Number | Date | Author | Title |
951 | 01.12.1985 |
Meister, Erhard Speck, Frank-Olme |
Diffraction problems with impedance conditions |
950 | 01.12.1985 | Graczynksa, Ewa | On a Problem of Bases for the Regular Extension of Varieties of Algebras |
949 | 01.12.1985 |
Graczynksa, Ewa Kelly, David Winkler, Peter |
On the Regular Part of Varieties of Algebras |
948 | 01.11.1985 | Lasser, Dieter | Das Interpolations- und Spline-Interpolationsproblem in drei Variablen |
947 | 01.11.1985 | Le Hung Son | The Extension Theorems for Solutions of the Maxwell Equations |
946 | 01.11.1985 | Reuter, Klaus | The Kurosh-Ore Exchange Property |
945 | 01.10.1985 | Speck, Frank-Olme | Mixed Boundary value Problems of the Type of Sommerfeld's Half-plane Problem |
944 | 01.10.1985 |
Alles, Peter Nesetril, Jaroslav Poljak, Svatoplck |
Extendability dimensions and diagrams of cyclic orders |
943 | 01.10.1985 | Vollrath, Hans-Joachim | Störungen des didaktischen Gleichgewichts im Mathematikunterricht |
942 | 01.10.1985 |
Costabel, Martin Stephan, Ernst P. |
Collocation Methods for Integral Equations on Polygon |
941 | 01.10.1985 |
Stephan, Ernst P. Costabel, Martin |
A Boundary Element Method for Three-Dimensional Crack Problems |
940 | 01.10.1985 | Graczynska-Wronska, Ewa | Regular Identities |
939 | 01.10.1985 | Seeger, Andreas | On quasiradial Fourier multipliers and their maximal functions |
938 | 01.10.1985 | Roddy, Michael | Varieties of modular ortholattices |
937 | 01.10.1985 |
Bokowski, Jürgen Garms, Klaus |
ltshuler's Sphere $M^{10}_{425}$ is not Polytopal |
936 | 01.10.1985 |
Bokowski, Jürgen Sturmfels, Bernd |
Reell realisierbare orientierte Matroide |
935 | 01.10.1985 |
Bokowski, Jürgen Sturmfels, Bernd |
Polytopal Spheres--An Algorithmic Approach |
934 | 01.10.1985 |
Stahl, Jürgen Wille, Rudolf |
Preconcepts and Set Representation of Contexts |
933 | 01.10.1985 |
Luksch, Peter Skorsky, Martin Wille, Rudolf |
On Drawing Concepts Lattices with a Computer |
932 | 01.10.1985 |
Ganter, Bernhard Rindfrey, Klaus Skorsky, Martin |
Software for Formal Concept Analysis |
931 | 01.10.1985 |
Ganter, Bernhard Stahl, Jürgen Wille, Rudolf |
Conceptual Measurement and Many-Valued Contexts |
930 | 01.10.1985 | Thelen-Rosemann-Niedrig, Günter | On Singular Integro-Differential Operators on the Halfaxis |
929 | 01.09.1985 | Wendland, Wolfgang L. | On Asymptotic Error Estimates for the Combined Boundary and Finite Element Method |
928 | 01.9.1985 | Groh, Hansjoachim | Embedding Geometric Lattices with Topology |
927 | 01.09.1985 | Groh, Hansjoachim | Geometric Lattices with Topology |
926 | 01.09.1985 | Thelen-Rosemann-Niedrig, Günter | On Integral Operators of Generalized WIENER-HOPF-Type |
925 | 01.09.1985 | Wendland, Wolfgang L. | Splines Versus Trigonometric Polynomials h-Versus p-Version in 2D Boundary Integral Methods |
924 | 01.09.1985 | Schönbeck, Jürgen | Hermann Wiener (1857-1939), der Begründer der Spiegelungsgeometrie |
923 | 01.09.1985 | Reuter, Klaus | Note on the Ahlswede-Daykin inequality |
922 | 01.08.1985 | Seeger, Andreas | A Note on absolute Riesz Summability of Fourier Integrals |
921 | 01.08.1985 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann, Karl Heinrich |
Invariant Cones in Real Algebras |
920 | 01.07.1985 | Kindler, Jürgen | Supermodular and Tight Set Functions |
919 | 01.07.1985 |
Bokowski, Jürgen Sturmfels, Bernd |
Coordinatization of Oriented Matroids |
918 | 01.07.1985 | Meister, Erhard | Einige gelöste und ungelöste kanonische Probleme der Beugungstheorie |
917 | 01.07.1985 | Zahn, Peter | Regeln zur Einschränkung des Behauptens, ihre Eignung zur Evidenzvermittlung und ihre Rechtfertigung |
916 | 01.07.1985 |
Bossert, Martin Hergert, Ferdinand |
Hard and Soft Decision Decoding beyond the Half Minimum Distance. An Algorithm for Linear Codes |
915 | 01.07.1985 | Poguntke, Werner | Order-Theoretic Aspects of Scheduling |
914 | 01.06.1985 |
Bokowski, Jürgen Brehm, Ulrich |
A New Polyhedron of Genus 3 with 10 Vertices |
913 | 01.06.1985 | Sturmfels, Bernd | Cyclic Polytopes and D-Order Curves |
912 | 01.06.1985 |
Ganter, Bernhard Häfner, Gerhart Poguntke, Werner |
On Linear Extensions of Ordered Sets with a Symmetry |
911 | 01.06.1985 | Laugwitz, Detlef | Cauchy and Infinitesimals |
910 | 01.06.1985 |
Wendland, Wolfgang L. Christiansen, S{ø}ren |
On the Condition Number of the Influence Matrix belonging to some First Kind Integral Equations with Logarithmic Kernel |
909 | 01.06.1985 |
Schwab, Christoph Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
3-D BEM and Numerical Integration |
908 | 01.06.1985 |
Hofmann, Karl H. Strambach, Karl |
The Akivis Algebra of a Homogeneous Loop |
907 | 01.05.1985 |
Arnold, Douglas N. Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
The Convergence of Spline collocation for Strongly Elliptic Equations on Curves |
906 | 01.05.1985 | Reuter, Klaus | A Matching Result for Modular Lattices |
905 | 01.05.1985 | Abou El-Seoud, Samir | An Error Estimation for the Numerical Solution of a Weak Singular Integral Equation of the First Kind |
904 | 01.05.1985 | Wendland, Wolfgang L. | Bemerkungen zu Randelementmethoden bei Rißproblemen |
903 | 01.05.1985 | Spalt, Detlef D. | Der Induktive Diskurs-Lakatos zum Induktionsproblem in der Mathematik |
902 | 01.05.1985 |
Becker, Brigitte Bruhn, Gerhard |
Eine einfache Konstruktion der Homotopien der Gruppe C(S \html{sup}1\html{/sup}), GL(n, \textbf{C}) |
901 | 01.05.1985 |
Bokowski, Jürgen Sturmfels, Bernd |
Problems of Geometrical Realizability--Oriented Matroids and Chirotopes |
