Standard minor subjects

Minor subject Computer Science

In terms of its formal approach, computer science is probably closer to mathematics than any other discipline. The Department of Computer Science at the TU is one of the most renowned in Germany and offers you many exciting courses and research topics. This minor subject gives you the opportunity to prepare yourself for the digital challenges of the future. And of course, as a mathematician with knowledge in the field of IT, you have excellent career prospects.

General information

Your degree programme, field of study, examination regulations version and (from PO 2018) minor subject version are relevant for the choice of minor subject. Please be sure to read the general information . There you will also find the number of credit points (CP) to be earned. Modules not listed here are possible with approval.

Please note: Not everything you can choose in TUCaN can also be included in the degree programme.

Due to a change in the study regulations of the minor subject, for example, certain module combinations may not be possible (because they overlap too much). In case of doubt, please ask for approval of a voluntary examination plan or ask our study coordinator.

Module name CP Module number
Mandatory Funktionale und objektorientierte Programmierkonzepte 10 20-00-0004
Elective (freely selectable) Software Engineering 5 20-00-0017
Computersystemsicherheit 5 20-00-0018
Einführung in den Compilerbau 5 20-00-0904
Architekturen und Entwurf von Rechnersystemen (Prerequisities: “Digitaltechnik” and “Rechnerorganisation” 5 20-00-0012
Systemnahe und parallele Programmierung 5 20-00-0905
Modellierung, Spezifikation und Semantik 5 20-00-0013
Informationsmanagement 5 20-00-0015
Computational Engineering und Robotik 5 20-00-0011
Computer-Netzwerke und verteilte Systeme 5 20-00-0016
Formale Methoden im Softwareentwurf 5 20-00-0901
Betriebssysteme 5 20-00-0903
Visual Computing 5 20-00-0014
Einführung in die Kryptographie 6 20-00-0085
Elective (max. 10CP) Digitaltechnik 5 20-00-0900
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 10 20-00-0005
Rechnerorganisation 5 20-00-0902
upon approval Bachelorpraktikum 9 20-00-0906
All elective modules from the core study programmes, provided there is sufficient capacity
Module name CP Module number
Elective (freely selectable) All modules not yet taken in the “Compulsory elective (freely selectable)” category of the Bachelor's minor subject.
Knowledge comparable to Funktionale und objektorientierte Programmierkonzepte (10 CP) must always be demonstrated. This module may be issued as a condition.
Usable Security: Sozio-technische Aspekte der Informationssicherheit 4 20-00-0704
Sicherheit in Multimedia Systemen und Anwendungen 6 20-00-0093
TK1: Verteilte Systeme und Algorithmen 6 20-00-0065
Ubiquitous Computing in Geschäftsprozessen 3 20-00-0121
Programmierung paralleler Rechnerarchitekturen 6 20-00-0626
Typsysteme von Programmiersprachen 6 20-00-0727
Graphische Datenverarbeitung I 6 20-00-0040
Informationsvisualisierung und Visual Analystics 6 20-00-0294
Bildverarbeitung 3 20-00-0155
Foundations of Language Technology 6 20-00-0546
Data Mining und Maschinelles Lernen 6 20-00-0052
Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing 6 20-00-0594
All currently offered specialisation courses of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Computer Science according to the course catalogue.
Subject to content collisions with other elective areas.
Elective (max. 1 module, only if capacity is available and with the consent of the lecturer) All practicals, seminars and projects currently offered in the Master's degree programme in Computer Science, according to the course catalogue.
upon approval Bachelorpraktikum 9 20-00-0906
more module possible upon approval*
** All elective modules from the core study programmes are eligible, provided there is sufficient capacity.
Admission requirements: Knowledge from the Bachelor's minor in Computer Science (at least 20 CP), in particular the content of the compulsory modules, must be demonstrated for admission. Knowledge at least comparable to the module Funktionale und Objektorientierte Programmierkonzepte and ADM or Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen must always be demonstrated.
Notes on the Master's thesis: Mathematically oriented Master's theses are possible in at least these three specialisations: IT Security (can be easily combined with specialisation in Algebra), Visual & Interactive Computing (can be easily combined with specialisation in Geometry) and Robotics, Computational and Computer Engineering (can be easily combined with specialisation in Numerics).
If you are planning to write your Master's thesis in another subject area, we recommend that you clarify the options in advance with the lecturer(s) you are considering as supervisor(s) and discuss the study plan in the non-mathematical areas. Please also note: When registering a Master's thesis, a second reviewer from Department 04 must agree to the topic and thus confirm that the topic is sufficiently mathematically orientated. This is not always the case.

Students in PO 2024 please see the following PDF for the selectable modules in the Master's minor subject Computer Science.

