Number Date Author Title
1348 01.12.1990 Tischendorf, Michael Lattice Representations via colimits
1347 01.12.1990 Harbarth, Juliane A galois correspondence between equivalence relations and unary operations
1346 01.12.1990 Hofmann, Karl H.
Morris, Sidney A.
Free Compact Groups V: Remarks on Projectivity
1345 01.12.1990 Bokowski, Jürgen
Richter-Gebert, Jürgen
On the Classification of Non-Realizable Oriented Matroids
1344 01.11.1990 Penzel, Frank Sobolev space methods for the laplace equation in the exterior of the disk
1343 01.11.1990 Ganter, Bernhard
Zickwolff, Monika
Nach welchen Kriterien wählen Firmen Hochschulabsolventen aus?
1342 01.11.1990 Bokowski, Jürgen
Kollewe, Wolfgang
On Representing Contexts in Line Arrangements
1341 01.11.1990 Prößdorf, Siegfried
Schneider, Reinhold
Spline Approximation Methods for Multidimensional Periodic Pseudodifferential Equations
1340 01.11.1990 Wille, Rudolf Concept Lattices and Conceptual Knowledge Systems
1339 01.11.1990 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen Gamma-minimax estimation in exponential families with quadratic variance functions
1338 01.10.1990 Fuchs, Martin Hypersurfaces of Prescribed Mean Curvature Enclosing a Given Body
1337 01.10.1990 Mäurer, Helmut Die Automorphismengruppe der ebenen reellen Poly­nom­geo­metrie
1336 01.10.1990 Mäurer, Helmut Die von den harmonischen Involutionen einer euklidischen Möbiusebene erzeugte Gruppe
1335 01.10.1990 Blunck, Andrea Cross-Ratios over local alternative rings
1334 01.10.1990 Blunck, Andrea Cross-Ratios in Moufang planes
1333 01.10.1990 Stephan, Jörg On the length of the lattice of sublattices of a finite distributive lattice
1332 01.09.1990 Xia, Weigung Isomorphismen als formale Begriffe
1331 01.09.1990 Ganter, Bernhard
Reuter, Klaus
Finding all closed sets: A general approach
1330 01.09.1990 Sehr, Dagmar Representation of binary simple matroids by modules
1329 01.09.1990 de Matteis, Artenio
Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen
Grothe, Holger
Computation of Critical Distances Within Multiplicative Congruential Pseudorandom Number Sequences
1328 01.08.1990 Strahringer, Selma
Wille, Rudolf
Convexity in Ordinal Data
1327 01.08.1990 Schmeltz, Gerd Charakterisierende Eigenschaften von variationsreduzierenden Kurvendarstellungen
1326 01.08.1990 Vogt, Frank
Wachter, Cornelia
Wille, Rudolf
Data Analysis Based on a Conceptual File
1325 01.08.1990 Luksch, Peter
Wille, Rudolf
A Mathematical Model for Conceptual Knowledge Systems
1324 01.07.1990 Ihringer, Thomas A Remark on Clones and Permutation Groups
1323 Varnhorn, Werner Zur Konstruktion einer numerischen Lösung der
1323 01.07.1990 Varnhorn, Werner Zur Konstruktion einer numerischen Lösung der Anfangsrandwertaufgabe für die nichtlinearen Gleichungen von Navier-Stokes
1322 01.07.1990 Schulz, Helmut Convex Hypersurfaces of Finite Type and the Asymptotic of their Fourier Transforms
1321 01.07.1990 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen On the Discrepancy of Inversive Congruential Pseudorandom Numbers with Prime Power Modulus
1320 01.07.1990 Bokowski, Jürgen
Richter, Jürgen
Schindler, Werner
On the Distribution of Order Types
1319 01.06.1990 Varnhorn, Werner The Poisson Equation in Beppo Levi Spaces
1318 01.06.1990 Varnhorn, Werner The Poisson Equation with Weights in Exterior Domains of $\RR^{n}$
1317 01.06.1990 Neeb, Karl-Hermann Invariant Subsemigroups of Lie Groups--The Infinitesimal Theory
1316 01.06.1990 Bokowski, Jürgen
Richter, Jürgen
A New Sylvester-Gallai Configuration Representing the 13-Point Projective Plane in $\RR^{4}$
1315 01.06.1990 Nazarov, M.L. Endomorphisms of the Commutation Relations over a Non-Archimedean Field
1314 01.06.1990 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen
Niederreiter, Harald
On the Discrepancy of Quadratic Congruential Pseudorandom Numbers
1313 01.06.1990 Meister, Erhard
Rawlins, Antony D.
Speck, Frank-Olme
Double-Knife Edge Problems With Elastic/Plastic Type Screens
1312 01.06.1990 Hofmann, Karl H. Zur Geschichte des Halbgruppenbegriffs
1311 01.06.1990 Spalt, Detlef D. Mathematik als Quasi-Empirische Theorie? Zur Philosophie von Imre Lakatos
1310 01.05.1990 Prößdorf, Siegfried
Schneider, Reinhold
A Spline Collocation Method for Multidimensional Strongly Elliptic Pseudodifferential Operators of Order Zero
1309 01.05.1990 Eck, Matthias Algorithms for Geometric Spline Curves
1308 01.05.1990 Fuchs, Martin Boundary Regularity for Integral Currents with Prescribed Mean Curvature Form
1307 01.05.1990 Ganter, Bernhard Finding Closed Sets Under Symmestry
1306 01.05.1990 Zickwolff, Monika Darstellung symmetrischer Strukturen durch Transversale
1305 01.05.1990 Fuchs, Martin On the Existence of Manifolds with Prescribed Boundary and Mean Curvature
1304 01.04.1990 Mitas, Jutta A Graph Theoretic Method to Compute the Jump Number of Interval Orders
1303 01.04.1990 Spalt, Detlef D. Mathematik, Gesellschaft und die mutmaßliche Gleichartigkeit Beider
1302 01.04.1990 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen
Niederreiter, Harald
Lower Bounds for the Discrepancy of Inversive Congruential Pseudorandom Numbers with Power of Two Modulus
1301 01.04.1990 Hartmann, Erich
Jinggong Li
$G^2$--Smoothing of Corner with Functional Splines
1300 01.03.1990 Hartung, Gerd A Topological Representation of Lattices
1299 01.03.1990 Szendrei, Agnes A Classification of Strictly Simple Algebras with Trivial Subalgebras
1298 01.03.1990 Szendrei, Agnes A Survey on Strictly Simple Algebras and Minimal Varieties
1297 01.03.1990 Szendrei, Agnes Simple Abelian Algebras
1296 01.03.1990 Spalt, Detlef D. Annäherung an Cauchys Algebraische Analysis
1295 01.03.1990 Spalt, Detlef D. Elemente einer Algebraischen Analysis--Eine mathematische und zugleich soziale Fallstudie
1294 01.03.1990 Spalt, Detlef D. Bolzanos Lehre von den meßbaren Zahlen, 1830 -1989
1293 01.03.1990 Spalt, Detlef D. Die mathematischen und philosophischen Grundlagen des Weierstraßschen Zahlbegriffs zwischen Bolzano und Cantor
1292 01.03.1990 Spalt, Detlef D. The Real Objects of Mathematics Today
1291 01.03.1990 Bokowski, Jürgen On the Generation of Oriented Matroids with Prescribed Topes
1290 01.03.1990 Wegmann, Helmut The Effect of Bunching on the Capacity of Unsignalized Intersections
1289 01.02.1990 Kozlov, Vladimir A.
