Special minor subjects

Minor subject Aerospace Engineering

We are very pleased to be able to offer the new special minor Aerospace Engineering from winter semester 2023/24. The programme is aimed exclusively at our Master's students. The prerequisite is a Bachelor's minor in Civil Engineering.

Module name CP Module number
Bachelor electives Aerodynamik I 6 16-11-5050
Flugmechanik I: Flugleistungen 6 16-23-5030
Grundlagen der Flugantriebe 8 16-04-5010
Werkstofftechnologie und -anwendung 6 16-08-5040
Electives II and III: (Core) Electives Aerospace Engineering Free choice of aerospace-specific modules (see module handbook (opens in new tab))
Please read the module descriptions and make sure that you have the necessary prior knowledge.

If you have any questions, please contact the examination board.