Prof. Dr. Karl H. Hofmann

Prof. Dr. Karl H. Hofmann

Curriculum vitae (opens in new tab) .

Editorial Work

Recent Books

  • Gerhard Betsch, Karl H. Hofmann (eds.)
    Hellmuth Kneser: Gesammelte Abhandlungen
    Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2005, xvi+923 pages.
  • Gerhard Gierz, Karl H. Hofmann, Klaus Keimel, Jimmie D. Lawson, Michael W. Mislove, and Dana S. Scott
    Continuous Lattices and Domains
    Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 93
    Cambridge University Press, 2003, xxxvi+591 pages.
  • Karl H. Hofmann, Sidney A. Morris
    The Structure of Compact Groups
    A Primer for the Student – A Handbook for the Expert

    de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 25, Berlin,
    Fifth Edition 2023, xlc+1032 pages
  • Karl H. Hofmann, Sidney A. Morris The Structure of Pro-Lie Groups, 2nd Ed., EMS Tracts 36, EMS Publishing House, Berlin, 2023, xxii+818 pages
  • Wolfgang Herfort, Karl H. Hofmann, Francesco G. Russo
    Periodic Locally Compact Groups
    de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 71, Berlin, 2019, li+299 pages.

Publications since 2011

  • Michael G. Cowling, Karl H. Hofmann and Sidney Morris, Open Mappings of Locally Compact Groups, J. of Group Theory, 2024, 5pp.
  • Wolfgang Herfort, Karl H. Hofmann and Francesco G. Russo, Neat locally compatible abelian p-groups, Mathematische Annalen, online 25 March 2024, 47pp.
  • Wolfgang Herfort, Karl H. Hofmann and Francesco G. Russo, A short note on coproducts of abelian pro-Lie groups, Monatshefte f. Mathematik, online November 2023, 6pp.
  • Hofmann, K.H., and S.A. Morris, Advances in the Theory of Compact Groups and Pro-Lie Groups in the last Quarter Century, Axioms, {\bf32} 2021, 190,13.pp.
  • Karl H. Hofmann and Linus Kramer,
    On Weakly Complete Universal Enveloping Algebras: A Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt Theorem, 35pp. in preparation.
    See also
    On Weakly Complete Universal Enveloping Algebras of Profinite-dimensional Lie Algebras, Preprint, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2020, 22pp.
  • Julio César Hernández Arzusa and Karl H. Hofmann,
    A Note on Locally Compact Subsemigroups of Compact Groups, Semigroup Forum 101 (2020), 311-322.
  • Karl H. Hofmann,
    Buchbesprechung von: Kirsti Andersen: Optical Illusions in Rome–A Mathematical Travel Guide, Amer Math. Soc., MAA Press, 2020, x+80 Seiten, in:
    Mathematische Semesterberichte 67 (2020), 311-322.
  • Karl H. Hofmann,
    Jimmie D. Lawson: 50 years of Service to Scholarship and the University, J. of Lie Theory, 30 (2020), 307-313.
  • Karl H. Hofmann and Linus Kramer,
    On Weakly Complete Group Algebras of Compact Groups, J. of Lie Theory 30 (2020), 407-424.
  • Karl H. Hofmann and Jimmie D. Lawson,
    Throwing a glance at 100 volumes of a journal and a half century of its existence, Semigroup Forum 100 (2019), 407-424.
  • Wolfgang Herfort, Karl H. Hofmann, and Francesco Russo,
    Locally Compact Groups with Permutable Subgroups, Advances in Mathematics, to appear, 2020, 13 pp.
  • Profinite-dimensional Lie Algebras, Preprint, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2020, 22pp.
  • Wolfgang Herfort, Karl H. Hofmann, and Francesco Russo,
    When is the sum of two closed subgroups closed in a locally compact group?
    Topology and Appl. 270 (2019), 1-30.
  • Rafael Dahmen, and Karl H. Hofmann,
    The Pro-Lie Group Aspect of Weakly Complete Algebras and Weakly Complete Group Hopf Algebras,
    J. of Lie Theorie 29 (2019), 413-455.
  • Rafael Dahmen, and Karl H. Hofmann,
    On the Component Factor Group $G/G_0$ of a Pro-Lie Group $G$, J. of Lie Theorie 29 (2019), 221-225.
  • Karl H. Hofmann,
    Jimmie D. Lawson on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday,
    Semigroup Forum, 97 (2018), 1-6.
  • Wolfgang Herfort, Karl H. Hofmann, Linus Kramer, and Francesco G Russo,
    The Sylow Structure of Scalar Automorphism Groups,
    Topology and its Applications 263 (2019), 26-43.
  • Karl H. Hofmann, and Jimmie D. Lawson,
    In memoriam: Klaus Keimel (1939-2017),
    Semigroup Forum 96 (2018), 199-202.
  • Wolfgang Herfort, Karl H. Hofmann, and Francesco Russo,
    Locally Compact Abelian p-Groups,
    Topology and its Applications 259 (2019), 203-241.
  • Oskar Braun, Karl H. Hofmann, and Linus Kramer,
    Automatic Continuity of Algebraic Homomorphisms between Locally Compact Groups,
    Transformation Groups 25 (2020), 1-32.
  • Wolfgang Herfort, Karl H., and Francesco Russo,
    A Study in Locally Compact Groups-Chabauty space, Sylow Theory, the Schur Zassenhaus formalism, the Prime Graph for Near Abelian Groups,
    Communications on Stochastic Analysis 4 (2016), 515-540.
  • Hatem Hamrouni and Karl H. Hofmann,
    Locally compact groups approximable by subgroups ismorphic to Z,
    Top. Appl. 215 (2017), 1-20.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., and J. R. Martin,
    Covering Space Semigroups and Retracts of Compact Lie Groups
    J. of Geometry 107 (2016), 427-439.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., and S. A. Morris,
    Pro-Lie Groups: A Survey with Open Problems,
    Axioms 4 (2015), 294-312.
  • Salvador Hernández, Karl H. Hofmann, and Sidney A. Morris,
    Nonmeasurable subgroups of compact groups,
    J. of Group Theory 19 (2015), 179-189.
  • Hofmann, Karl H. and George A. Willis,
    Continuity Characterizing Totally Disconnected Locally Compacted Groups,
    J. of Lie Theory 25 (2015), 1-7.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., and John R. Martin,
    Möbius Manifolds, Monoids, and Retracts of Topological Groups,
    Semigroup Forum 90 (2014), 301-361.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., and John R. Martin,
    Retracts of Topological Groups and Compact Monoids,
    Topology Proceedings 43 (2014), 57-67.
    PDF (opens in new tab) (for subscribers).
  • Hofmann, Karl H. and L. Kramer,
    Transitive actions of locally compact groups on locally contractible spaces,
    J. reine angew. Math. 702 (2015), 227-243.
    and Erratum, J. Reine Angew. Math. 702 (2015), 245-246.
  • Hofmann, Karl H. and Francesco G. Russo,
    Near abelian profinite groups,
    Forum Mathematicum 27 (2015), 647-698.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., and Francesco G. Russo,
    The probability that xm and yn commute in a compact group,
    Bulletin of the Austral. Math. Soc. 87 (2012), 503-513.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., and Francesco G. Russo,
    The probability that x and y commute in a compact group,
    Math. Proc. of the Cambridge Phil Soc. 153 (2012), 557-571.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., Mislove, M. W.,
    Compact Affine Monoids, Harmonic Analysis, and Information Theory,
    Amer. Math. Soc. Symposia in Applied Math., 71, 2012, 125-182.
  • Hernández, S., Karl H. Hofmann, and S. A. Morris,
    The weights of closed subgroups of a locally compact group,
    J. of Group Theory 15 (2014), 613-630.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., and J. R. Martin,
    Topological Left-Loops,
    Topology Proceedings 39 (2012), 185-194.
  • Hofmann, Karl H. and Morris, S. A.,
    Compact Homeomorphism Groups are Profinite,
    Topology and its Applications 9 (2012), 2453–2462.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., Morris, S. A.,
    The structure of almost connected pro-Lie groups,
    J. of Lie Theory 21 (2011), 347-383,
    PDF (opens in new tab) (for subscribers).
  • Hofmann, Karl H.
    The Dauns-Hofmann Theorem revisited,
    J. of Algebra and its Applications 10 (2011), 29-37.
  • Hofmann, Karl H., and Morris, S. A.,
    Local Splitting of Locally Compact Groups and Pro-Lie Groups,
    J. of Group Theory 14 (2011), 931-935.