Maz'ya, Vladimir G.
On Stress Singularities Near the Boundary of a Polygonal Crack
1288 01.02.1990 Hofmann, Karl H. Einige Ideen Sophus Lies--hundert Jahre danach
1287 01.02.1990 Kindler, Jürgen Ideals of Null Sets of Set Functions
1286 01.02.1990 Schulz, Helmut On the Decay of the Fourier Transform of Measures on Hypersurfaces, Generated by Radial Functions, and Related Restriction Theorems
1285 01.02.1990 Wegmann, Helmut Optimal Observation Directions for Estimating a Vector
1284 01.02.1990 Costabel, Martin
Penzel, Frank
Schneider, Reinhold
Error Analysis of a Boundary Element Collocation Method for a Screen Problem in $\RR^{3}$
1283 01.02.1990 Bokowski, Jürgen
Richter, Jürgen
On the Classification of Non-Realizable Oriented Matroids. Part I: Generation
1282 01.01.1990 Laugwitz, Detlef Early Delta Functions and the Use of Infinitesimals
1281 01.01.1990 Heil, Erhard Convex Minimizers of Variational Problems
1280 01.01.1990 Wegmann, Helmut Delays and Queues at Unsignalized Intersections
1279 01.01.1990 Kindler, Jürgen A Dini-Dax-Theorem
1278 01.01.1990 Jezek, Jaroslav Subdirectly Irreducible Semilattices with an Automorphism
1277 01.01.1990 Neeb, Karl-Hermann Globality in Semisimple Lie Groups
1276 01.01.1990 Penzel, Frank Error Estimates for a Discretized Galerkin Method for a Boundary Integral Equation in Two Dimensions
1275 01.01.1990 Deuring, Paul The Resolvent Problem for the Stokes-System in Exterior Domains: An Elementary Approach
1274 01.01.1990 Deuring, Paul An Integral Operator Related to the Stokes-System in Exterior Domains
Number Date Author Title
1273 01.12.1989 Mäurer, Helmut Eine Charakterisierung der Pemutationsgruppe $PSL(2,K)$ über einem quadratisch abgeschlossenen Körper $K$ der Charakteristik ungleich 2
1272 01.12.1989 Schneider, Reinhold Stability of a Spline Collocation Method for Strongly Elliptic Multidimensional Singular Integral Equations
1271 01.12.1989 Groh, Hansjoachim Varieties of Topological Geometries
1270 01.11.1989 Petersdorff v., Peter Randwertprobleme der Elastizitätstheorie für Polyeder-- Singularitäten und Approximation mit Randelementmethoden
1269 01.11.1989 Costabel, Martin Boundary Integral Operators for the Heat Equations
1268 01.11.1989 Dörr, Norbert On Ol'shanski's Semigroup
1267 01.11.1989 Weiss, Wolfgang Local Lie Semigroups and Open Embeddings into Global Topological Semigroups
1266 01.11.1989 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen Inversive Congruential Pseudorandom Numbers Avoid the Planes
1265 01.10.1989 Alber, Hans Dieter On a System of Equations from the Theory of Nonlinear Visco-Elasticity
1264 01.10.1989 Schönefuss, Lutz On Two Continued Roots of Ramanujan
1263 01.10.1989 Gürgens, Sigrid Einfache Verklebungen von Begriffsverbänden
1262 01.10.1989 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen Minimax Estimation Under Convex Loss when the Parameter Interval is Bounded
1261 01.10.1989 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen A Gamma-Minimax Result for the Class of Symmetric and Unimodal Priors
1260 01.10.1989 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen On the Robustiness of Linear Gamma-Minimax Estimators
1259 01.10.1989 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen Conditional Minimax Estimates
1258 01.10.1989 Albrecht, Dietmar Die Kopplung finiter Methoden für Transport- Diffusions-Probleme
1257 01.10.1989 Gwinner, Joachim Convergence and Error Analysis for Variational Inequalities and Unilateral Boundary Value Problems
1256 01.10.1989 Wille, Rudolf On the Skeletons of Free Distributive Lattices
1255 01.10.1989 Wassum, Peter $VC^{1}$- und $VC^{2}$-Übertragungsbedingungen zwischen angrenzenden Rechtecks- und Dreiecks-Bézier-Flächen
1254 01.10.1989 Eck, Matthias
Lasser, Dieter
B-Spline-Bézier Representation of Geometric Spline Curves. Quartics and Quintics
1253 01.08.1989 Schneider, Reinhold Reduction of Order for Pseudodifferential Operators on Lipschitz Domains
1252 01.08.1989 Neeb, Karl-Hermann More is True on $SL(Z)$
1251 01.08.1989 Neeb, Karl-Hermann Conal Orders on Homogeneous Spaces
1250 01.08.1989 Neeb, Karl-Hermann The Duality Between Subsemigroups of Lie Groups and Monotone Functions
1249 01.08.1989 Varnhorn, Werner An Explicit Potential Theory for the Stokes Resolvent Boundary Value Problems in Threedimensions
1248 01.08.1989 Plappert, Peter A Sandwich Theorem for Precharges
1247 01.08.1989 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen Restricted Risk Bayes Estimation when the Parameter Interval is Bounded
1246 01.08.1989 Finckenstein, Karl, Graf Finck von Differenzenverfahren für quasilineare parabolische Systeme in zwei Ortsvariablen und in Polarkoordinaten
1245 01.07.1989 Wille, Rudolf
Wille, Uta
On the Controversy over Huntington's Equations: When are such Equations Meaningful?
