16th Seminar on Conformal Field Theory

The speakers of the 16th Seminar on Conformal Field Theory are Britta Späth (University of Wuppertal), Ida Zadeh (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) and David Reutter (University of Hamburg). It takes place on January 19, 2024 in Darmstadt.


Time Speaker Title
14:00-15:00 Britta Späth On the McKay Conjecture
15:15-16:15 Ida Zadeh Mathieu Moonshine and T4/Z3 sigma-models
coffee break
17:00-18:00 David Reutter A braided tensor 2-category from link homology

The seminar takes place in room S214/24.

Abstracts of the talks can be found here (opens in new tab) .

After the seminar there is a joint dinner.

We have some limited funds to support young researchers. Please contact N. Scheithauer by December 18, 2023 if you want to apply.


The seminar is supported by the CRC GAUS.