdisciplinary mathematics field of study, basic knowledge in this subject amounting to at least 20 CP must be demonstrated.

If you have any questions, please contact the examination board.