Bachelor Theses in Nonlinear Optimization
Bachelor Theses in Nonlinear Optimization usually deal with a specific scientific article that describes an optimization procedure for solving a specific application. The aim of the Bachelor Thesis is to read and understand the paper, to implement the described algorithm and to test and evaluate it on sample data. The topic is planned so that you should expect to work two month on your topic. In total you have six month to hand in your thesis.
A certificate in the lecture “Introduction to Optimization”. Programming skills are beneficial.
- On the convergence theory of the ADAM optimizer
(Prof. Ulbrich)
- D-ADMM: A communication-efficient distributed algorithm for separable optimization
(Prof. Ulbrich)
- Sampled Quasi-Newton Methods
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Robust truss topology optimization via MISDP and semidefinite programming with complementary constraints
(Prof. Ulbrich)
- A globally stabilised sequential quadratic programming method
(Prof. Wollner) - Semidefinite programs
(Prof. Wollner) - Convergence of Stochastic First-Order Methods for Composite Optimization
(Prof. Wollner) - A relative robust CVaR method for choosing trading strategies in an uncertain market
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Robust topology optimization
(Prof. Wollner)
- Optimization of charging stations for balanced electric car sharing
(Prof. Ulbrich) - On robust optimization with recourse
(Prof. Wollner) - Deep learning and classification of handwritten digits
(Prof. Wollner) - An optimization problem for a carsharing-system with electric cars
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Stochastic Proximal Gradient Methods for nonconvex problems in Hilbert spaces
(Prof. Wollner)
- Credit risk optimization with Conditional Value-at-Risk criterion
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Optimization of Top-K Support Vector Machines by Semismooth Newton Methods
(Prof. Ulbrich)
- Runge-Kutta Verfahren in der optimalen Steuerung
(Prof. Wollner) - Optimal Control of an Obstacle Problem
(Prof. Wollner) - Globale Konvergenz des Konjugierten Gradientenverfahrens
(Prof. Wollner) - The simplex algorithm for linear vector optimization problems
(Prof. Wollner) - Augmented Lagrangian methods for SDPs
(Prof. Wollner) - Chance Constrained Optimization
(Prof. Wollner) - Optimal location planning for charging stations in electric car sharing systems
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Parallel Coordinate Descent Methods for Machine Learing Applications
(Prof. Ulbrich) - A smoothing-type method for the solution of Linear Programs
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Support Vector Machines and their application in disease classification
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Optimizing Support Vector Machines with Coordinate Descent
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Optimization methods for supply chain optimization
(Prof. Wollner) - Introduction to Cooperative Game Theory and Solution Concepts
(Prof. Schwartz)
- Analysis and application of the Stochastic Gradient Method on strongly convex and general objectives
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Determining the locations of e-bike rental stations with a path based heuristic
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Nichtkonvexe robuste Optimierung für restringierte Probleme mit Fachwerk als Anwendungsbeispiel
(Prof. Ulbrich) - Semidefinite Programmierung mit Anwendung auf Tracking Probleme
(Prof. Wollner) - The method of moving asymptotes in structural optimization
(Prof. Wollner) - Ein Algorithmus zur Bestimmung aller Lösungen eines verallgemeinerten linearen Nash-Gleichgewichtsproblems
(Prof. Schwartz) - Gezielte Werbung in sozialen Netzen in Gegenwart konkurrierender Firmen
(Prof. Schwartz) - Solving Linear Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems using the Nikaido-Isoda Function
(Prof. Schwartz) - Analyzing Solution Concepts of a Game Theoretical Model of Nonconvex Cognitive Radio Games
(Prof. Schwartz) - A Biased Lottery for the Efficent Provision of Public Goods
(Prof. Schwartz) - Lösen verallgemeinerter linearer Nash-Gleichgewichtsprobleme mit Hilfe von KKT-Systemen
(Prof. Schwartz) - On the Effect of Emission Trading Renewables on Energy Markets
(Prof. Schwartz)