Standard minor subjects

Minor subject Chemistry

Chemistry is one of the most multifaceted areas of the natural sciences. It is impossible to imagine our world without chemistry. It is a key discipline for the development of new materials and substances, it provides new processes for better utilisation of fossil and renewable energy sources and new active substances for plants, animals and humans. The diverse and interesting applications of mathematics make this minor subject an excellent addition to your degree programme.

General information

Your degree programme, field of study, examination regulations version and (from PO 2018) minor subject version are relevant for the choice of minor subject. Please be sure to read the general information . There you will also find the number of credit points (CP) to be earned. Modules not listed here are possible with approval.

Please note: Not everything you can choose in TUCaN can also be included in the degree programme.

Due to a change in the study regulations of the minor subject, for example, certain module combinations may not be possible (because they overlap too much). In case of doubt, please ask for approval of a voluntary examination plan or ask our study coordinator.

If you are interesting in choosing chemistry as your minor subject, please read the information from the student counselling service of chemistry (opens in new tab) .

if you are as student with minor subject chemistry (PO 2012) please inform yourself on the pages of the department of chemistry.

Module name Abbrev. CP Module number
Mandatory Allgemeine Chemie B.AL1 8 07-01-0001
Elective (freely selectable) Analytische Chemie B.AN1 3 07-02-0001
Anorganische Chemie I – Nichtmetalle B.AC1 4 07-03-0109
Anorganische Chemie II – Metalle B.AC2 4 07-03-0110
Physikalische Chemie I B.PC1 8 07-04-0029
Physikalische Chemie II B.PC2 8 07-04-0030
Physikalische Chemie III B.PC3 8 07-04-0057
Organische Chemie I B.OC1 7 07-05-0001
Organische Chemie II B.OC2 8 07-05-0002
Technische Chemie I B.TC1 7 07-06-0001
Einführung in die Biochemie I B.BC1 5 07-07-0001
Einführung in die Makromolekulare Chemie I B.MC1 5 07-08-0001
Gefahrstoffkunde I – Toxikologie B.GK1 1 07-10-0001
Elective(registration one semester before course in the study office chemistry, only if sufficient capacity) Allgemeine Sicherheitseinweisung B.SI 0 07-00-0002
Grundpraktikum Physikalische Chemie B.PGP 8 07-04-0004
Grundpraktikum Technische Chemie B.TGP 7 07-06-0002
Instrumentelle Methoden II – Computeranwendungen B.COM 5 07-09-0003
more module possible upon approval*
* All elective modules from the core study programmes are eligible, provided there is sufficient capacity.
Module name Abbrev. CP Module number
Elective (freely selectable) Technische Chemie II M.TC2 7 07-06-0003
Projektierung chemischer Anlagen M.TC3 3 07-06-0004
Physikalische Chemie III B.PC3 5 07-04-0057
All other lectures currently offered (e.g. no seminars, practicals) on the Master's degree programme in Chemistry, see course catalogue.
Elective(registration one semester before course in the study office chemistry, only if sufficient capacity, Courses with several module numbers can be taken at different working groups) Simulation chemischer Anlagen mittels Aspen M.TAK 3 07-06-0026
Praktikumsmodul HP1 – Technische Chemie M.TC-F1-x 6 07-06-0027
Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum Technische Chemie FP2 M.TF2 5 07-06-0030
Forschungspraktikum Technische Chemie FP3 M.TF3-x 8 07-06-0031
Praktikumsmodul HP1 – Physikalische Chemie M.PC-F1 8 07-04-0036
Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum Physikalische Chemie FP2 M.PF2-x 5 5 07-04-0037 07-04-0038 07-04-0039 07-04-0040 07-04-0041 07-04-0053
Praktikumsmodul HP1 – Fortgeschrittenen Theoretikum Theoretische Chemie M.TH-F1 8 07-11-0001
Forschungspraktikum Theoretische Chemie FP2/3 M.TH-F2/3-x 11 07-11-0008
more module possible upon approval*
* All elective modules from the core study programmes are eligible, provided there is sufficient capacity.

Studyability: see sample plans

Fehlendes Grundwissen kann im Studium generale und im Nebenfach Chemie nachgeholt werden.

List of sample study plans for the interdisciplinary specialisation (opens in new tab) . (Achtung: „Nebenfach Chemie mit Option anschließender Thesis“ bezeichnet eine interdisziplinäre Vertiefung. „Kleines Masternebenfach Chemie“ bezeichnet das normale Masternebenfach.

(Please note: “Minor in Chemistry with optional subsequent thesis” refers to an interdisciplinary specialisation. “Minor minor in chemistry” refers to the normal minor in chemistry.)

Each combination requires authorisation (opens in new tab) .

If you are planning to write your Master's thesis in another subject area, we recommend that you clarify the options in advance with the lecturer(s) you are considering as supervisor(s) and discuss the study plan in the non-mathematical areas. Please also note: When registering a Master's thesis, a second reviewer from Department 04 must agree to the topic and thus confirm that the topic is sufficiently mathematically orientated. This is not always the case.

If you have any questions, please contact the examination board.