1244 01.07.1989 Kindler, Jürgen The Sigma-Cores of Convex Games and the Problem of Measure Extension
1243 01.07.1989 Zahn, Peter Gedanken zur pragmatischen Begründung von Logik und Mathematik
1242 01.07.1989 Penzel, Frank Sobolev Space Methods for Dual Integral Equations in Axialsymmetric Screen Problems
1241 01.07.1989 Reuter, Klaus Removing Critical Pairs
1240 01.07.1989 Eck, Matthias
Hoschek, Josef
Weber, Ulrich
Three-Dimensional Determination of an Olique Osteotomy in the Hip by Mathematical Optimization Fulfilling Some Anatomical Demands
1239 01.07.1989 Bokowski, Jürgen
Guedes de Oliveira, Antonio
Richter, Jürgen
Algebraic Varieties Characterizing Matroids and Oriented Matroids
1238 01.01.1989 Wille, Rudolf Knowledge Acquisition by Methods of Formal Concept Analysis
1237 01.06.1989 Schmidt, Klaus D. Asymptotic Optimality of Bayes and Credibility Premiums
1236 01.06.1989 Wegmann, Helmut Impedance-Effects in Capacity Estimation
1235 01.06.1989 Newrly, Norbert Lattices of Equational Theories are Congruence Lattices of Monoids with One Additional Unary Operation
1233 01.06.1989 Prößdorf, Siegfried
Speck, Frank-Olme
A Factorization Procedure for Two by Two Matrix Functions on the Circle with Two Rationally Independent Entries
1232 01.05.1989 Pottmann, Helmut Scattered Data Interpolation Based upon Generalized Minimum Norm Networks
1231 01.05.1989 Keimel, Klaus
Roth, Walter
Ordered Cones and Approximation--Parts 2 and 3
1230 01.05.1989 Erné, Marcel Distributive Laws for concept Lattices
1229 01.05.1989 Stadlober, Ernst A Note on Atkinson's Simple Poisson Generator PA
1228 01.05.1989 Kindler, Jürgen On a minimax theorem of Terkelsen's
1227 01.05.1989 Hofmann, Karl H. Hyperplane subalgebras of real Lie algebras
1226 01.05.1989 Hofmann, Karl H.
Morris, Sidney A.
Free compact groups III: Free semisimple compact groups
1225 01.05.1989 Wille, Rudolf Geometric Representation of Concept Lattices
1224 01.05.1989 Kerber, Dirk Optimale Puls-Amplituden-Modulation bei statistisch schwankendem Abtastfehler und Störung in Form von Rauschen
1223 01.04.1989 Laugwitz, Detlef Kettenwurzeln und Kettenoperationen
1222 01.04.1989 Knecht, Sigrid
Wille, Rudolf
Congruence Lattices of Finite Lattices as Concept Lattices
1221 01.04.1989 Erné, Marcel Tensor Products for Bounded Posets Revisited
1220 01.04.1989 Kerber, Dirk Optimale Puls-Amplituden-Modulation bei statistisch schwankendem Abtastfehler: Das Rauschfreie System
1219 01.04.1989 Ihringer, Thomas Multiplication Groups of Quasigroups: Elementary Combinatorics
1218 01.04.1989 Burmeister, Peter Merkmalsimplikationen bei unsicherem Wissen
1217 01.04.1989 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen
Kindler, Jürgen
On Rubin's Paradox in Estimating a Binomial Probability
1216 01.03.1989 Laugwitz, Detlef Frühe Delta-Funktionen--Eine Fall­studie zu den Be­ziehungen zwischen Nicht­stan­dard-Ana­lysis und mathe­matischer Geschichts­schreibung
1215 01.03.1989 Petersdorff von, Tobias
Stephan, Ernst P.
On the Convergence of the Multigrid Method for a Hypersingular Integral Equation of the First Kind
1214 01.03.1989 Schneider, Reinhold Nonclassical Singular Integral Operators von $\RR^{n+1}_{+}$
1213 01.03.1989 Schneider, Reinhold Bessel Potential Operators for Canonical Lipschitz Domains
1212 01.03.1989 Mac, Shanpei A New Method for Estimating the Parameters in Gamma Distributions-- Auto-Covariance Estimation
1211 01.03.1989 Wild, Marcel Optimal implicational bases for finite modular lattices
1210 01.03.1989 Wild, Marcel Implicational bases for finite closure systems
1209 01.02.1989 Richter, Jürgen Kombinatorische Realisierbarkeitskriterien für orientierte Matroide
1208 01.02.1989 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen
Topuzoglu, Alev
On the Period Length of Congruential Pseudorandom Number Sequences Generated by Inversions
1207 01.02.1989 Nolte, Wolfgang Hjelmslevgruppen mit Nachbarhomomorphismus
1206 01.02.1989 Laugwitz, Detlef Grundlagen der Analysis bei C. F. Gauss: I. Trigonometrische Reihen
1205 01.02.1989 Afflerbach, Lothar Criteria for the Assesment of Random Number Generators
1204 01.01.1989 Karger, Adolf Curature Properties of Robot Manipulators
1203 01.01.1989 Schmidt, Klaus D. Positive Homogeneity and Multiplicativity of Premium Principles on Positive Risks
1202 01.01.1989 Petersdorff von, Tobias
Stephan, Ernst P.
Improved Boundary Element Methods for Mixed BVP's in $\RR^{3}$
1201 01.01.1989 Laugwitz, Detlef Zur Rechtfertigung mathematischer Unterrichtsinhalte: Das Beispiel Mittelwertsatz der Differentialrechnung
1200 01.01.1989 Liess, Otto Long-time Existence for the Nonlinear Equations of Crystal Optics
Number Date Author Title
1199 01.12.1988 Krätzschmar, Michael On Additively Decomposeable Constrained Convex Minimization Problems
1197 01.12.1988 Reuter, Klaus The Jump Number and the Lattice of Maximal Antichains
1196 01.12.1988 Afflerbach, Lothar
Weilbächer, Rainer
On Using Discrepancy for the Assessment of Pseudo-Random Number Generators
1195 01.12.1988 Wassum, Peter Approximative Basis-Transformation von Spline- Flächen
1194 01.12.1988 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen
Grothe, Holger
A Remark on Long Range Correlations in Multiplicative Congruential Pseudo Random Number Generators
1193 01.12.1988 Costabel, Martin
Ervin, Vincent J.