900 | 01.05.1985 | Speck, Frank-Olme | Least Squares approximate and least Norm Solutions of paired singular Equations |
899 | 01.05.1985 |
Knecht, Sigrid Mshimba, Ali Seif |
On the Existence of a Solution to the Riemann-Hilbert-Problem for a Partial Differential Equation |
898 | 01.05.1985 | Costabel, Martin | Boundary Integral Operators on Lipschitz Domains: Elementary Results |
897 | 01.05.1985 | Pesch, Erwin | Products of absolute retracts |
896 | 01.05 | Abou El-Seoud, Samir | An Integral Equation Method for a Plate-Fluid Interaction Problem |
895 | 01.04.1985 | Laugwitz, Detlef | Infinitesimals Applied to Infinite Series, Part 1. |
894 | 01.04.1985 | Kindler, Jürgen | A Mazur-Orlicz Type Theorem for Submodular Set Functions |
893 | 01.04.1985 |
Costabel, Martin Stephan, Ernst P. |
Strongly Elliptic Boundary Integral Equations for Electromagnetic Transmission Problems |
892 | 01.04.1985 | Finckenstein, Karl, Graf Finck von | Über Differenzenverfahren zur Lösung quasilinearer parabolischer Systeme aus der Plasmaphysik |
891 | 01.03.1985 | Luers, Hajo | On Riesz Means with Respect to a Cylindric Distance Function |
890 | 01.03.1985 |
Micula, Gheorghe Törnig, Willi |
Literaturverzeichnis/Theorie und Anwendung von Spline-Funktionen |
889 | 01.03.1985 |
Costabel, Martin Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
Strong Ellipticity of Boundary Integral Operators |
888 | 01.03.1985 | Winkler, Peter | Factoring a Graph in Polynomial Time |
887 | 01.03.1985 | Scheffold, Egon | Über Banachverbandsalgebren mit multiplikativer Zerlegungseigenschaft |
886 | 01.03.1985 | Bumb, Hermann | Zur Formulierung einer eindimensionalen Randintegralgleichung für dreidimensionale elastostatische Eckenprobleme |
885 | 01.03.1985 | Wille, Rudolf | Subdirect Product Construction of Concept Lattices |
884 | 01.03.1985 |
Hofmann, Karl H. Keith, Verena S. |
Invariant Quadratic Forms on Finite Dimensional Lie Algebras |
883 | 01.03.1985 |
Fischer, Thomas M. Hsiao, George C. Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
On Two-Dimensional Slow Viscous Flows Past Obstacles in a Half-Plane |
882 | 01.03.1985 |
Dreesen, Bernhardine Poguntke, Werner Winkler, Peter |
Comparability Invariance of the Fixed Point Property |
881 | 01.03.1985 | Wolfowitz, Jacob | Coding of Dependent Sources to within Prescribed Distortion by Encoders with Different Partial Information |
880 | 01.03.1985 | Alles, Peter | Dimension of Amalgamated Graphs and Trees |
879 | 01.03.1985 |
Dappa, Henry Trebels, Walter |
A Difference Quotient Norm for Anisotropic Bessel Potential Spaces |
878 | 01.03.1985 |
Poguntke, Werner Rival, Ivan |
Level Schedules by Interchanging Matched Subsets |
877 | 01.02.1985 | Dorn, Gernot | Anpassungskurven auf dem Computer-Bildschirm |
876 | 01.02.1985 | Abou El-Seoud, Samir | An Adaptive Multi-Grid Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of Quasilinear Potential Equations |
875 | 01.02.1985 | Lasser, Dieter | Flächendurchdringungs-Algorithmus für Tensorprodukt-Bézier-Flächen |
874 | 01.02.1985 | Hofmann, Karl H. | Semigroups in the 19th century? A historical note |
873 | 01.02.1985 | Seeger, Andreas | On maximal Operators associated to Fourier Multipliers |
872 | 01.01.1985 |
Fischer, Thomas M. Rosenberger, Rainer |
A Boundary Integral Method for the Numerical Computation of the Forces Exerted on a Sphere in Viscous Incompressible Flows near a Plane Wall |
871 | 01.01.1985 | Abou El-Seoud, Samir | Die Anwendbarkeit der Kollokationsmethode zur numerischen Lösung von schwach singulären Integralgleichungen 1. Art |
870 | 01.01.1985 | Wille, Rudolf | Musiktheorie und Mathematik |
869 | 01.01.1985 |
Hofmann, Karl H. Strambach, Karl |
Topological and Analytical Loops |
Number | Date | Author | Title |
868 | 01.12.1984 | Costabel, Martin | Starke Elliptizität von Randintegraloperatoren erster Art |
867 | 01.12.1984 |
Burmeister, Peter Siegmund-Schultze, Manuel |
Subdirect Representations of Partial Algebras |
866 | 01.12.1984 | Speck, Frank-Olme | On General Wiener-Hopf Operator Theory and Recent Applications |
865 | 01.12.1984 | Abou El-Seoud, Samir | Multi-Level Adaptive Technique (MLAT) for Fast Numerical Solution to a Class of Quasilinear Potential Equations |
864 | 01.12.1984 | Hoschek, Josef | Smoothing of Curves and Surfaces |
863 | 01.12.1984 |
Ganter, Bernhard Henkel, Hartmut Wille, Rudolf |
Mutabor--ein Rechnergesteuertes Musikinstrument zur Untersuchung von Stimmen |
862 | 01.11.1984 | Abou El-Seoud, Samir | Implicit Finite-Difference Simulation of Compressible Flow around Blunt Bodies Using the Thin-Layer Approximation |
861 | 01.11.1984 |
Nevermann, Peter Rival, Ivan |
Holes in Ordered Sets |
860 | 01.11.1984 | Wille, Rudolf | Finite Distributive Lattices as Concept Lattices |
859 | 01.11.1984 | Roth, Walter | A New Concept for a Choquet Ordering |
858 | 01.11.1984 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann, Karl H. Lawson, Jimmie D. |
Controllability of Systems on a Nilpotent Lie Group |
857 | 01.11.1984 | Wendland, Wolfgang L. | On some Mathematical Aspects of Boundary Element Methods for Elliptic Problems |
856 | 01.10.1984 | Schellhaas, Helmut | Computation of the State Probabilities in a Class of Semi-Regenerative Queueing Models |
855 | 01.10.1984 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann, Karl H. |
Lorentzian Cones in Real Lie Algrebras |
854 | 01.10.1984 | Reemtsen, Rembert | On Discretization Errors in Nonlinear Approximation Problems |
853 | 01.10.1984 | Lasser, Dieter | Ein neuer Aspekt des de Casteljau Algorithmus |
