Special minor subjects

Minor subject Civil Engineering

Today, civil engineering is omnipresent and has an impact on human life in many ways. As a student of mathematics, you can apply your sound mathematical knowledge excellently to (engineering) practice. Please note: The minor subject is not yet modelled in TUCaN. If you are interested in the minor subject, please contact our study coordinator directly!

This minor subject is a special minor subject. Please be sure to read the relevant information in the general information.

General information

Your degree programme, field of study, examination regulations version and (from PO 2018) minor subject version are relevant for the choice of minor subject. Please be sure to read the general information . There you will also find the number of credit points (CP) to be earned. Modules not listed here are possible with approval.

Please note: Not everything you can choose in TUCaN can also be included in the degree programme.

Due to a change in the study regulations of the minor subject, for example, certain module combinations may not be possible (because they overlap too much). In case of doubt, please ask for approval of a voluntary examination plan or ask our study coordinator.

Module name CP Module number
Compulsory Technische Mechanik I 6 13-E0-M001
Technische Mechanik II (BI) 6 13-E0-M002
Werkstoffe im Bauwesen 8 13-02-M001/8
Elective (freely selectable) Baubetrieb I 3 13-A0-M007/3
Baubetrieb II 6 13-A0-M008
Baukonstruktion und Bauphysik 6 13-D0-M001
Baukonstruktion 6 13-D1-M003
Bauphysik 6 13-D3-M003
Baustatik I 6 13-M2-M001
Baustatik II 6 13-M2-M002
Geotechnik I 3 13-C0-M005/3
Geotechnik II 6 13-C0-M023
Grundlagen der Fassadentechnik 6 13-M4-M001
Stahlbau I – Grundlagen 3 13-I1-M007
Stahlbau II – Hochbau 6 13-I1-M001
Stahlbetonbau I 3 13-D2-M018
Stahlbetonbau II 6 13-D2-M012
Technische Mechanik III 6 13-E0-M003
Werkstoffmechanik 6 13-02-M004
and more (catalogue)
Module name CP Module number
Compulsory elective subject area (choice of 1 research subject, 12 CP)
Building operations Baubetrieb IV 6 13-A0-M002
Construction Technologies and Management III 6 13-A0-M001
Building construction and building physics Advanced Building Physics 6 13-D3-M001
Konstruktives Gestalten 6 13-D1-M001
Construction mechanics Finite-Element-Methoden I 6 13-E1-M001
Theory of Plasticity (Mechanics) 6 13-E2-M001
Geotechnics Geotechnics III 6 13-C0-M001
Geotechnics IV 6 13-C0-M002
Glass and facade technology Facade Technology I 6 13-M4-M002
Facade Technology II 6 13-M4-M003
Solid construction Masonry Structures and Special Topics of Concrete Construction 6 13-D2-M015
Prestressed Concrete Structures 6 13-D2-M005
Steel construction Steel Construction III – Detailing and Design of Steel Structures 6 13-I1-M002
Steel Construction IV 6 13-I1-M003
Statics Structural Analysis III 6 13-M2-M003
Structural Analysis IV 6 13-M2-M004
Materials technology and building restoration Bauschäden und Bauwerksanalyse 6 13-D3-M005
Special Concretes 6 13-D3-M004
Freely selectable (catalogue)
Artificial Intelligence for Building Industry 6 13-M2-M022
Baubetriebliches Projekt – Schalungstechnik 6 13-A0-M009
Baudynamik I – Grundlagen 6 13-M3-M002
Bauen im Bestand – Verfahrenstechnik und Ökonomie 6 13-A0-M006
Baulicher Brandschutz 6 13-I1-M013/6
Befestigungs- und Verankerungstechnik in Beton und Mauerwerk 6 13-D3-M019
Computational Methods for Building Physics and Construction Materials 6 13-D3-M020
Deiche, Dämme, Deponien 3 13-C0-M010
Design für Additive Herstellung 6 13-M4-M004
Freihandzeichnen 6 13-D1-M006
Geotechnik im Hochhausbau 6 13-C0-M014
Geotechnische Messverfahren 3 13-C0-M008
Glass and Polymers I: Glass Structures 6 13-M3-M003
Glass and Polymers II: Polymer Mechanics 6 13-M2-M011
Green Building Design I 6 13-D1-M007
Green Building Design II 6 13-D1-M008
Holzbau I 3 13-I1-M017
Holzbau II 3 13-I1-M012
Konstruktives Gestalten Projekt 6 13-D1-M010
Numerical Simulations in Geotechnical Engineering 3 13-C0-M041
Spezialfragen des Grundbaus 3 13-C0-M015
Strategisches Facility Management und Sustainable Design 6 13-D2-M001
Umweltgeotechnik 6 13-C0-M006
Unterirdisches Bauen 3 13-C0-M007
Urban Construction Technologies 6 13-A0-J001
and more (catalogue)

If you have any questions, please contact the examination board.