General information
Your degree programme, field of study, examination regulations version and (from PO 2018) minor subject version are relevant for the choice of minor subject. Please be sure to read the . There you will also find the number of credit points (CP) to be earned. Modules not listed here are possible with approval. general information
Please note: Not everything you can choose in TUCaN can also be included in the degree programme.
Due to a change in the study regulations of the minor subject, for example, certain module combinations may not be possible (because they overlap too much). In case of doubt, please ask for approval of a or ask our voluntary examination plan. study coordinator
A non-mathematical specialisation in this minor subject is only possible with the approval of the examination board.
In the case of a specialisation in this subject in the interdisciplinary mathematics field of study, basic knowledge in this subject amounting to at least 20 CP must be demonstrated.
If you have any questions, please contact the examination board.