Stephan, Ernst P.
Experimental Convergence Rates for Various Couplings of Boundary and Finite Elements
1192 01.12.1988 Costabel, Martin
Ervin, Vincent J.
Stephan, Ernst P.
Symmetric Coupling of Finite Elements and Boundary Elements for a Parabolic-Elliptic Interface Problem
1191 01.12.1988 Hofmann, Karl H, . Ruppert, Wolfgang A. F. On the Interior of Subsemigroups of Lie Groups
1190 01.12.1988 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen
Grothe, Holger
Upper Bounds for the Beyer Ratios of Linear Congruential Generators
1189 01.12.1988 Keimel, Klaus
Roth, Walter
Ordered Cones and Approximation, Part 1
1188 01.12.1988 Meister, Michael Eine asymptotische Entwicklung des globalen Diskretisierungsfehlers für ein linearisiertes Einschrittverfahren zur numerischen Lösung von Systemen quasilinearer parabolischer Differentialgleichungen
1187 01.11.1988 Hergert, Ferdinand On the Delsarte-Goethals codes and their Formal Duals
1186 01.11.1988 Schellhaas, Helmut On Ramaswami's algorithm for the computation of the steady state vector in Markov chains of M/G-type
1185 01.11.1988 Erné, Marcel Bigeneration in complete lattices and principal separation in ordered sets
1184 01.11.1988 Erné, Marcel The dedekind--macneille completion as a reflector
1183 01.11.1988 Erné, Marcel Staircases and a congruence-theoretical characterization of vector spaces
1182 01.11.1988 Orhon, Nehmet The ideal center of the dual of a Banach lattice
1181 01.11.1988 Micula, Gheorghe Lösung gewöhnlicher Differentialgeichungen zweiter Ordnung mit nacheilendem Argument durch Spline- Funktionen
1180 01.11.1988 Meister, Erhard
Speck, Frank-Olme
Modern Wiener-Hopf methods in diffraction theory
1179 01.11.1988 Gould, Victoria Straight Left Orders
1178 01.11.1988 Gould, Victoria Coherent monoids
1177 01.11.1988 Fountain, John
Gould, Victoria
Orders in Rings Without Identity
1176 01.11.1988 Fountain, John
Gould, Victoria
Straight left orders in rings
1175 01.11.1988 Fountain, John
Gould, Victoria
Orders in semiprime rings with minimal condition for principal right ideals
1174 01.11.1988 Ganter, Bernhard
Wille, Rudolf
Conceptual Scaling
1173 01.10.1988 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen
Grothe, Holger
Niederreiter, Harald
Topuzoglu, Alev
On the Lattice Structure of a Nonlinear Generator with Modulus $2^{\alpha}$
1172 01.10.1988 Graczynska, Ewa Regular equations and unification theory
1171 01.10.1988 Gwinner, Joachim Céa's Error Estimate For Strongly Monotone Variational Inequalities
1170 01.10.1988 Graczynska, Ewa On Normal and Regular Identities and Hyperidentities II
1169 01.10.1988 Hofmann, Karl H. TeX für Semigroup Forum
1168 01.09.1988 Liess, Otto Decay Estimates for Solutions of the System of Crystal Optics
1167 01.09.1988 Bokowski, Jürgen
Guedes de Oliveira, António
Isotopy does not hold for Simplicial Convex 4-Polytopes
1166 01.09.1988 Wille, Rudolf Formale Begriffsanalyse diskutiert an einem Experiment zum Erleben im Fernsehen
1165 01.09.1988 Spalt, Detlef D. Zur unbegriffenen Wirklichkeit der mathematischen Begriffe--Was beweist Cantors Diagonalbeweis wirklich?
1164 01.09.1988 Krätzschmar, Michael On Monotone Discretization Techniques for Weakly Nonlinear Two-Print Boundary Value Problems of Monotone Kind
1163 01.09.1988 Luksch, Peter A Construction Method for a Scaffolding of a Finite Free Modular Lattice $FM(P)$
1162 01.08.1988 Graczynska, Ewa On Connections between Identities and Hyperidentities
1161 01.08.1988 Mäurer, Helmut
Siemon, Helmut
On the Automorphisms of Normal Subgroups of the Collineation Group of Affine Spaces
1160 01.08.1988 Hoschek, Josef
Schneider, Franz-J.
Wassum, Peter
Optimal Approximate Conversion of Spline Surfaces
1159 01.08.1988 Hofmann, Karl H.
Ta-Sun Wu
Yang, Jeoung S.
Equidimensional Immersions of Locally Compact Groups
1158 01.08.1988 Abou El-Seoud, Samir Variational Formulation of Boundary Value Problems and Related Boundary Conditions
1157 01.07.1988 Ganter, Bernhard
Gronau, Hans-Dietrich O.F.
On Two Conjectures of Demetrovics, Füredi, and Katona, Concerning Partitions
1156 01.07.1988 Meister, Erhard
Speck, Frank-Olme
Wiener-Hopf Factorization of Certain Non-Rational Matrix Functions in Mathematical Physics
1155 01.07.1988 Meister, Erhard
Speck, Frank-Olme
Matrix Factorization for Canonical Wiener-Hopf Problems in Elastodynamical Scattering Theory
1154 01.07.1988 Bruhn, Gerhard
Budzick, Günther
Der schwache Gaußsche Integralsatz
1153 01.07.1988 Artmann, Benno Mathematische Motive auf griechischen Münzen
1152 01.07.1988 Christian Terp Flow-Invariant Sets
1151 01.07.1988 Falkenberg, Egbert Zur Berechnung der stationären Verteilung von Markov-Ketten vom M/G-Typ
1150 01.07.1988 Petersdorff v., Tobias
Stephan, Ernst P.