Modules in the Master's minor in Computer Science (opens in new tab)

Module name CP Module number
Foundations of Data Science Algorithmische Modellierung / Grundlagen des Operations Research 6 20-00-0113
Data Mining und Maschinelles Lernen 6 20-00-0052
Effiziente Graphenalgorithmen 6 20-00-0110
Ethik in Natürlicher Sprachverarbeitung 6 20-00-1061
Foundations of Language Technology 6 20-00-0546
Model Checking 3 20-00-1115
Optimierungsalgorithmen 6 20-00-0667
Probabilistische Graphische Modelle 6 20-00-0449
Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence: Logic, Probability, and Computation 6 20-00-1011
Statistisches Maschinelles Lernen 6 20-00-0358
Tiefe Generative Modelle 6 20-00-1035
Data Systems Engineering Advanced C++ modern programming 3 20-00-1068
Advanced Data Management Systems 6 20-00-1039
Fortgeschrittenes Multithreading in C++ 6 20-00-0977
Informationsvisualisierung und Visual Analytics 6 20-00-0294
Konzepte der Programmiersprachen 6 20-00-1117
Multithreading in C++ 10 20-00-0953
Skalierbare Datenmanagement Systeme 6 20-00-1017
Software Engineering – Design and Construction 8 20-00-0341
Software-Engineering – Wartung und Qualitätssicherung 6 18-su-2010
Data Science Application Computer Vision II 6 20-00-0401
Deep Learning für medizinische Bildgebung 5 20-00-1014
Deep Learning für Natural Language Processing 6 20-00-0947
Deep Learning: Architectures & Methods 6 20-00-1034
Intelligent Robotic Manipulation: Advanced topics in Robot Perception, Planning and Control 6 20-00-1181
Lernende Roboter 6 20-00-0629
Multimodal Artificial Intelligence 6 20-00-1193
Natural Language Processing and the Web 6 20-00-0433
Reinforcement Learning: Von Grundlagen zu den tiefen Ansätzen 6 20-00-1047
Module name CP Module number
Elective (1 Seminar; in total at least 12 CP from a Computer science specialisation; all currently offered specialisation courses of the Machelor's and Master's degree computer science, as in the Master's minor subject.) Einführung in die Kryptographie 6 20-00-0085
Usable Security: Soziotechnische Aspekte der Informationssicherheit 4 20-00-0704
Sicherheit in Multimedia Systemen und Anwendungen 6 20-00-0093
TK1: Verteilte Systeme und Algorithmen 6 20-00-0065
Ubiquitous Computing in Geschäftsprozessen 3 20-00-0121
Grundlagen der Robotik 10 20-00-0735
Programmierung paralleler Rechnerarchitekturen 6 20-00-0626
Typsysteme von Programmiersprachen 6 20-00-0727
Algorithmische Modellierung / Grundlagen des Operations Resarch 6 20-00-0113
Graphische Datenverarbeitung I 6 20-00-0040
Informationsvisualisierung und Visual Analystics 6 20-00-0294
Foundations of Language Technology 6 20-00-0546
Business Intelligence und Data Warehousing 6 20-00-0594
Collisions 20-00-0667 M.Sc. Optimierungsagorithmen Mathematics?
20-00-0186 Optimierung statischer und dynamischer Systeme Mathematics?
from the B.Sc. not selectable 20-00-0000 Mentorensystem
20-00-0004 Funktionale und objektorientierte Programmierkonzepte
20-00-0900 Digitaltechnik
04er Module
18-sm-2160 Drahtlose Sensornetze
18-su-2020 Echtzeitsysteme
18-su-2010 Software Engeneering – Wartung und Qualitäätssicherung
Seminars and practicals
Admission requirements: Knowledge from the Bachelor's minor in Computer Science (at least 20 CP), in particular the content of the compulsory modules, must be demonstrated for admission. Knowledge at least comparable to the module Funktionale und Objektorientierte Programmierkonzepte and ADM or Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen must always be demonstrated.
Notes on the Master's thesis: Mathematically oriented Master's theses are possible in at least these three specialisations: IT Security (can be easily combined with specialisation in Algebra), Visual & Interactive Computing (can be easily combined with specialisation in Geometry) and Robotics, Computational and Computer Engineering (can be easily combined with specialisation in Numerics).
If you are planning to write your Master's thesis in another subject area, we recommend that you clarify the options in advance with the lecturer(s) you are considering as supervisor(s) and discuss the study plan in the non-mathematical areas. Please also note: When registering a Master's thesis, a second reviewer from Department 04 must agree to the topic and thus confirm that the topic is sufficiently mathematically orientated. This is not always the case.
Study programme B.Sc. computer science
B.Sc. business computer science
Module name CP Module number
Elective (freely selectable) Unternehmensarchitektur-Management 4 01-18-2M01
Electronic Markets: Digital Business & Plattforms / Electronic Commerce: Digital Products and Services 8 01-20-5100
IT-Projektmanagement / IT-Praktikum 12 01-15-1027/12
Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik / Geschäftsprozess- und Unternehmensmodellierung 5 01-18-0B01
Software & Digital Business 6 01-15-0M04/6
Software and Internet Economics / Praxis des Softwarerechts 7 01-15-0008
as well as all not already taken modules from the area “elective (freely selectable)” in the Bachelor's minor subject)


Module name Module number Collision
Algorithmische Modellierung / Grundlagen des Operations Research 20-00-0113 Economics?
Optimierungsalgorithmen 20-00-0667 Mathematics?
Effiziente Graphenalgorithmen 20-00-0110 ADM
Collisions are known for the above modules. If in doubt, submit a study plan in order to obtain a certificate of non-conflict or contact the examination board.

If you have any questions, please contact the examination board.