Posters for Lectures in the Mathematical Colloquium

Poster Cartoons 1983-1998 – Plakate aus 15 Jahren
Poster Cartoons 1983-1998 – Plakate aus 15 Jahren

Since 1983 I designed the posters for lectures in the Mathematical Colloquium . A gallery can be found here .

A collection of some older Colloquium posters has been published as a book:

Karl H. Hofmann
Poster Cartoons 1983-1998 – Plakate aus 15 Jahren
TU Darmstadt University Press, 1998 xxii+128 pp.

Various cover designs

Cover of the AMS Notices, October 2006

Cover of the IEEE Signal, Processing Magazine July 2007

Cover of the Mitteilungen der DMV, 2009, Band 4

Cover of the AMS Notices, October 2010

Cover of the AMS Notices, October 2011

Cover of "MU - Der Mathematikunterricht", December 2015

Books Illustrated

  • Borwein, Jonathan and Keith Devlin
    The Computer as Crucible – An Introduction to Experimental Mathematics
    A. K. Peters, Ltd. Wellesley, Massachusetts, 2009, xi+158 pp.,ISBN 978-1-56881-343-1
    18 Illustrations, Cover and Backcover designs.
  • Leith Hathout
    Crimes And Mathdemeanors
    A. K. Peters Ltd
    Paperback Edition 2007, ISBN 1-56881-260-4, 150 pp.
  • M. Aigner and G. M. Ziegler
    Proofs from the Book
    Springer-Verlag Berlin etc., 1998, viii+199pp.
    Second Edition 2001, viii+215 pp.
    German Translation 2002: Das BUCH der Beweise, 2002 viii+247 pp.
    Japanese Translation, 2002, xiii+314 pp.
    Third Edition 2003, viii+239 pp.
    Turkish Edition 2009, 263 pp.
    Fourth Edition 2009, xiii+274 pp.
    Fifth Edition 2014, xiii+308 pp.
    Portuguese Edition 2017, 368 pp.
  • I. Bajo and E. Sanmartin, Eds.
    Recent Advances in Lie Theory
    R&E in Mathematics 25, 2002, xiii+398 pp.
    Illustrationen: 1, 262, 263, 393.
  • Hans Magnus Enzensberger
    Zugbrücke außer Betrieb / Drawbridge up
    Die Mathematik im Jenseits der Kultur / A Cultural Anathema
    A. K. Peters, Natick, Massachusetts, USA, 1999, 48 pp.
    Hardcopy Edition 2001, ISBN 1-56881-156-X, 48 pp.
    Japanese Edition 2003, ISBN 4-535-78351-9, 75 pp.



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