Dr. Alexander Matei
Mitglied bis 2022
Veröffentlichungen und Preprints
Matei A. (2022): Optimum Experimental Design with PDE Constraints for Identification of Model Uncertainty in Load-bearing Systems. Dissertation, Technische Universität Darmstadt. Verlag Dr. Hut. Buch (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) PDF |
Pfetsch M.E. et al. (2021): Strategies for Mastering Uncertainty. In: Pelz P.F., Groche P., Pfetsch M.E., Schaeffner M. (eds) Mastering Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. DOI |
Pelz P.F. et al. (2021): Types of Uncertainty. In: Pelz P.F., Groche P., Pfetsch M.E., Schaeffner M. (eds) Mastering Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. DOI |
Schaeffner M. et al. (2021): Analysis, Quantification and Evaluation of Uncertainty. In: Pelz P.F., Groche P., Pfetsch M.E., Schaeffner M. (eds) Mastering Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. DOI |
Matei A., Bott A., Rehlich L., Steinke F., Ulbrich S. (2021): Optimal Sensor Placement in District Heating Networks for Bayesian Inference of Uncertain Demands. In: Papadrakakis M. et al. (eds) Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering. UNCECOMP 2021. Eccomas Proceedia. DOI |
Matei A., Ulbrich S. (2021): Detection of Model Uncertainty in the Dynamic Linear-Elastic Model of Vibrations in a Truss. In: Pelz P.F., Groche P. (eds) Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering. ICUME 2021. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. DOI |
Gally T., Groche P., Hoppe F., Kuttich A., Matei A., Pfetsch M., Rakowitsch M., Ulbrich S. (2021): Identification of model uncertainty via optimal design of experiments applied to a mechanical press. Optimization and Engineering. DOI |
Feldmann R., Gehb C. M., Schäffner M., Matei A., Lenz J., Kersting S., Weber M. (2020): A Detailed Assessment of Model Form Uncertainty in a Load-Carrying Truss Structure. In: Mao Z. (eds) Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, Cham. DOI |
SoSe 2022 | Mathematik II für Bauingenieure | PD Dr. Cornelia Wichelhaus |
WiSe 21/22 | Mathematik III für Maschinenbauer | Prof. Dr. Martin Kiehl |
SoSe 2021 | Analysis II | Prof. Dr. Robert Haller-Dintelmann |
WiSe 20/21 | Einführung in die Optimierung | Prof. Dr. Winnifried Wollner |
WiSe 18/19 | Mathematik III für Bauingenieure | Prof. Dr. Christian Stinner |
SoSe 2018 |
Mathematik II für Bauingenieure Elementare PDGL: Klassische Methoden |
Prof. Dr. Christian Stinner Prof. Dr. Stefan Ulbrich |
WiSe 17/18 | Mathematik III für Bauingenieure | Prof. Dr. Winnifried Wollner |