Dr. Oliver Lass
Mitglied bis 2017
- Nonlinear Optimization
- Reduced Order Modeling
- Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations
- Applied Mathematics
- Robust Optimization
- Z. Bontinck, O. Lass, S. Schöps, H. De Gersem, S. Ulbrich and O. Rain. Robust Optimization Approaches for the Design of an Electric Machine used for E-Mobility. Submitted (2017)
- Z. Bontinck, O. Lass, S. Schöps and O. Rain. Model Order Reduction for Rotating Electrical Machines. Submitted (2017) [] Preprint
- A. Alla, M. Hinze, O. Lass and S. Ulbrich. A Certified Model Reduction Approach for robust optimal control with PDE constraints. Submitted (2017) [] Preprint
- P. Kolvenbach, O. Lass and S. Ulbrich. An approach for robust PDE-constrained optimization with application to shape optimization of electrical engines and of dynamic elastic structures under uncertainty. Submitted (2017) [Preprint]
- O. Lass and S. Ulbrich. . SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39(5): S112–S139 (2017) Model order reduction techniques with a posteriori error control for nonlinear robust optimization governed by partial differential equations
- O. Lass, S. Trenz and S. Volkwein. Numerical realization of POD a-posteriori error estimates for a semilinear parabolic optimal control problem. Submitted (2015) [] Preprint
- O. Lass and S. Volkwein. . Computational Optimization and Application 62(1): 217-239 (2015) Parameter identification for nonlinear elliptic-parabolic systems with application in lithium-ion battery modeling
- A. Alla, M. Hinze, O. Lass and S. Ulbrich. . IFAC-PapersOnLine 48(1): 242-247 (2015) Model order reduction approach for the optimal design of permanent magnets in electro-magnetic machines
- O. Lass and S. Volkwein. . Computational Optimization and Application 58(3):645-677 (2014) Adaptive POD basis computation for parametrized nonlinear systems using optimal snapshot location
- O. Lass. . Ph.D. Thesis, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Konstanz (2014) Reduced order modeling and parameter identification for coupled nonlinear PDE systems
- O. Lass and S. Volkwein. . SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35(3): A1271-A1298 (2013) POD Galerkin schemes for nonlinear elliptic-parabolic systems
- O. Lass. . Technical Report (2012) Efficient POD reduced-order modeling for parametrized nonlinear PDE systems
- O. Lass, C. Posch, G. Scharrer and S. Volkwein. . Optimization Methods and Software 26(4-5): 617-642 (2011) Space mapping techniques for the optimization of a thickness parameter in the p-Laplace equation
- O. Lass and S. Volkwein. . Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering, M. Diehl, F. Glineur, E. Jarlebring, W. Michiels (Eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 399-408 (2010) A Space Mapping Approach for the p-Laplace Equation
- O. Lass. . Diploma Thesis, Institut für Mathematik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Karl Franzens Universität Graz (2009) Efficient numerical space mapping techniques for the p-Laplace equation
- O. Lass, M. Vallejos, A. Borzi and C.C. Douglas. . Computing 84(1-2): 27-48 (2009) Implementation and analysis of multigrid schemes with finite elements for elliptic optimal control problems