852 | 01.10.1984 | Leugering, Günter | Boundary Controllability in One-Dimensional Linear Thermo-Viscoelasticity |
851 | 01.10.1984 | Ihringer, Thomas | On Orthogonal Permutation Arrays, Seminets and Groups |
850 | 01.10.1984 | Meister, Erhard | Integral Equations for the Fourier Transformed Boundary Values for the Transmission Problems for Right-Angled Wedges and Octants |
849 | 01.10.1984 | Arnold, Berd J. | Das Kontinuitätsprogramm zwischen Cantor und Nonstandard-Analysis |
848 | 01.09.1984 | Stephan, Ernst | Boundary Integral Equations for mixed Boundary Value Problems Screen and Transmission Problems in $\RR^{3}$ |
847 | 01.09.1984 | Jahn, Johannes | Scalarization in Multi Objective Optimization |
846 | 01.09.1984 |
Artmann, Benno Reiffert, Hans |
Charakteristische Zugänge zu den Begriffen der Linearen Algebra am Beispiel von Determinante und Skalarprodukt |
845 | 01.09.1984 | Weba, Michael | Korovkin Systems of Stochastic Processes |
844 | 01.09.1984 | Spellucci, Peter | A one step Q-superlinearly convergent Quasi-Newton method for contrained optimization calculation (Part I: Local analysis) |
843 | 01.09.1984 | Artmann, Benno | Über voreuklidische 'Elemente', deren Autor Projektionen vermied |
842 | 01.08.1984 | Frank, Rolfdieter | A Characterization of Projective Metric Spaces |
841 | 01.08.1984 | Leugering, Günter | Optimal Controllability in Viscoelasticity of Rate Type |
840 | 01.07.1984 |
Seeger, Andreas Trebels Walter |
Some Fourier Multiplier Criteria for Anisotropic $H^{p}(\RR^{n})$-Spaces |
839 | 01.07.1984 | Pesch, Erwin | Minimal Extensions of Graphs to Absolute Retracts |
838 | 01.07.1984 |
Eibenstein, Franziska Jahn, Johannes Leitmann, George |
On the Global Asymptotic Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems |
837 | 01.07.1984 |
Hofmann, Karl H. Strambach, Karl |
Lie's Fundamental Theorems for Local Analytical Loops |
836 | 01.07.1984 | Leugering, Günter | Boundary Control in Viscoelasticity of Fading Memory Type |
835 | 01.07.1984 | Reuter, Klaus | Counting Formulas for Glued Lattices |
834 | 01.07.1984 | Ihringer, Thomas | Quasigroups, Loops and Centraliser Rings |
833 | 01.07.1984 |
Hsiao, George C. Stephan, Ernst Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
An Integral Equation Formulation for a Boundary Value Problem of Elasticity in the Domain Exterior to an Arc |
832 | 01.07.1984 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann, Karl H. |
Lorentzian cones in real Lie algebras |
831 | 01.06.1984 | Ganter, Bernhard | Two Basic Algorithms in Concept Analysis |
830 | 01.06.1984 |
Artzy, Rafael Groh, Hansjoachim |
Laguerre and Minkowski Planes Produced by Dilatations |
829 | 01.06.1984 |
Lamp, Ulrich Schleicher, Klaus-Thomas Wendland, Wolfgang |
The Fast Fourier Transform and the Numerical Solution of One-Dimensional Boundary Integral Equations |
828 | 01.06.1984 | Fischer, Thomas | Wall Effects on the Slow Steady Motion of a Patricle in a Viscous Incompressible Fluid |
827 | 01.05.1984 |
Afflerbach, Lothar Grothe, Holger |
Calculation on Minkowski-Reduced Lattice Bases of Arbitrary Dimension |
826 | 01.05.1984 |
Ganter, Bernhard Ihringer, Thomas |
Varieties with Linear Subalgebra Geometries |
825 | 01.05.1984 |
Meister, Erhard Speck, Frank-Olme |
The Moore-Penrose inverse of Wiener-Hopf operators on the half-axis and the quarter-plane |
824 | 01.05.1984 | Liess, Otto | The Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer Transform for Inhomogeneous |
823 | 01.05.1984 | Wille, Rudolf | Tensorial decomposition of concept lattices |
822 | 01.05.1984 | Leugering, Günter | Controllability in Viscoelasticity of Fading Memory Type |
821 | 01.05.1984 | Afflerbach, Lothar | The Sub-Lattice Structure of Linear Gongruential Generators |
820 | 01.04.1984 | Zahn, Peter | A predicative way to Nonstandard Analysis |
819 | 01.04.1984 | Schneider, Reinhold | Integral equations with piecewise continuous coefficients in $L_p$-spaces with weight |
818 | 01.04.1984 | Bruhn, Gernhard | Randwertaufgaben halbzahliger Charakteristik für elliptische Systeme |
817 | 01.04.1984 |
Bokowski, Jürgen Heil, Erhard |
Firey's Integral Representations of Quermassintegrals and Bonnesen-Style Inequalities |
816 | 01.04.1984 |
Dappa, Henry Trebels, Walter |
On Maximal Functions Generated by Fourier Multipliers |
815 | 01.04.1984 | Laugwitz, Detlef | Grundbegriffe der Infinitesimalmathematik bei Leonhard Euler |
814 | 01.04.1984 | Alles, Peter | The Dimension of Sums of Graphs |
813 | 01.04.1984 | Scheffold, Egon | Über den Spektralradius bei Banachverbandsalgebren |
812 | 01.04.1984 | Wille, Rudolf | Liniendiagramme hierarchischer Begriffssysteme |
811 | 01.04.1984 | Mäurer, Helmut | Die Automorphismengruppe des Durchschnittsgraphen der k-Teilmengen einer Menge |
810 | 01.03.1984 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann, Karl H. |
Old and New on $Sl(2)$ |
809 | 01.03.1984 | Liess, Otto | Boundary Behaviour of Analytic Functions, Analytic Wave Front Sets and the Intersection Problem of Ehrenpreis |
808 | 01.03.1984 | Finckenstein, Karl, Graf Finck von | Über explizite Differenzenverfahren für hyperbolische Systeme mit variablen Koeffizienten II |
807 | 01.03.1984 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann, Karl H. |
Lie Theory for Semigroups |
806 | 01.02.1984 | Bruhn, Gerhard | Erhaltungssätze und schwache Lösungen in der Gasdynamik |
805 | 01.02.1984 | Rosenberger, Rainer | A New Characterization of the Friedrichs Extension of Semibounded Sturm-Liouville Operators |
