Ingmar Metzler, M.Sc., B.Sc.
department of Algebra
Oberwolfach – 2020
Oberwolfach – 2020

I am a research assistant of the research group Algebra at TU Darmstadt and work in the field of arithmetic geometry as a PhD student of Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier . The objects I am particularly interested in are orthogonal and symplectic automorphic forms that are examined within the scope of our current project Geometry and Arithmetic of Uniformized Structures​ (CRC326) which is funded by the DFG. Similar objects were also investigated in our previous project Uniform Structures in Arithmetic and Geometry, which had been funded by the federal state of Hessia as part of the LOEWE initiative. In addition, I am involved in the project Digitally based teaching and learning in Hessen in order to advance digitalisation in German institutions of higher education, in particular, in the context of TU-WAS. I am also passionate about developing the maths community as a founder and organiser of the ENTR workshop series.


Schlossgartenstraße 7
64289 Darmstadt

Office: S2|15 442

Telephone: +49 6151 16-22474

mail address:


  • automorphic forms, modular forms
  • representation theory
  • geometry
  • operator algebras
  • mathematical physics
  • mathematical finance
  • didactics
  • deep learning
  • Organisation: ENTR Workshop 3.0 – 2023
  • Talk: Theta lifts, special cycles and Rankin–Selberg convolutions(ETH Zurich) – 2024
  • Talk: The power of Unfolding (Number theory Seminar – Manigod) – 2024
  • Talk: Theta lifts on locally symmetric spaces and special cycles (Women in Automorphic forms) – 2023
  • Organisation: ENTR Workshop 2.0 – 2023
  • Talk: Theta lifts and associated L-functions (seminar on arithmetic geometry) – 2023
  • Organisation: ENTR Workshop - 2022
  • Talk: Theta lifts and cycle integrals (Motives and arithmetic groups) – 2022
  • Organisation: ENTR Seminar – 2022
  • Talk: Introduction to matroid theory (CRC 326 – GAUS-AG) – 2021
  • Talk: Theta lifts and L-functions (CDE) – 2021
  • Talk: Introduction to condensed mathematics (DaFra ) – 2020
  • Talk: Zagier duality and Borcheds products – 2020
  • Organisation: seminar on analytic number theory – 2020
  • Talk: Elementary number theory (for students) – 2019
  • Series of talks: An elementary geometric approach to modular forms (for PhD students) – 2018
  • Talk: Theorem of Mordell-Weil (Summer school – Italy) – 2017
Event Date Location
Seminar: Rigid meromorphic cocycles wt 23 Heidelberg, Germany
Workshop: GAUS retreat 09.10.-11.10.2023 Oberwesel, Germany
Conference: Women in automorphic forms 04.10.-06.10.2023 Konstanz, Germany
Conference Modular forms and arithmetic geometry 18.09.-22.09.2023 Darmstadt, Germany
Masterclass: Arakelov geometry and Shimura varieties 28.08.-01.09.2023 Copenhagen, Denmark
Workshop: ENTR23 23.08.-25.08.2023 Bielefeld, Germany
Seminar: Superconnections, theta series, and period domains st 23 Darmstadt, Germany
Workshop: Shtukas and Higher Gross Zagier formulas 22.03.-24.03.2023 Darmstadt, Germany
Workshop: Arithmetic geometry 03.03.-10.03.2023 Manigod, France
Summer school: Motives and arithmetic groups 13.06.-17.06.2022 Strasbourg, France
Conference: STACK Community Meeting 24.04.-28.04.2022 Leoben, Austria
Workshop: Fantasy 28.03.-29.03.2022 Bonn, Germany
Research seminar: Hodge theory on matroids (CRC 326 – GAUS-AG) wt 21/22 Online (Corona)
Seminar: International Seminar on Automorphic Forms wt 21/22 Online (Corona)
Seminar: JENTE wt 21/22 Online (Corona)
Summer school: K-theory & representation theory 19.07.-23.07.2021 Online (Corona)
Conference: Kudla – Theta series 05.07.-09.07.2021 Online (Corona)
Seminar: Cologne Darmstadt ETH early career seminar st 2021 Online (Corona)
Conference: International STACK meeting 26.04.-29.04.2021 Online (Corona)
Seminar: International Seminar on Automorphic Forms st 2021 Online (Corona)
Seminar: JENTE st 2021 Online (Corona)
Research seminar: The P=W Conjecture st 2021 Online (Corona)
Workshop: Moduli spaces and Modular forms 31.01.-06.02.2021 Oberwolfach, Germany
Seminar: International Seminar on Automorphic Forms wt 20/21 Online (Corona)
seminar: JENTE wt 20/21 Online (Corona)
Research seminar: Condensed mathematics wt 20/21 Online (Corona)
Research seminar: Homological algebra and sheaves st 2020 Online (Corona)
Seminar: International Seminar on Automorphic Forms st 2020 Online (Corona)
Conference: CARTOON 29.-31.05.2020 Online (Corona)
Conference: Conference on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry 16.-20.03.2020 Cancelled (Corona)
Seminar: seminar on analytic number theory 2020 08.-15.03.2020 Manigod, France
Summer school: L2-Torsion and Symmetric Spaces 30.-04.09.2019 Göttingen, Germany
Research seminar: Paramodular conjecture wt 19/20 Frankfurt, Germany
Modular Forms on Higher Rank Groups 17.-20.09.2019 Darmstadt, Germany
Convention: C* algebras and algorithms 10.-13.09.2018 Gersfeld, Germany
Opening colloquium of the LOEWE research unit 02.02.2018 Darmstadt, Germany
Summer school: elliptic curves and the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 20.-02.08.2017 St. Johann Ahrntal, Italy
Course of lectures: Mathematical physics, field theories 26.-31.03.2017 Nuremberg, Germany
Course of lectures: Mathematical physics, C* Algebras 25.-30.09.2016 Wittenberg, Germany
Course of lectures: Mathematical physics, differential geometry 20.-25.03.2016 Bad Honnef, Germany
course term organiser
Quadratic forms winter 23/24 Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Modular forms winter 22/23 Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Tate's thesis (opens in new tab) winter 22/23 Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Mathematics for civil engineers II summer 22 PD Dr. Cornelia Wichelhaus
Riemannian surfaces winter 21/22 Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Mathematics for civil engineers winter 21/22 PL Dr. Cornelia Wichelhaus
Zetafunctions and quadratic fields summer 21 Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Mathematics for machinery construction II summer 21 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reif
Modular forms winter 20/21 Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Mathematics for machinery construction winter 20/21 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reif
Borcherds products summer 20 Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Elementary number theory winter 19/20 Prof. Dr. Jan Hendrik Bruinier