| Prof. Dr. Frank Aurzada | Probability and Statistics | aurzada@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Volker Betz | Probability and Statistics | |
| Prof. Dr. Dieter Bothe | Analysis | |
| Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier | Algebra | bruinier@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Yann Disser | Optimization | |
| Prof. Dr. Moritz Egert | Analysis | |
| Prof. Dr. Jan Giesselmann | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | giesselmann@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Karsten Große-Brauckmann | Geometry and Approximation, Surface theory, Minimal and constant mean curvative surfaces | |
| Prof. Dr. Robert Haller | Analysis | |
| Prof. Dr. Matthias Hieber | Analysis | |
| Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kohlenbach | Logic | kohlenbach@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Michael Kohler | Probability and Statistics | |
| Prof. Dr. Katja Krüger | Didactics | krueger@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Jens Lang | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | |
| Prof. Dr. Yingkun Li | Algebra | |
Picture: Elena Mäder-Baumdicker
| Prof. Dr. Elena Mäder-Baumdicker | Geometry and Approximation | maeder-baumdicker@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Martin Otto | Logic | |
| Prof. Dr. Sabrina Pauli | RG Algebra | |
| Prof. Dr. Marc Pfetsch | Optimization | pfetsch@mathematik.tu-... |
Picture: Ulrich Reif
| Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reif | Geometry and Approximation | |
| Prof. Dr. Timo Richarz | | richarz@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Nils Scheithauer | Algebra | scheithauer@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Pascal Schweitzer | Didactics | schweitzer@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Christian Stinner | Analysis | stinner@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Tabea Tscherpel | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | tscherpel@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Stefan Ulbrich | Optimization | ulbrich@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Torsten Wedhorn | Algebra | wedhorn@mathematik.tu-... |
Assistant Professors
| PD Dr. Kord Eickmeyer | Logic | eickmeyer@mathematik.tu-... |
| PD Dr. Andreas Paffenholz | Optimization | paffenholz@mathematik.tu-... |
| PD Dr. Kersten Schmidt | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | kschmidt@mathematik.tu-... |
| PD Dr. Cornelia Wichelhaus | Probability and Statistics | wichelhaus@mathematik.tu-... |
Scientific Staff
| Lena Schwarzer OStR | RG Didaktik | schwarzer@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Dieter Alber | Analysis | |
| Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bokowski | Optimization | |
| Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bruhn | Optimization | |
| Prof. Dr. Reinhard Farwig | Analysis | |
| Prof. Dr. Karl Graf Finck von Finckenstein | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | |
| Prof. Dr. Christian Herrmann | Logic | herrmann@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Karl H. Hofmann | Algebra | hofmann@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Burkhard Kümmerer | Didactics | kuemmerer@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Prömel | Optimization | hans_juergen.proemel@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Steffen Roch | Analysis | |
| Prof. Dr. Peter Spellucci | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | spellucci@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Gunter Stein | Didactics | |
| Prof. Dr. Thomas Streicher | Logic | streicher@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Walter Trebels | Algebra | trebels@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Helmut Wegmann | Probability and Statistics | wegmann@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Peter Zahn | Logic | |