804 | 01.02.1984 | Wille, Rudolf | Sur la fusion des contextes individuels |
803 | 01.02.1984 | Speck, Frank-Olme | Methoden der allgemeinen Wiener-Hopf-Faktorisierung mit Anwendungen auf mehrdimensionale Randwertprobleme |
802 | 01.02.1984 |
Stephan, Ernst Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
An Augmented Galerkin Procedure for the Boundary Integral Method Applied to Two-Dimensional Screen and Crack Problems |
801 | 01.02.1984 | Zahn, Peter | Zwei konstruktive Wege zur Nonstandard-Analysis |
800 | 01.02.1984 | Stahl, Jürgen | On the 2-dimension of the crown $S^{n}_{k}$ |
799 | 01.02.1984 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann, Karl H. |
On Sophus Lie's Fundamental Theorems, III |
798 | 01.01.1984 |
Stephan, Ernst Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
An Augmented Galerkin Procedure for the Boundary Integral Method Applied to Mixed Boundary Value Problems |
Number | Date | Author | Title |
797 | 01.12.1983 | Schaaf, Joachim | Computer-oriented Approximation of Special Gaussian Processes for Generation of Random Curves in $\RR^{2}$ |
796 | 01.12.1983 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann, Karl H. |
The invariance of cones and wedges under flows |
795 | 01.12.1983 | Lar'kin, Nikolaj | Initial Value problems for nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations |
794 | 01.12.1983 | Wille, Rudolf | Complete tolerance relations of concept lattices |
793 | 01.12.1983 | Dappa, Henry | Quasi-Radial Fourier Multipliers |
792 | 01.12.1983 |
Mao, Shan Pei Huang, Ke Chung |
The probabilistic Analysis on the Influence of Roughness to Depth and Velocity in Open Channels |
791 | 01.12.1983 |
Mao, Shan Pei Huang, Ke Chung |
A Solution to the problem of the Flow around a circular cylinder between two parallel plates with the Monte-Carlo Method |
790 | 01.12.1983 |
Mao, Shan Pei Huang, Ke Chung |
A Stochastic Method in Hydraulic Design of Open Channels |
789 | 01.11.1983 | Lar'kin, Nickolay | Galerkin's method and stabilization method for variable type equations |
788 | 01.11.1983 | Kipke, Uwe | Treue Darstellungen der n-frei erzeugten Burnsidegruppe vom Exponenten 3 über dem direkten Quadrat äusserer Faktoralgebren |
787 | 01.11.1983 | Kipke, Uwe | Darstellungen kommutativer Moufang-Loops über Faktorstrukturen äusserer Algebren |
786 | 01.11.1983 |
Pesch, Erwin Poguntke, Werner |
A Characterization of Absolute Retracts of n-Chromatic Graphs |
785 | 01.11.1983 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann Karl H. |
Lie semialgebras are real phenomena |
784 | 01.11.1983 |
Dappa, Henry Trebels, Walter |
On Hypersingular Integrals and Anisotropic Bessel Potential Spaces |
783 | 01.11.1983 | Speck, Frank-Olme | The Cross Factorization Theorem--Factorization of Ring Elements and regularity in Subrings |
782 | 01.11.1983 | Hofmann, Karl H. | Stably Continuous Frames and their Topological Manifestations |
781 | 01.10.1983 | Hofmann, Karl H. | Almost Periodic Compactifications Continuity and Compact Semigroups |
780 | 01.10.1983 | Dorn, Gernot | Durchlässigkeit von Gittern |
779 | 01.10.1983 |
Hilgert, Joachim Hofmann, Karl H. |
Semigroups in Lie groups, Lie semialgebras in Lie algebras |
778 | 01.09.1983 | Hartmann, Erich | Ovoide und Möbius-Ebenen über konvexen Funktionen |
777 | 01.09.1983 | Qin Meng Zhao | Iterative Solution Method for discreted nonlinear Variational Problem |
776 | 01.08.1983 |
Eichenauer, Jürgen Lehn, Jürgen |
Eine Bemerkung zur Periodenlängenbestimmung bei einem verallgemeinerten Fibonacci-Generator |
775 | 01.08.1983 | Wendland, Wolfgang L. | On Asymptotic Error Analysis and underlying Mathematical Principles for Boundary Element Methods |
774 | 01.08.1983 | Zahn, Peter | Gilt das Lemma von König «konstruktiv»? |
773 | 01.08.1983 | McNulty, George F. | Fifteen Possible previews in equational logic |
772 | 01.08.1983 | Kalf, Hubert | A note on the domain characterization of certain Schrödinger operators with strongly singular potentials |
771 | 01.08.1983 | Finckenstein, Graf Finck v. Karl | Über explizite Differenzenverfahren für hyperbolische Systeme mit variablen Koeffizienten I |
770 | 01.08.1983 | Löbig, Norbert | Lösbarkeit allgemeiner Quasivariationsungleichungen in geordneten Räumen |
769 | 01.06.1983 |
Hsiao, George C. Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
On a Boundary Integral Method for some Exterior Problems in Elasticity |
768 | 01.06.1983 |
Hsiao, George C. Kopp, Peter Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
Some applications of a Galerkin-collocation method for boundary integral equations of the first kind |
767 | 01.06.1983 | Zahn, Peter | Kalküle und Partielle Peano-Algebren |
766 | 01.06.1983 | Kindler, Jürgen | Integral Representation of Funktionals on Arbitrary Sets of Functions |
765 | 01.06.1983 | Stein, Gunter | Krieg und Frieden im Mathematikunterricht |
764 | 01.06.1983 | Nevermann, Peter | Order Varieties generated by v-semilattices of finite width |
763 | 01.06.1983 | Roth, Walter |
Families of Convex Subsets and Korovkin-Type Theorems in Locally-Convex Spaces Mai 1983 |
762 | 01.05.1983 | Pascali, Dumitru-Dan | Parabolic Variational Inequalities with strong Nonlinearities |
761 | 01.05.1983 |
Costabel, Martin Stephan, Ernst |
The Method of Mellin Transformation for Boundary Integral Equations on Curves with Corners |
760 | 01.05.1983 |
Rannacher, Rolf Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
On the Order of Pointwise Convergence of some Boundary Element Method Part I. Operators of Negative and Zero Order |