Decompositions in Edge and Corner Singularities for the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem of the Laplacian in a Polyhedron
1149 01.07.1988 Krätzschmar, Michael Elliptic Variational Inequalities of Monotone Kind
1148 01.07.1988 Krätzschmar, Michael A Decomposition-Dualization Approach for Solving Constrained Convex Minimization Problems with Applications to Discretized Obstacle Problems
1147 01.06.1988 Bokowski, Jürgen
Richter, Jürgen
On the Finding of Final Polynomials
1146 01.06.1988 Richter, Jürgen
Sturmfels, Bernd
On the Topology and Geometrie Construction of Oriented Matroids and Convex Polytopes
1145 01.06.1988 Costabel, Martin
Saranen, Jukka
Boundary Element Analysis of a Direct Method for the Biharmonic Dirichlet Problem
1144 01.06.1988 Luksch, Peter Distributive Lattices Freely Generatied by an Ordered Set of Width Two
1143 01.06.1988 Luksch, Peter Finite Free Modular Lattices $FM({a}+(Q+H))$
1142 01.05.1988 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Fieger, Werner
Minimax Estimation in Scale Parameter Families when the Parameter Intervall is Bounded
1141 01.05.1988 Neumaier, Wilfried
Wille, Rudolf
Extensionale Standardsprache der Musiktheorie: Eine Schnittstelle zwischen Musik und Informatik
1140 01.05.1988 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Niederreiter, Harald
On Marsaglia's Lattice Test for Pseudorandom Numbers
1139 01.05.1988 Meister, Erhard
Speck, Frank-Olme
The Explicit Solution of Elastodynamical Diffraction Problems by Symbol Factorization
1138 01.05.1988 Chen, Lanxiang
Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
Gamma-Minimax Estimators for the Parameters of a Multinomial Distribution
1137 01.05.1988 Costabel, Martin
Stephan, Ernst P.
Coupling of Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods for an Elasto-Plastic Interface Problem
1136 01.05.1988 Costabel, Martin
Stephan, Ernst P.
Integral Equations for Transmission Problems in Linear Elasticity
1135 01.05.1988 Wild, Marcel Join Epimorphisms Which Preserve Certain Lattice Identities
1134 01.05.1988 Hebeker, Friedrich K.
Hsiao, George C.
On a Boundary Integral Equation Approach to a Nonstationary Problem of Isothermal Viscous Compressible Flows
1133 01.04.1988 Laugwitz, Detlef
Spalt, Detlef D.
Another View on Cauchy's Theorem on Convergent Series of Functions
1132 01.04.1988 Gould, Victoria Left Orders in Regular--Semigroups II
1131 01.04.1988 Gould, Victoria Left Orders in Regular--Semigroups I
1130 01.04.1988 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Herrmann, Eva
On Ineffective Vague Prior Information In Estimating A Normal Mean Under Zero-One-Loss
1129 01.04.1988 Meister, Michael Eine Untersuchung des lokalen Abschneidefehlers für ein linearisiertes Einschrittverfahren zur numerischen Lösung von Systemen quasilinearer parabolischer Differentialgleichungen
1128 01.04.1988 Gould, Victoria A New Approach to Orders in Simple Rings With Minimal One-Sided
1127 01.04.1988 Herrmann, Christian
Wild, Marcel
Acyclic Modular Lattices
1126 01.03.1988 Hebeker, Friedrich-Karl Analysis of A Characteristics Method
1125 01.03.1988 Afflerbach, Lothar
Weilbächer, Rainer
The Exact Determination of Rectangle Discrepancy
1124 01.03.1988 Meister, Erhard
Speck, Frank-Olme
Elastodynamic Scattering and Matrix Factorisation
1123 01.03.1988 Wille, Rudolf Tensor Procucts of Complete Lattices As Closure Systems
1122 01.03.1988 Scheffold, Egon Über $FF$-Banachverbandsalgebren $C(K)$ und ihren assoziierten Operator
1121 01.03.1988 Gould, Victoria Completely Right Pure Monoids--The General Case
1120 01.03.1988 Hebeker, Friedrich-Karl On Multigrid Methods of the First Kind for Symmetric Boundary Integral Equations of Nonnegative Order
1119 01.02.1988 Zahn, Peter Supplements to the Article «A Predicative Approach to Nonstandard Mathematics»
1118 01.02.1988 Wild, Marcel On the Congruence Problem in Infinite Dimensional Sesquilinear Spaces
1117 01.02.1988 Hofmann, Karl H.
Strambach, Karl
Idempotent Multiplications on Surfaces and Aspherical Spaces
1116 01.02.1988 Hofmann, Karl H.
Ruppert, Wolfgang A.F.
Foliations Induced by Congruences
1115 01.02.1988 Penzel, Frank On the Asymptotics of the Solution of Systems of Singular Integral Equations With Piecewise Hoelder-Continuous Coefficients
1114 01.02.1988 Lüneburg, Ernst
Hurd, Robert A.
Meister, Erhard
Diffraction by A Partially-Coated Dielectric Slab
1113 01.02.1988 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Gohout, W.
Lehn, Jürgen
Minimax Estimation of A Binomial Probability Under Weighted Absolute Error Loss
1112 01.01.1988 Laugwitz, Detlef Definite Values of Infinite Sums Aspects of the
1111 01.01.1988 Zahn, Peter A Meaningful Mathematical First Order Languagepartial Peano Algebras and Rule Systems
1110 01.01.1988 Jung, Achim Cartesian Closed Categories of Algebraic CPO's
1109 01.01.1988 Ruppert, Wolfgang A.F.
communicated by Hofmann, Karl H.
Bohr Compactifications of Nonabelian Lie Semigroups
Number Date Author Title
1108 01.12.1987 Bokowski, Jürgen
Brehm, Ulrich
A Polyhedron of Genus 4 with Minimal Number of Vertices and Maximal Symmetry
1107 01.12.1987 Hilgert, Joachim Spectrally Ordered Lie Algebras
1106 01.12.1987 Reuter, Klaus On the Dimension of the Cartesian Product of Relations and Orders
1105 01.12.1987 Reuter, Klaus On the Order Dimension of Convex Polytopes
1104 01.12.1987 Maczynski, Maciej Orthomodularity in Partially Ordered Vector Spaces
1103 01.12.1987 Scheffold, Egon Der Bidual von $F$-Banachverbandsalgebren
1102 01.11.1987 Petschke, Martin Komplementäre Hölderungleichungen und Extremalstrahlen konvexer Kegel
1101 01.11.1987 Hilgert, Joachim
Hofmann, Karl H.
