The Department of Mathematics is always looking for tutors for the mathematics lectures. Here you can find all important information about working as a tutor.
For the summer semester, the recruitment period starts around mid-January, for the winter semester around mid-July. Detailed information about the job and the application process can be found below.
The recruitment period for WiSe 24/25 is closed In the winter semester there are the following courses for which assistants are needed:
Events that are urgently looking for instructors are listed in bold.
Events that are not expected to have any more vacancies are listed in italics.
Im Grundstudium
Analysis 1
Analysis (engl.)
Lineare Algebra 1
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
Complex Analysis
Einf. i.d. numerische Mathematik
Einf. i.d. Programmierung 1
Im Service für andere Fachbereiche
Mathe 1 für BI
Mathe 1 für MB
Mathe 1 für ET
Mathe 1 für Inf
Mathe 3 für BI
Mathe 3 für MB
Mathe 3 für ET
Höhere Mathematik 1
Lineare Algebra 1 für Physik und Lehramt
Automaten, formale Sprachen und Entscheidbarkeit
Statistik für WI/CogSci
Mathe und Statistik für Biologie
Statistik in den Humanwissenschaften
Mathe für Chemie
Im Wahlpflicht-, Ergänzungs- und Vertiefungsbereich
Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Numerik gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen
Einf. i.d. Optimierung
Parabolic PDE
Selected Topics in Algebra
Selected Topics in Numerical Analysis
Mathematische Modellierung fluider Grenzflächen II
Ausgewählte Themen der Logik: Kombinatorik
Ausgewählte Themen der Logik: Proof Mining
Ausgewählte Themen der Logik: Algorithmic Metatheorems
Optimization in Transport and Traffic
Numerics for PDEs
Nichtlineare Optimierung
Stochastic Processes
Schulung für neue Übungsleiter:innen
Mathe als gem. Sprache d. Naturwissenschaften
Geometrie f. Lehramt
Grundlagen des Lehrens und Lernens
Application and hiring process
You can apply in two ways:
- if you have a specific event in mind, you can directly contact the corresponding assistants for a possible position
- You can use the central application portal, where you can apply for different courses. Please indicate the full title of the course. You can find this in the overview "Which course can you apply for
There are no real deadlines, but jobs are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Provided that you are suitably qualified, the earlier you apply, the likelier it is that you will get the job of your choice. As a rule, the last couple of weeks of the previous lecture period are a good time for applying.
I trust you will understand that I cannot write confirmations for all the 200-odd applications I receive each semester. You can rest assured that your application will have arrived provided that you do not receive a “Mailer-Daemon” notification claiming your mail could not be delivered.
Having successfully submitted the form for your online application, the relevant confirmation will appear. If it does not appear, at least one of the fields has not been completed, or not in accordance with the format required. Please note that your application can only be considered once it has been completed.
As data protection considerations will not allow us to store your application package after the end of the semester, you will have to re-apply for each new semester and include all the (updated ) documents accompanying your application. Please only submit copies of your applications as they will not be returned to you after processing.
As soon as you have received confirmation from those responsible for the lectures, you will need to provide the following:
a questionnaire on the job (for each lecture). You will find this in the download area on the website (please use double-sided printing)
an enrolment certificate for the Summer Semester 2018
the questionnaire on social security (two copies printed on both sides please)
a residence title, if applicable, if you do not hold German nationality
In the case of first-time employment or changes you will also need:
your personal information sheet
an ELStAM self-disclosure sheet (two copies please)
a certificate from your health insurance provider
a C.V.
If you are given a contract starting on 01.03., you will also require an enrolment certificate for the Winter Semester 2017/18.
All these documents should be placed in one envelope and sent to Personnel Management. You will find the letter box in K209.
Assistants who are employed for the first time as support group leaders in the department must attend a two-day training session for support group leaders before the semester begins. You can register for the training session on Moodle
Further Information
If you have not found what you are looking for on these pages, please take a look at FAQ
, especially the sections “for all employees” and “for student assistants”.
S2|15 240 Schlossgartenstraße 7 64289Darmstadt
Rudolph, M. A.
Tutor Teaching Coordinator
work +49 6151 16-21447
S2|15 247 Schlossgartenstraße 7 64289Darmstadt
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