759 | 01.05.1983 | Hoschek, Josef | Anwendung von Kriterien für unerwünschte Krümmungsbereiche im Computer aided Geometric Design |
758 | 01.05.1983 | Speck, Frank-Olme | On Krein Factorization in Banach Spaces, associated Wiener-Hopf Operators and an Estimate by Divinatz and Shinbrot |
757 | 01.05.1983 | Stephanidis, Nikolaus Konstantin | Strahlensysteme mit $\Delta{h} + 2h = 0$ |
756 | 01.05.1983 |
Krabs, Werner Seidman, Thomas I. |
On Boundary Controllability of a Vibrating Plate |
755 | 01.04.1983 |
Costabel, Martin Stephan, Ernst |
The normal derivatire of the double layer potential on poligons and Galerkin approximation |
754 | 01.04.1983 |
Evans, Trevor Ganter, Bernhard |
Varieties with Modular Subalgebra Lattices |
753 | 01.04.1983 |
Costabel, Martin Stephan, Ernst |
A direct boundary integral method for transmission problems |
752 | 01.04.1983 |
Ihringer, Thomas Pasini, Antonio |
On Linear Varieties |
751 | 01.04.1983 | Ihringer, Thomas | A Property of Finite Algebras having $M_{n}$'s as Congruence Lattices |
750 | 01.04.1983 | Ihringer, Thomas | On Multiplication Groups of Quasigroups |
749 | 01.04.1983 | Alles, Peter | Estimation of the Dimension of some Types of Graph by Means of Orthogonal Latin squares |
748 | 01.04.1983 | Topentcharov, Vladimir V. | Des Algebres Partielles Generalisant les Categories |
747 | 01.04.1983 |
Latz, Norbert Meister, Erhard |
Über ein System von Integralgleichungen zum Transmissionsproblem der Helmholtzgleichung für Quadranten |
746 | 01.04.1983 | Pack, Donald C. | The Kinetic Theory of Gases with Applications in Rarefied Gas Dynamics |
745 | 01.03.1983 |
Latz, Norbert Meister, Erhard |
On the Transmission Problem of the Helmholtz Equation for Quadrants |
744 | 01.03.1983 | Scheffold, Egon | Banachverbandsalgebren mit einer natürlichen Wedderburn-Zerlegung |
743 | 01.03.1983 |
Lamp, Ulrich Schleicher, Thomas Stephan, Ernst Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
Galerkin Collocation for an Improved Boundary Element Method for a Plane mixed Boundary Value Problem |
742 | 01.03.1983 |
Fischer, Thomas M. Hsiao, George C. Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
Singular Perturbations for the Exterior Three-Dimensional Slow Viscous Flow Problem |
741 | 01.03.1983 | Afflerbach, Lothar | Die Pseudo-Zufallszahlen-Generatoren in den Tischcomputern von Commodore and Apple |
740 | 01.03.1983 | Heil, Erhard | The Three-circle Theorem Made Visible |
739 | 01.03.1983 |
Liess, Otto Rodino, Luigi |
Inhomogeneous Gevrey Classes and Related Pseudodifferential Operators |
738 | 01.03.1983 |
Hofmann, Karl H. Lawson, Jimmie D. |
Divisible Subsemigroups of Lie Groups |
737 | 01.02.1983 | Liess, Otto | Extension of Solutions of Constant Coefficient Partial Differential Equations |
736 | 01.02.1983 |
Lehn, Jürgen Rummel, Friedrich |
Gamma-Minimx Estimation of a Binomial Probability under Squared Error Loss |
735 | 01.02.1983 | Herrmann, Christian | Modular and Arguesian Lattices Generated by Frames |
734 | 01.02.1983 |
Bauer, Heiko Wille, Rudolf |
A Proof of Hashimoto's Refinement Theorem |
733 | 01.02.1983 | Stephanidis, Nikolaus Konstantin | Minimalflächen und Strahlensysteme |
732 | 01.02.1983 | Quin Mengzhao | A Monotonically Convergent Iterative Method for Large Sparse Nonlinear Equation |
731 | 01.02.1983 | Zahn, Peter | Regeln zur Einschränkung des Behauptens und ihre Rechtfertigung |
730 | 01.01.1983 | Schellhaas, Helmut | Computation of the State Probabilities in Single Server Queues with Markovian Input and General Service Times |
729 | 01.01.1983 |
Hofmann, Karl H. Skryago, A. M. |
Finite Dimensional Continuous of Compact Regular Semigroups |
728 | 01.01.1983 | Laugwitz, Detlef | Eulers Begründung der Analysis aus der Algebra |
727 | 01.01.1983 |
Colton, David Reemtsen, Rembert |
The numerical solution of the inverse Stefan problem in two space variables |
726 | 01.01.1983 | Büttner, Wolfram | Einige Translationsebenen der Ordnung 64 |
725 | 01.01.1983 | Büttner, Wolfram | Automorphismengruppen von Translationsebenen, die gewisse verallgemeinerte Elationen besitzen |
724 | 01.01.1983 | Büttner, Wolfram | Eine Charakterisierung der Lüneburgebenen |
723 | 01.01.1983 | Bauer, Heiko | Compact Semilattices |
722 | 01.01.1983 | Bauer, Heiko | About Hilbert's and Rückert's Nullstellensatz |
Number | Date | Author | Title |
721 | 01.12.1982 |
Dappa, Henry Luers, Hajo |
A Hörmander type criterion for quasi-radial Fourier multipliers |
720 | 01.12.1982 | Mäurer, Helmut | Die harmonischen Involutionen der Permutationsgruppe $PTL_{2}(K)$ |
719 | 01.12.1982 |
Burmeister, Peter Reichel, Horst |
On the Current State and Trends in the Theory of Partial Algebras |
718 | 01.12.1982 | Romanowska, Anna | Building Bisemilattices from lattices and semilattices |
717 | 01.11.1982 |
Basly, Mohamed Scheffold, Egon |
Ein Stone-Weierstrass-Satz für $F^{*}$-Banachverbandsalgebren mit ordnungsstetiger Norm |
716 | 01.11.1982 | Kalf, Hubert | Une remarque au sujet de prolongement unique des solutions de l'equation de Schrödinger |
715 | 01.10.1982 |
Ellers, Erich W. Frank, Rolfdieter Nolte, Wolfgang |
Bireflectionality of the Weak Orthogonal and the Weak Symplectic Groups |
714 | 01.10.1982 |
Romanowska, Anna Smith, Jonathan |
Distributive Lattices, Generalisations, and Related Non Associative Algebras |
713 | 01.10.1982 |
Costabel, Martin Stephan, Ernst Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
Zur Randintegralmethode für das erste Fundamentalproblem der ebenen Elastizitätstheorie auf Polygongebieten |