Invariant Cones in Lie Algebras
1100 01.11.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Grothe, Holger
Lehn, Jürgen
Period Length of Pseudo random Vector Sequences Generated by Matrix Generators
1099 01.11.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
Randomized Minimax Estimators under Simple Random Sampling from a finite population
1098 01.11.1987 Artmann, Benno Über voreuklidische «Elemente der Raumgeometrie» aus der Schule des Eudoxos
1097 01.10.1987 Pálfy, Peter Pal Modular Subalgebra Lattices
1096 01.10.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
Minimax Estimators for the Location Parameter of a Noncentral Exponential Distribution when the Parameter Space is Restricted
1095 01.10.1987 Dzinotyiweyi, Heneri A.M.
Rooij, Adriaan C.M.
A Characterization of the Group Algebra of a Noncompact Locally Compact Topological Group
1094 01.10.1987 Misch, Clemens
Wille, Rudolf
Stimmungslogiken auf MUTABOR: Eine Programmiersprache
1093 01.10.1987 Chen, Lanxiang
Eichenauer, Jürgen
Hofmann, Heike
Kindler, Jürgen
Gamma-Minimax Estimators in the Exponential Family
1092 01.09.1987 Chen, Lanxiang
Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
Gamma-Minimax Estimators for the Bounded Location Parameter of a Noncentral Exponential Distribution
1091 01.09.1987 Wille, Rudolf Allgemeine Wissenschaft als Wissenschaft für die Allgemeinheit
1090 01.09.1987 Meister, Erhard Einige Klassen Singulärer Integral- und Integrodifferentialgleichungen auf der Halbachse
1089 01.09.1987 Mäurer, Helmut Reguläre operierende, invariante Mengen semilinearer Abbildungen
1088 01.09.1987 Petersdorff von, Tobias Boundary Integral Equations for Mixed Dirichlet, Neumann and Transmission Problems
1087 01.09.1987 Graczynska-Wronska, Ewa On Normal and Regular Identities and Hyperidentities
1086 01.09.1987 Neuenschwander, Erwin Riemanns Vorlesungen zur Funktionentheorie, Allgemeiner Teil
1085 01.09.1987 Ruppert, Wolfgang A. F. A Geometric Approach to the Bohr Compactification of Cones
1084 01.08.1987 Abou El-Seoud, Samir
Törnig, Willi
Computation of Supersonic Flow Over Blunted Bodies Using an Unsteady Implicit Numerical Procedure
1083 01.08.1987 Luksch, Peter
Wille, Rudolf
Formal Concept Analysis of Paired Comparisons
1082 01.08.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
Rettig, Stefan
A Gamma-Minimax Result in Credibility Theory
1081 01.08.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
Schmitt, Andreas
Approximate Minimax Estimators for a Bounded Normal Mean
1080 01.08.1987 Afflerbach, Lothar
Grothe, Holger
The Lattice Structure of Pseudo-Random Vectors Generated by Matrix Generators
1079 01.08.1987 Afflerbach, Lothar
Wenzel, Klaus
Normal Random Numbers Lying on Spirals and Clubs
1078 01.08.1987 Heil, Erhard Wieviel Affinnormalen gehen durch einen Punkt?
1077 01.08.1987 Chen, Lanxiang Monotonicity of the Power Function and Unbiasedness of Some Tests in Multivariate Statistics
1076 01.08.1987 Bokowski, Jürgen On the Geometric Flat Embedding of Abstract Complexes with Symmetries
1075 01.08.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
Topuzoglu, Alev
A Non-Linear Congruential Pseudo Random Number Generator with Power of Two Modulus
1074 01.08.1987 Bokowski, Jürgen
Wills, Jörg M.
Regular Polyhedra with Hidden Symmetries
1073 01.07.1987 Wille, Rudolf Dependencies of Many-Valued Attributes
1072 01.07.1987 Keimel, Klaus
Roth, Walter
A Korovkin Type Approximation Theorem for Set-Valued Functions
1071 01.07.1987 Micula, Gheorghe
unter Mitarbeit von Törnig, Willi
Theorie und Anwendung von Spline-Funktionen
1070 01.07.1987 Speck, Frank-Olme
Hurd, Robert A.
Meister, Erhard
Sommerfeld Diffraction Problems with Third Kind Boundary Conditions
1069 01.07.1987 Speck, Frank-Olme Sommerfeld Diffration Problems with First and Second Kind Boundary Conditions
1068 01.07.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Grothe, Holger
Lehn, Jürgen
Marsaglias's Lattice Test and Non-Linear Congruential Pseudo Random Number Generators
1067 01.06.1987 Wille, Rudolf Lattices in Data Analysis: How to Draw Them with a Computer
1066 01.06.1987 Costabel, Martin
Ervin, Vince J.
Stephan, Ernst P.
On the Convergence of Collocation Methods for Symm's Integral Equation on Open Courves
1065 01.06.1987 Costabel, Martin Symmetric Methods for the Coupling of Finite Elements and Boundary Elements
1064 01.06.1987 Chen, Lanxiang
Lehn, Jürgen
Gamma-minimax Estimators for the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution with Partially Unknown Covariance Matrix
1063 01.05.1987 Costabel, Martin
Ervin, Vince J.
Stephan, Ernst P.
Experimental Asymptotic Convergence of the Collocation Method for Boundary Integral Equations on Polygons
1062 01.05.1987 Costabel, Martin
Stephan, Ernst P.
Strongly Elliptic Boundary Integral Equations for Electromagnetic Transmission Problems
1061 01.05.1987 Costabel, Martin
Lusikka, Ilkka
Saranen, Jukka
Comparison of Three Boundary Element Approaches for the Solution of the Clamped Plate Problem
1060 01.05.1987 Costabel, Martin
Stephan, Ernst P.
Four Notes on the Coupling of Finite Elements and Boundary Elements
1059 01.05.1987 Meister, Erhard
Speck, Frank-Olme
Boundary Integral Equation Methods for Canonical Problems in Diffraction Theory
1058 01.05.1987 Wille, Rudolf Bedeutung von Begriffsverbänden
1057 01.05.1987 Hebeker, Friedrich-Karl On the Numerical Treatment of Viscous Flows Against Bodies with Corner and Edges by Boundary Element and Multigrid Methods
1056 01.05.1987 Lipecki, Zbigniew Maximal and Tight Extensions of Positive Additive Set Functions
1055 01.04.1987 Stein, Gunter Ökologische Modelle im Mathematikunterricht
1054 01.04.1987 Nolte, Wolfgang Minkowskische Hjelmslevgruppen über lokalen Ringen
1053 01.04.1987 Meister, Erhard
Speck, Frank-Olme
On some generalized Sommerfeld Half-plane Problems
1052 01.04.1987 Penzel, Frank Fredholmeigenschaften dualer Integralgleichungen
1051 01.04.1987 Hebeker, Friedrich-Karl Charakteristics and Boundary Elements for Threedimensional Nonstationary Navier Stokes Flows
1050 01.04.1987 Chen, Lanxiang
Eichenauer, Jürgen
Gamma-Minimax Estimators for a Multivariante Normal Mean
1049 01.04.1987 Hofmann, Karl H.
