Gender Equality Officers
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Elisa Corbean M.Sc. | Optimization | corbean@mathematik.tu-... +49 6151 16-23443 S4|10 17 |
| Tina Rudolph M. A. Tutor Teaching Coordinator | Departmental Office | tina.rudolph@tu-... +49 6151 16-21447 S2|15 247 |
| Catrin Mair M.Sc. | Algebra | mair@mathematik.tu-... +49 6151 16-22473 S2|15 441 |
What we do:
- Advisory member of Departmental Council
- Advisory member of committees and commissions
- Member of the Women’s Advancement Funds Commission
- Advisory member of professorial appointments committees
- Advisory participation in appointments procedures
- Distribution of information about events for women in all status groups in the department
The Gender Equality Officers may be contacted via gleichstellungsbeauftragte.
You can find more information and notices on the noticeboard of the “Gender Equality Officer” on the second floor (to the right of the lifts).