712 | 01.10.1982 | Kindler, Jürgen | A simple proof of the Daniell-Stone representation theorem |
711 | 01.10.1982 | Finckenstein, Graf Finck v. K. | Über die Konvergenz von impliziten Differenzenverfahren zur numerischen Lösung von stark gekoppelten Systemen quasilinearer Diffusionsgleichungen |
710 | 01.10.1982 | Groh, Hansjoachim (u. a.) | $\RR^{2}$-planes with 3-dimensional automorphism group fixing precisely a line |
709 | 01.09.1982 | Arnold, Douglas N. | A Galerkin method with spline trial functions and trigonometric test functions and an exponentially convergent scheme for the solution of Dirichlet's problem via an integral equation of the first kind |
708 | 01.09.1982 | Kindler, Jürgen | Equilibrium point theorems for two-person games |
707 | 01.09.1982 | Liess, Otto | Propagation of singularities for global solutions of constant coefficient partial differential equations in the presence of growth-type restrictions at infinity |
706 | 01.09.1982 |
Johnson, Kenneth W. Smith, Jonathan D. H. |
Characters of finite quasigroups |
705 | 01.09.1982 | Wille, Rudolf | Lexicographic decomposition of ordered sets (graphs) |
704 | 01.09.1982 | Laugwitz, Detlef | Nichtstandard-Mathematik, begründet durch eine Verallgemeinerung der Körpererweiterung |
703 | 01.09.1982 | Costabel, Martin | Boundary integral operators in curved polygons |
702 | 01.09.1982 | Höhn, Werner | Die Methode der finiten Elemente für Eigenwertprobleme von Differentialoperatoren mit nichtkompakter Resolvente |
701 | 01.09.1982 |
Dappa, Henry Trebels, Walter |
On $L^{1}$-criteria for quasi-radial Fourier multipliers with applications to some anisotropic function spaces |
700 | 01.09.1982 |
Saranen, Jukka Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
On the asymptotic convergence of collogation methods with spline functions of even degree 699 Burmeister, Peter Wojdylo, Boleslaw A category theoretical backgroun |
699 | 01.09.1982 |
Burmeister, Peter Wojdylo, Boleslaw |
A category theoretical background for homomorphism theorems |
698 | 01.09.1982 | Zahn, Peter | Zur Regelung des Gebrauchs der Junktoren und Quantoren |
697 | 01.09.1982 |
Liess, Otto Rosu, Radu |
Propagation of singularities for constant coefficient linear partial differential equations in a situation when the direction of propagation depends on the solution |
696 | 01.08.1982 | Heil, Erhard | Concurrent normals and critical points under weak smoothness assumptions |
695 | 01.08.1982 | Siegmund-Schultze, Manuel | Subdirectly irreducible and equationally compact mono-unary partial algebras |
694 | 01.08.1982 | Wille, Rudolf | Symmetrien in der Musik--Thema für ein Zusammenspiel von Musik und Mathematik |
693 | 01.08.1982 | Dorn, Gernot (u.a.) | Forschung und Mathematisierung--Suche nach Wegen aus dem Elfenbeinturm |
692 | 01.08.1982 | Hergert, Ferdinand | Pseudolinear functions and perfect codes |
691 | 01.08.1982 | Trebels, Walter | The principle of subordination and comparison theorems for approximation processes of abel-bounded orthogonal expansions |
690 | 01.08.1982 | Wendland, Wolfgang L. | Boundary element methods and their asymptotic convergence |
689 | 01.08.1982 |
Hofmann, Karl Heinrich Lawson, Jimmie D. |
On Sophus Lie's first fundamental theorem I and II |
688 | 01.08.1982 | Mislove, Michael | When are ordered scattering and topologically scattered the same? |
687 | 01.08.1982 | Hofmann, Karl Heinrich | Complete distributivity and the essential hull of a $T_{o}$-space |
686 | 01.08.1982 |
Romanowska, Anna Traczyk, Tadeusz |
Simple commutative BCK-chains |
685 | 01.08.1982 | Kipke, Uwe | Darstellungen kommutativer Moufang-Loops über dem direkten Quadrat äußerer Algebren |
684 | 01.07.1982 |
Gumm, H. Peter Ursini, Aldo |
Ideals in universal algebras |
683 | 01.07.1982 | Mäurer, Helmut | Eine Charakterisierung der zwischen $PSL(2,K)$ und $PGL(2,K)$ liegenden Permutationsgruppen |
682 | 01.06.1982 | Heil, Erhard | Kaustiken und Katastrophen |
681 | 01.06.1982 |
McCamy, Richard C. Stephan, Ernst |
A boundary element method for an exterior problem for three-dimensional Maxwell's equations |
680 | 01.06.1982 | Hering, Leonhard | Darstellung von Bézier-Kurven als B-Spline-Kurven |
679 | 01.06.1982 |
MacCamy, R. C. Stephan, Ernst |
A skin effect approximation for eddy current problems |
678 | 01.06.1982 | Hoschek, Josef | Dual Bézier curves and surfaces |
677 | 01.06.1982 | Mislove, Michael | Order scattered distributive continuous lattices are topologically scattered |
676 | 01.06.1982 |
Hofmann, Karl H. Mislove, Michael |
Free objects in the category of completely distributive lattices |
675 | 01.06.1982 |
Romanowska, Anna Smith, Jonathan |
On the structure of subalgebras systems of idempotent entropic algebras |
674 | 01.06.1982 |
MacCamy, Richard C. Stephan, Ernst |
A simple layer potential method for three-dimensional eddy current problem |
673 | 01.06.1982 |
Costabel, Martin Stephan, Ernst |
Curvature terms in the asymptotic expansions for solutions of boundary integral equations on curved polygons |
672 | 01.05.1982 | Pfeifer, Andreas | Multiproduct inventory model with dependent demand |
671 | 01.05.1982 |
Arnold, Douglas N. Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
Collocation versus Galerkin procedures for boundary integral methods |
670 | 01.05.1982 |
Costabel, Martin Stephan, Ernst Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
On boundary integral equations of the first kind for the bi-laplacian in a polygonal plane domain |