Weiss, Wolfgang
More on Cancellative Semigroups on Manifolds
1048 01.04.1987 Artmann, Benno
Gerecke, Walter
Spalt, Detlef D.
Transzendenzbeweis für $e$ gestern und heute
1047 01.04.1987 Skorsky, Martin Regular Monoids Generated by Two Galois Connections
1046 01.04.1987 Kipke, Uwe
Wille, Rudolf
Formale Begriffsanalyse erläutert an einem Wortfeld
1045 01.04.1987 Bokowski, Jürgen
Richter, Jürgen
Sturmfels, Bernd
Nonrealizability Proofs in Computational Geometry
1044 01.04.1987 Bokowski, Jürgen Aspects of Computational Synthetic Geometry II. Combinatorial Complexes and Their Geometric Realization An Algorithmic Approach
1043 01.03.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
Computation of Gamma-Minimax Estimators for a Bounded Normal Mean unter Squared Error Loss
1042 01.03.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Kirschgarth, Patricia
Lehn, Jürgen
Gamma-Minimax Estimators for a Bounded Normal Mean
1041 01.03.1987 Heil, Erhard Relative and Affine Normals
1040 01.03.1987 Hurd, Robert Allan The Explicit Factorization of 2x2 WIENER-HOPF Matrices
1039 01.03.1987 Seeger, Andreas A Limit Case of the Hörmander Multiplier Theorem
1038 01.03.1987 Monjordet, Bernard
Wille, Rudolf
On Finite Lattices Generated by Their Double Irreducible Elements
1037 01.03.1987 Hurd, Robert A.
Meister, Erhard
Generalized Lens Problems
1036 01.03.1987 Dzinotyiweyi, Heneri A. M. The Cardinality of the Set of Left Invariant Means on Topological Semigroups
1035 01.02.1987 Luksch, Peter
Wille, Rudolf
Substitution Decomposition of Concept Lattices
1034 01.02.1987 Zahn, Peter Zweckrationales Planen des Unterlassens von Handlungen, speziell von Behauptungen
1033 01.02.1987 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Grothe, Holger
Lehn, Jürgen
Topuzoglu, Alev
A Multiple Recursive Non-Linear Congruential Pseudo Random Number Generator
1032 01.01.1987 Laugwitz, Detlef Hidden Lemmas in the Early History of Infinite Series
1031 01.01.1987 Chen, Lanxiang Monotonie der Gütefunktionen und Unverfälschtheit einiger Tests der Multivariaten Statistik
1030 01.01.1987 Reuter, Klaus
Wille, Rudolf
Complete Congruence Relations of Concept Lattices
1029 01.01.1987 Weiss, Wolfgang Uniform spaces can be represented by completely distributive lattices
1028 01.01.1987 Weiss, Wolfgang Representation of merotopic and nearness spaces
Number Date Author Title
1027 01.12.1986 Costabel, Martin
Stephan, Ernst P.
Duality Estimates for the Numerical Solution of Integral Equations
1026 01.12.1986 Tae Ho Choe
Groh, Hansjoachim
Topological Geometric Lattices
1025 01.12.1986 Hurd, Robert A.
Meister, Erhard
Generalizer Waveguide Bifurcation Problems
1024 01.12.1986 Gwinner, Joachim A Penalty Approximation for Unilateral Contact Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity
1023 01.12.1986 Duduchava, Roland
Schneider, Reinhold
The Algebra of Non-Classical Singular Integral Operatores on $\RR_{+}^{n+1}$
1022 01.11.1986 Duduchava, Roland On Algebras Generated by Convolutions and Discontinuous Functions
1021 01.11.1986 Penzel, Frank On the Theory of Generalized Abel Integral Equations on the Half-line
1020 01.11.1986 Meister, Erhard
Penzel, Renate
Einige Rand­wert-Trans­missions­probleme der Beugungs­theorie für Keile bei mehreren Medien
1019 01.11.1986 Bokowski, Jürgen
Sturmfels, Bernd
An Infinite Family of Minor-Minimal Nonrealizable 3-Chirotopes
1018 01.11.1986 Roddy, Michael
Mayet, René
n-Distributivity in Ortholattices
1017 01.11.1986 Ganter, Bernhard
Wille, Rudolf
Implikationen und Abhängigkeiten zwischen Merkmalen
1016 01.11.1986 Kipke, Uwe
Wille, Rudolf
Begriffsverbände als Ablaufschemata zur Gegenstandsbestimmung
1015 01.10.1986 Bokowski, Jürgen A Geometric Realization for Dyck's Regular Map does exist without Selfintersections
1014 01.10.1986 Roddy, Michael An Orthomodular Lattice
1013 01.10.1986 Bokowski, Jürgen
Mani-Levitska, Peter
Approximation of convex Bodies by Polytopes with Uniformly Bounded Valences
1012 01.10.1986 Meister, Erhard Some Solved and Unsolved Canonical Problems of Diffraction Theory
1011 01.10.1986 Laugwitz, Detlef Das mathematische Unendliche bei Euler und Cauchy
1010 01.10.1986 Luksch, Peter The Cardinality of $FM(1+1+n)$
1009 01.10.1986 Bokowski, Jürgen
Eggert, Anselm
All Realizations of Möbius' Torus with 7 Vertices
1008 01.09.1986 Chen, Lanxiang
Eichenauer, Jürgen
Two Point Prior and $\Gamma$-Minimax Estimating in Families of Uniform Distributions
1007 01.09.1986 Schupp, Wilfried Zur Didaktik und Methodik des Informatik-Unterrichts
1006 01.09.1986 Costabel, Martin
Stephan, Ernst P.
