Master Theses in Discrete Optimization
A Master Thesis in the field Discrete Optimization deals with specific questions coming from integer programming, graph theory or topics on polyhedra. It aims at independently analyzing mathematical properties of optimization algorithms or their underlying structures.
For planning the thesis, the following steps are crucial. In a first meeting, student and professor agree on a topic. Subsequently, the student has 4-6 weeks time to read up on the subject and to search the literature. Then the thesis is formally registered in the office of student affairs. A TeX-template is available in the section of the department’s website. Alternatively, you can use the template of the course “ Downloads ” from winter term 2015/16. While writing the thesis it is strongly recommended to keep contact with your supervisor at least once per month. Approximately one month before submission you should meet with your supervisor! Arbeitstechniken
Having passed the exams to the courses “Introduction to Optimization” and “Discrete Optimization” or “Nonlinear Optimization” is mandatory. Furthermore, it is recommended to actively attend an optimization seminar.
, Prof. Pfetsch and staff members of the research group Prof. Disser
- Langrange Decomposition Approach for Neuronal Network Trainings Problems
(Prof. Pfetsch)
- Discrete Optimization of Gate Locations for Injection Molding of Seals for E-Mobility Applications
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Ein Lagrange-Dekompositionsansatz zur Optimierung neuronaler Netze mit ReLU-Aktivierungsfunktion
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Coefficient Reduction in Mixed-Integer Programs
(Prof. Pfetsch)
- An application of tash-based shift-generation and workload assignment in the retail industry
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Analysis of 0/1 sparse recovery problems and the application of lattice based reformulations
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Utilizing Transformers in Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Collision Avoidance of Rrailway Networks
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Minimizing the effects of delays in rail traffic
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Minimum Coverage by Convex Polygons
(Prof. Pfetsch)
- Generation of synthetic embryo data using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (- with SimulaMet Oslo)
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Anomalie Detection in the Results of Integrated Circuits Testing
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Minimum Partition of Geometric Graphs into Plane Subgraphs
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Solving semidefinite Programs with one Variable
(Prof. Pfetsch)
- A Benders Decomposition Approach to Correlation Clustering
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Integer Programming Boosing for Classification
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Compressed Sensing and Neural Networks
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Decision Regions of artificial neural networks with ReLU-activation
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Minimum Convexe Partitions
(Prof. Pfetsch) - An ILP model for coordinated motion planning
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Exact Rule Learning via Boolean Compressed Sensing
(Prof. Pfetsch) - A solution for the “Integrated Time Tabling and Vehicle Scheduling”-problem
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Global optimization with artificial neutral networks embedded
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Facial reduction on binary semidefinite programs
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Robust Optimization under Limited Resources – A Two-Stage Project Scheduling Problem under Uncertain Activity Durations for Shipbuilding Production Planning
(Prof. Pfetsch)
- Timetable optimization for a predetermined total delay time
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Dial-a-Ride under restricted information model
(Prof. Disser) - Bayesian Optimization on mixed domains for applications in chemical research
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Reconstruction of lo- and l1-solutions for the analysis case
(Prof. Pfetsch)
- Evacuation on m Rays with k Searchers
(Prof. Disser) - Kollaborative Auslieferung auf festem Pfad
(Prof. Disser) - Preservation of graph properties under color refinement
(Prof. Disser) - Incremental Maximization: Competitive Solutions and Improved Lower Bounds
(Prof. Disser) - Topology optimization of gas networks
(Prof. Pfetsch) - A Column Generation Approach for Logistic Networks with Tree Constraints
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Optimal Decision Trees for Binary Data
(Prof. Pfetsch)
- Bit-cost analysis, implementation and empirical evaluation of the Fast Multiple Method for Trummer's Problem
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Energy Efficient High-Rise Water Supply System
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Generalized mixed-integer rounding cuts and disjunctions
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Evaluation of Reingold's Algorithm for st-connectivity in log-space
(Prof. Disser) - The graph exploration problem: A competitive analysis of various algorithms
(Prof. Disser)
- TSP, TRP and Dial-a-Ride on the Circle
(Prof. Disser) - {0,1/2}-Schnitte für binäre lineare Codes
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Disjunktive Schnittebenen für Kardinalitätsrestriktionen
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Lösung von zeitexpandierten Fahrplanerzeugungsmodellen mittels Spaltengenerierung
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Alternative Modelle zur periodischen Fahrplanoptimierung
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Graphical Models with Total Cardinality Constraint
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Kürzeste Wege und Flüsse unter Kardinalitätsrestriktionen
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Approximation des Motorized Traveling Salesman Problems
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Application of column generation to interview scheduling at konaktiva job fair
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Transportoptimierung im Hauptlauf der Paketlogistik
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Analyzing discrete decisions in gas networks
(Prof. Pfetsch)
- Shortest Path with Conflicts
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Optimale Pausenplanung von LKW-Fahrern mit integrierter Parkplatzwahl
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Rekonstruktion dünnbesetzter Lösungen mit Ganzzahligkeitsbedingungen
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Integrality Aspects of Sparse Recovery via 1-Minimization
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Synthesis of a Hydrostatic Power Transmission System using MINLP
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Ein kombinatorischer Branch-and-Bound-Algorithmus für die Berechnung der Restricted Isometry Konstanten
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Über die Aussagekraft von Rankings
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Sherali-Adams Relaxierungen von Graphenisomorphie-Polytopen
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Gemischt-ganzzahlige Optimierungsmethoden für Klassifikationsprobleme
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Extended formulations and symmetry handling
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Schnittebenenverfahren zur Optimierung submodularer Funktionen
(Prof. Pfetsch) - Holes in mixed integer problems
(Prof. Pfetsch)