669 | 01.05.1982 | Jahn, Johannes | Zur vektoriellen linearen Tschebyscheff-Approximation |
668 | 01.05.1982 | Weba, Michael | Optimized regression models for time series |
667 | 01.05.1982 |
Lamp, Ulrich Schleicher, Thomas Stephan, Ernst Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
Theoretical and experimental asymptotic convergence of the boundary integral method for a plane mixed boundary value problem |
666 | 01.04.1982 | Romanowska, Anna | Algebras of functions from partially ordered sets into distributive lattices |
665 | 01.04.1982 |
Arnold, Douglas, N. Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
On the asymptotic convergence of collocation methods |
664 | 01.04.1982 | Herrmann, Christian | On the word problem for the modular lattice with four free generators |
663 | 01.04.1982 |
Krabs, Werner Stange, Plinio |
Ein hierarchisches Optimierungsproblem in der Bauplanung |
662 | 01.03.1982 | Herrmann, Christian | On the word problem for modular lattices with four generators |
661 | 01.03.1982 | Speck, Frank-Olme | On the generalized invertibility or Wiener-Hopf operators in Banach spaces II |
660 | 01.03.1982 | Wille, Rudolf | Subdirect decomposition of concept lattices |
659 | 01.03.1982 | Mäurer, Helmut | Permutationsgruppen ohne Pseudoinvolutionen, in deren Standgruppen die Involutionen regulär operieren |
658 | 01.03.1982 | Hering, Leonhard | Closed ($C^{2}$- and $C^{3}$-continous) Bézier and B-spline curves with given tangent polygons |
657 | 01.03.1982 |
Burmeister, Peter Wojdylo, Boleslaw |
Properties of homomorphisms and quomorphisms between partial algebras |
656 | 01.03.1982 |
Abou El-Seoud, Samir Törnig, Willi |
Solutions of large sparse nonlinear systems by monotone convergent iterations and applications |
655 | 01.02.1982 | Saranen, Jukka | A least squares approximation method for first order |
654 | 01.02.1982 | Kindler, Jürgen | Definitheit einer Klasse diskreter statistischer Entscheidungsprobleme |
653 | 01.02.1982 | Ihringer, Thomas | On finite algebras having a linear congruence class geometry |
652 | 01.02.1982 |
Reemtsen, Rembert Kirsch, Andreas |
A method for the numerical solution of the one-dimeiisional inverse Stefan problem. Part II. |
651 | 01.02.1982 | Saranen, Jukka | On electric and magnetic problems for vector fields in anisotropic nonhomogeneous media |
650 | 01.02.1982 | Laugwitz, Detlef | Die Nichtstandard-Analysis: Eine Wiederaufnahme der Ideen und Methoden von Leibniz und Euler |
649 | 01.01.1982 | Quin, Mengzhao | Three basic conservation law of a class of nonlinear evolution equations |
648 | 01.01.1982 | Quin, Mengzhao | Difference schemes for the dispersive equation |
647 | 01.01.1982 | Quin, Mengzhao | The implicit scheme for nonlinear evolution equations |
646 | 01.01.1982 | Quin, Mengzhao | Difference schemes for a class of equations $U_{t}=\alpha U^{q} U_{1}+u_{p}$ |
645 | 01.01.1982 | Quin, Mengzhao | Difference schemes for stiff problems of PDE's of hyperbolic type |
01.01.1982 |
Saranen, Jukka Antero Witsch, Karl Josef |
Exterior boundary value problems for elliptic equations | |
643 | 01.01.1982 | Mäurer, Helmut | Zur Automorphismengruppe der symmetrischen Gruppen |
642 | 01.01.1982 | Spalt, Detlef D. | Eine längst fällige, wenngleich unnötige Rehabilitation Cauchys |
641 | 01.01.1982 |
Reemtsen, Rembert Kirsch, Andreas |
A method for the numerical solution of the one-dimensional inverse Stefan problem. Part I. |
Number | Date | Author | Title |
640 | 01.12.1981 | Reemtsen, Rembert | Error bounds for a Stefan problem in terms of the defects in the boundary conditions |
639 | 01.12.1981 | Gumm, H. Peter | Geometrical methods in congruence modular algebras |
638 | 01.11.1981 | Spellucci, Peter | On the global and superlinear convergence properties of the Han-Powell-method |
637 | 01.11.1981 | Wegmann, Helmut | Testing the independence of two Poisson processes |
636 | 01.11.1981 |
Romanowska, Anna Smith, Jonathan |
Subalgebra systems of idempotent entropic algebras |
635 | 01.11.1981 | Ihringer, Thomas | On groupoids having a linear congruence class geometry |
634 | 01.11.1981 |
Nevermann, Peter Wille, Rudolf |
The strong selection property and ordered sets of finite length |
633 | 01.11.1981 | Wendland, Wolfgang L. | Numerical methods for boundary value problems of elliptic systems in the plane |
632 | 01.10.1981 | Kindler, Jürgen | A minimax version of Ptak's combinatorial lemma |
631 | 01.10.1981 | Kindler, Jürgen | A general solution concept for two-person zero-sum games |
630 | 01.10.1981 | Gipser, Michael | On global convergence of coordinate relaxation in the case of an unsymmetrical diagonally dominant Jacobian |
629 | 01.10.1981 | Dzinotyiweyi, Heneri A. M. | The algebra of equi-regular measures on topological semigroups |
628 | 01.10.1981 | Wille, Rudolf | Restructuring lattice theory: An approach based on hierarchies of concepts |
627 | 01.10.1981 |
Buggle, Gerd Meister, Erhard |
Zur Theorie rotierender und schwingender Schaufelkränze in einer Unterschallströmung durch einen Ringkanal |
626 | 01.10.1981 | Scheffold, Egon | Über Faltungsoperatoren und Multiplikatoren |
625 | 01.09.1981 |
Ellers, Erich W. Nolte, Wolfgang |
Bireflectionality of orthogonal and symplectic groups |
624 | 01.09.1981 | Herrmann, Christian | On elementary arguesian lattices with four generators |
623 | 01.09.1981 | Büttner, Wolfram | On 4-dimensional finite translation planes admitting a Suzuki group as group of automorphisms |
622 | 01.09.1981 | Duduchava, Roland | On multidimensional singular integral operators. II.: The case of compact manifolds |