An Improved Boundary Element Galerkin Method for Three-Dimensional Crack Problems
1005 01.09.1986 Laugwitz, Detlef Infinitely Small Quantities in Cauchy's Textbooks
1004 01.09.1986 Mäurer, Helmut
Nolte, Wolfgang
A Coordinatization Theorem for Affine Hjelmslev Planes
1003 01.09.1986 Mäurer, Helmut Die affine Projektivitätengruppe der Hallebenen
1002 01.09.1986 Abou El-Seoud, Samir
Stephan, Ernst P.
An Improved Boundary Element Galerkin Method
1001 01.09.1986 Ihringer, Thomas On Seminets, Groups and Congruence Relations
1000 01.09.1986 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
On the Structure of Quadratic Congruential Sequences
999 01.08.1986 Dappa, Henry
Trebels, Walter
On Anisotropic Besov and Bessel Potential Spaces
998 01.08.1986 Costabel, Martin Principles of Boundary Element Methods
997 01.08.1986 Seeger, Andreas A Note on Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces
996 01.08.1986 Bokowski, Jürgen
Shemer, Ido
Neighborly 6-Polytopes with 10 Vertices
995 01.08.1986 Seeger, Andreas Some Inequalities for Singular Convolution Operators in $L^{P}$-Spaces
994 01.08.1986 Heil, Erhard Extensions of an Inequality of Bonnesen to D-Dimensional Space and Curvature Conditions for Convex Bodies
993 01.08.1986 Hilgert, Joachim Maximal Semigroups and the Support of Gauss-Semigroups
992 01.08.1986 Hilgert, Joachim
Hofmann, Karl Heinrich
Compactly Embedded Cartan Algebras and Invariant Cones in Lie Algebras
991 01.07.1986 Lehn, Jürgen
Rettig, Stefan
Credibility-Formeln, risiko-theoretische Ansätze zur Schadensprognose
990 01.06.1986 Kindler, Jürgen Sandwich Theorems for Set Functions
989 01.06.1986 Hofmann, Karl Heinrich Symmetrie und Homogenität--ein mathematisches Strukturproblem?
988 01.05.1986 Eichenauer, Jürgen
Lehn, Jürgen
A Non-Linear Congruential Pseudo Random Number Generator
987 01.05.1986 Graczynska, Ewa
Höft, Margret
Sums of Systems of Ordered Sets
986 01.05.1986 Hofmann, Karl Heinrich
Morris, Sidney A.
Weight and c
985 01.05.1986 Wille, Rudolf Symmetrie--Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung
984 01.05.1986 Hofmann, Karl Heinrich
Morris, Sidney A.
Free Compact Groups II: The Center
983 01.05.1986 Jung, Achim Implementing the RSA Cryptosystem
982 01.04.1986 Costabel, Martin
Stephan, Ernst P.
On the Convergence of Collocation Methods for Boundary Integral Equations on Polygons
981 01.04.1986 Alles, Peter Total Extendability and Circularity of Cyclic Orders are not Finitely Axiomatizable
980 01.04.1986 Finckenstein, Karl, Graf Finck von
Karasözen, Bülent
Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Parabolic Equations in Conservation Law Form
979 01.04.1986 Staib, Tilo On Two Generalizations of Pareto Minimality
978 01.04.1986 Eichenauer, Jürgen Least Favourable Two Point Priors in Estimating the Bounded Location Parameters of a Noncentral Exponential Distribution
977 01.04.1986 Mäurer, Helmut Collineations of Projective Planes with Different Numbers of Fixed Points and Fixed Lines
976 01.04.1986 Seeger, Andreas Necessary Conditions for Quasiradial Fourier Multipliers
975 01.03.1986 Schmitz, Hermann
Wendland, Wolfgang W.
Zur Berechnung des Singulärverhaltens dreidimensionaler elastischer Felder in Ecken
974 01.03.1986 Laugwitz, Detlef
Rodewald, Bernd
Euler's Approach to the Gamma Function Revisited
973 01.03.1986 Sturmfels, Bernd Boundary Complexes of Convex Polytopes cannot be Characterized Locally
972 01.03.1986 Hilgert, Joachim Invariant Lorenztian Orders on Simply Connected Lie Groups
971 01.03.1986 Hilgert, Joachim Maximal Semigroups and Controllability in Products of Lie Groups
970 01.03.1986 Hilgert, Joachim Infinitesimally Generated Subsemigroups of Motion Groups
969 01.02.1986 Kindler, Jürgen
Trost, Ralf
Minimax Theorems for Interval Spaces
968 01.02.1986 Ganter, Bernhard
Nevermann, Peter
Reuter, Klaus
Stahl, Jürgen
How small can a Lattice of Dimension n be?
967 01.02.1986 Guosheng Feng Solution of Hierarchical Optimization Problems
966 01.02.1986 Mäurer, Helmut Eine Konstruktionsmethode für Möbiusebenen des Hering-Typs VII,1
965 01.02.1986 Meister, Erhard
Speck, Frank-Olme
On the Quarter-Plane Problem in Diffraction Theory
964 01.02.1986 Graczynska, Ewa The Word Problem for Regular identities
963 01.02.1986 Hofmann, Karl Heinrich
Strambach, Karl
Torsion and curvature in smooth loops
962 01.02.1986 Frank, Rolfdieter
Mäurer, Helmut
Generators for the Motion Group of Metric Vector Spaces
961 01.02.1986 Grothe, Holger Matrix Generators for Pseudo-Random Vector Generation
960 01.02.1986 Poguntke, Werner
Wille, Rudolf
Zur Restrukturierung der mathematischen Ordnungstheorie
959 01.01.1986 Spalt, Detlef D. Unvorgreiflicher Beweis, woraus erhellet, daß der Zwischenwertsatz ein Axiom ist
958 01.01.1986 Le Hung Son The Connection Between Overdetermination and the
957 01.01.1986 Le Hung Son Extension Problem for Function with Values in a Clifford Algebra
956 01.01.1986 Le Hung Son Extension Problem for the Solutions of Partial Differential Equations in $\RR^{n}$
955 01.01.1986 Ihringer, Thomas Matric Criterions for the Extension of Solutions of a General Linear System of Partial Differential Equations
954 01.01.1986 Ihringer, Thomas Congruence Lattices of Finite Algebras: The Characterization Problem and the Role of Binary Operations
953 01.01.1986 Keimel, Klaus
Wieczorek, Andrzej
Kakutani Property of the Polytopes Implies Kakutani Property of the Whole Space
952 01.01.1986 Burmeister, Peter Closed sets of universal Horn formulas for many-sorted (partial) algebras