Master of Science, Mathematics

The international study programme

The Master of Science, Mathematics study program, which can be completed entirely in English, prepares you optimally for professional life in international companies. You will spend your studies with motivated students from all over the world and make valuable contacts. On this page you will find a lot of information and valuable tips on how to organize your studies.

Specialisation options

In the Master of Science, Mathematics, you can choose two (if you do not take a minor subject, three) specialisations . For this you have a wide choice. Choose your specialisation from the seven available subjects:

You will attend seminars and lectures of at least 18 CP per specialisation. The specialisation module is concluded by an oral examination. You can find out how to register for the specialisation exams under Exam registration .

Tip: The seminars are very well suited to get into conversation with lecturers about master thesis topics. As the seminars are usually held in small groups, your lecturers will get to know you well and will be able to assess your abilities. This will help you find the right topic for your thesis.

Under certain conditions you can also take a minor subject instead of a third specialisation. It is best to contact the for this.

Recognition of passed courses

Under certain circumstances, mathematics courses that you have already taken in a previous study programme can be credited, thus reducing the duration of your studies. Please visit the pages of the examination board or contact the chairman directly.