621 | 01.09.1981 | Duduchava, Roland | On multidimensional singular integral operators. I.: The half-space case |
620 | 01.08.1981 |
Kalf, Hubert Kumar, V. Krishna |
On the absence of positive eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators with long range potentials |
619 | 01.08.1981 | Liess, Otto | Necessary and sufficient conditions for propagation of singularities for systems of linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients |
618 | 01.08.1981 | Hofmann, Karl H. | Eine Stilkunde des Raumbegriffs--Spekulationen zwischen Kunst- und Mathematikgeschichte |
617 | 01.08.1981 |
Hofmann, Karl H. Lawson, Jimmie D. |
On the order theoretical foundation of a theory of quasicompactly generated spaces without separation axiom |
616 | 01.08.1981 |
Lamp, Ulrich Schleicher, Thomas Stephan, Ernst Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
The boundary integral method for a plane mixed boundary value problem |
615 | 01.08.1981 | Afflerbach, Lothar | Minkowskische Reduktionsbedingungen für positiv definite quadratische Formen in 5 Variablen |
614 | 01.08.1981 |
Hsiao, George C. Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
Superapproximation for boundary integral methods |
613 | 01.08.1981 | Romanowska, Anna | Idempotent distributive semirings with a semilattice reduct |
612 | 01.08.1981 | Romanowska, Anna | Free idempotent distributive semirings with a semilattice reduct |
611 | 01.08.1981 | Wendland, Wolfgang L. | I. Asymptotic convergence of boundary element methods, II. Integral equation methods for mixed boundary value problems |
610 | 01.07.1981 | Faigle, Ulrich | Sums of matroids on ordered sets |
609 | 01.07.1981 |
Bauer, Heiko Ganter, Bernhard Hergert, Ferdinand |
Algebraic techniques for nonlinear codes |
608 | 01.07.1981 | Speck, Frank-Olme | On the generalized invertibility of Wiener-Hopf operators in Banach spaces |
607 | 01.07.1981 | Liess, Otto | Uniqueness for the characteristic Cauchy problem and analytic regularity for partial differential equations with polynomial coefficients in the presence of growth type conditions |
606 | 01.07.1981 | Hofmann, Karl Heinrich | Characteristic subgroups in locally compact totally disconnected groups and their applications to a problem on random walks on locally compact groups |
605 | 01.07.1981 | Faigle, Ulrich | Optimal matchings in posets |
604 | 01.06.1981 | Hering, Leonhard | Sätze vom Holditch-Typ für ebene Kurven |
603 | 01.05.1981 | Smith, Jonathan D. H. | Multiplication groups of quasigroups |
602 | 01.05.1981 | Ihringer, Thomas | On the finite representable congruence class geometries |
601 | 01.05.1981 | Meister, Erhard | Multiple-part Wiener-Hopf operators with some applications in mathematical physics |
600 | 01.05.1981 | Meister, Erhard | Some multiple-part Wiener-Hopf problems in mathematical physics |
599 | 01.05.1981 | Duduchava, Roland | An application of singular integral equations to some problems of elasticity |
598 | 01.05.1981 | Hering, Leonhard | Holditch-Sätze für Regelflächen bzw. sphärische Kurven |
597 | 01.05.1981 | Hartmann, Erich | Transitivitätssätze für Laguerre-Ebenen |
596 | 01.04.1981 |
Schmidt, E. Tamás Wille, Rudolf |
Note on compatible operations of modular lattices |
595 | 01.04.1981 | Smith, Jonathan D. H. | Commutative Moufang loops and Bessel functions |
594 | 01.04.1981 | Nolte, Wolfgang | Darstellung spezieller projektiver Spiegelungsgruppen durch orthogonale Gruppen |
593 | 01.03.1981 |
Costabel, Martin Stephan, Ernst |
Boundary integral equations for mixed boundary value problems in polygonal domains and Galerkin approximation |
592 | 01.03.1981 | Nolte, Wolfgang | Ein Zusammenhang zwischen affinen kinematischen Räumen und orthogonalen Gruppen |
591 | 01.03.1981 | Pöschl, Thomas | Begleitstrahlflächen windschiefer Flächen |
590 | 01.03.1981 | Roth, Walter | A conception for a Choquet ordering in C \html{sub} not(C) \html{/sub}(X) |
589 | 01.03.1981 | Laugwitz, Detlef | $\Omega$-calculus as a generalization of field extension an alternative approach to nonstandard analysis |
588 | 01.03.1981 | Wille, Rudolf | Versuche der Restrukturierung von Mathematik am Beispiel der Grundvorlesung «Lineare Algebra» |
587 | 01.03.1981 | Dappa, Henry | On a $g_{\lambda}$-function and a Marcinkienicz criterion for radial Fourier multipliers |
586 | 01.03.1981 | Zahn, Peter | Was ist eine Aussage? |
585 | 01.03.1981 | Wollny, Wolfgang | Merkwürdige Fundamentalbereichstypen der 17 diskreten Bewegungsgruppen |
584 | 01.02.1981 | Pöschl, Thomas | Torsen konstanten Flächenwinkels |
583 | 01.02.1981 | Hoschek, Josef | Sich schließende Figuren aus Regelflächen |
582 | 01.02.1981 | Burmeister, Peter | Partial algebras--survey of a unifying approach towards a two-valued model theory for partial algebras |
581 | 01.02.1981 |
Hofmann, Karl Heinrich Lawson, Jimmie D. |
The local theory of semigroups in nilpotent Lie groups |
580 | 01.02.1981 | Roth, Walter | Zusammenhänge zwischen der Oszillation affiner Funktionen und Durchmessereigenschaften konvexer Mengen |
579 | 01.01.1981 |
Hájek, Otomar Krabs, Werner |
On a general method for solving time-optimal linear control problems |
578 | 01.01.1981 | Hofmann, Karl Heinrich | An essay on free compact groups |
577 | 01.01.1981 |
Gierz, Gerhard Lawson, Jimmie D. Stralka, Albert |
Quasicontinuous posets |
576 | 01.01.1981 |
Hsiao, George C. Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
On Nitsche's trick for integral equations |
575 | 01.01.1981 | Hartmann, Erich | Über Moufang-Ovale |