Dr. Michael Fischer

Mitglied bis 2017
- Shape Optimization
- Optimal Control of PDEs
- Analysis of PDEs
- Fluid Dynamics (Navier-Stokes, Boussinesq, Euler, …)
- Numerical Analysis
- M. Fischer, F. Lindemann, M. Ulbrich, S. Ulbrich: , SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 55 (2017), Issue 5, pp. 3226–3257. Fréchet differentiability of unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes Flow with respect to domain variations of low regularity by using a general analytical framework
- M. Fischer: Analysis and numerical approximation of shape optimization problems governed by the Navier-Stokes and the Boussinesq equations, PhD Thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2017, , Verlag Dr. Hut. ISBN: 9783843932684
- , Ryukoku University, Japan, December 20, 2014: The adjoint approach for shape optimization with an example on the Boussinesq equations 2014 Joint Conference on Applied Mathematics
- , Waseda University, Japan, March 12, 2015: Shape optimization and the stabilized characteristics finite element method The 11th Japanese-German International Workshop on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics
- , Pittsburgh, USA, July 17, 2015: Shape Optimization of the Boussinesq Equations via a Characteristics P1/P1 FE Discretization ISMP 2015
- , TU Darmstadt, Germany, October 7, 2015: Shape Optimization of the Boussinesq Equations via a Characteristics P1/P1 FE Discretization Joint International Conference and Autumn School
- , Waseda University, Japan, March 02, 2016: Shape optimization with the Boussinesq equations The 12th Japanese-German International Workshop on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics
- , Vancouver, Canada, May 22, 2017: Fréchet differentiability of the Boussinesq flow with respect to domain variations SIAM Conference on Optimization
- WiSe 2016/17: Einführung in die Optimierung (Prof. Dr. Stefan Ulbrich)
- SoSe 2017: Mathematik 4 für Elektrotechnik/Mathematik 3 für Informatik (Prof. Dr. Stefan Ulbrich)
- SoSe 2017: Nichtglatte Optimierung (Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schwartz)