Dr. Jan Carsten Ziems
Mitglied bis
- Optimization with Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Optimal Control
- Adaptive Error Control in PDE-Constrained Optimization
- Adaptive Multilevel Algorithms for PDE-Constrained Optimization
- Reduced Order Models
- Scientific Computing in Optimization with PDEs
- Nonlinear Optimization
- Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Pluripotential Theory
- D. Clever, J. Lang, S. Ulbrich, J. C. Ziems, Generalized Multilevel SQP-methods for PDAE-constrained Optimization Based on Space-Time Adaptive PDAE Solvers. In: G. Leugering, S. Engell, A. Griewank, M. Hinze, R. Rannacher, V. Schulz, M. Ulbrich, S. Ulbrich (Eds.), Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations, Springer Verlag, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160, pp. 37-60, Basel, 2012.
- J. C. Ziems, S. Ulbrich, Adaptive Multilevel Generalized SQP-Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization, submitted, 2011. PDF file (467kB).
- J. C. Ziems, Adaptive Multilevel Inexact SQP-Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization with Control Constraints, submitted, 2011. PDF file (1,7MB).
- J. C. Ziems, S. Ulbrich, Adaptive Multilevel Inexact SQP-Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization, SIAM J. Optim. 21, pp. 1-40, 2011. PDF file (994kB).
- SIAM J. Optim. Most Downloaded Articles: Jan. #4, Febr. #3, Mar. #1, Apr. #2, May #1, June #4.D. Clever, J. Lang, S. Ulbrich, J. C. Ziems,
- Combination of an Adaptive Multilevel SQP Method and a Space-Time Adaptive PDAE Solver for Optimal Control Problems, Procedia Computer Science 1, pp. 1435–1443, 2010.
- May 10, 2012: invited talk, Collatz Kolloquium für angewandte Mathematik der Universität Hamburg: Adaptive Multilevel SQP-Methods for Optimization with PDEs, Hamburg, Germany.
- March 27, 2012: invited extended talk, 83rd GAMM 2012: Adaptive Multilevel Optimization with Reduced Order Models for PDE-constrained Problems, Darmstadt, Germany.
- March 05, 2012: invited talk, 5th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing: Adaptive Multilevel Optimization with Reduced Order Models for PDE-constrained Problems, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- February 17, 2012: Workshop on adaptivity in space and time, Numerics group of TU Darmstadt: State Constraints in PDE-constrained Optimization, Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria.
- December 01, 2011: invited talk, Workshop on Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations (in honor of Fredi Tröltzsch 60th birthday): Adaptive Multilevel Optimization with Reduced Order Models for PDE-constrained Problems, Chemnitz, Germany.
- September 26, 2011: Annual meeting 2011 of SPP 1253, Banz, Germany.
- September 13, 2011: invited talk, 25th IFIP TC7 Conference: Multilevel optimization with reduced order models for PDE-constrained problems, Berlin, Germany.
- July 25, 2011: invited talk, Oberseminar Numerik, Universität Konstanz: Adaptive multilevel optimization with reduced order models for PDE-constrained problems, Germany.
- May 19, 2011: invited talk, SIAM Conference on Optimization 2011: Adaptive multilevel optimization with reduced order models for PDE-constrained problems, Darmstadt, Germany.
- September 14, 2010: Annual meeting 2010 of SPP 1253: Goal-oriented refinement in adaptive multilevel generalized SQP-methods for PDE-constrained optimization, Freising, Germany.
- March 23, 2010: invited talk, 81st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) 2010, in young researchers minisymposium on 'Adaptive approaches in PDE constrained optimization': Adaptive Multilevel SQP-Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization with Control Constraints, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- August 27, 2009: invited talk, International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP) 2009: Adaptive Multilevel SQP-Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization with Control Constraints, Chicago, USA.
- September 22, 2008: Annual Meeting 2008 of SPP 1253, Banz, Germany.
- May 12, 2008: invited talk, SIAM Conference on Optimization 2008: Adaptive Multilevel Generalized SQP-Methods for Parabolic PDE-constrained Optimization, Boston, USA.
- March 11, 2008: invited talk, Workshop MIP & PDEs: Adaptive Multilevel Inexact SQP-Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization and their Relevance in Branch and Bound Algorithms, Hausdorff Research Institute, Bonn, Germany.
- October 4, 2007: Annual Meeting 2007 of SPP 1253, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- September 17, 2007: CFG 2007: Adaptive Multilevel Inexact SQP-Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Winter 2011, Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg (substituting professorship): „Mathematik für Ingenieure C3“
- Summer 2011, TU Darmstadt (substitute lecturer): „Mathematik IV für ET, Mathematik III für Inf“ by Prof. Dr. S. Ulbrich
- Summer 2011, TU Darmstadt (substitute lecturer): „Optimierung bei partiellen Differenzialgleichungen“ by Prof. Dr. S. Ulbrich
- Winter 2009/10, TU Darmstadt (assistance): „Mathematik III für ET“ by Prof. Dr. N. Scheithauer
- Summer 2009, TU Darmstadt (assistance, substitute lecturer): „Mathematik IV für ET, Mathematik III für Inf“ by Prof. Dr. S. Ulbrich
- Winter 2008/09, TU Darmstadt (assistance, substitute lecturer): „Mathematik III für ET“ by Prof. Dr. S. Roch
- Summer 2008, TU Darmstadt (assistance): „Mathematik IV für ET, Mathematik III für Inf Bsc“ by Prof. Dr. M. Kiehl
- Winter 2007/08, TU Darmstadt (assistance, substitute lecturer): „Nichtlineare Optimierung (Opt. III)“ by Prof. Dr. S. Ulbrich
- Summer 2007, TU Darmstadt (substitute lecturer): „Optimierung bei partiellen Differentialgleichungen“ by Prof. Dr. S. Ulbrich
- Summer 2007, TU Darmstadt (assistence, substitute lecturer): „Mathematik IV für ET, Mathematik III für Inf Bsc“ by Prof. Dr. S. Ulbrich
- Winter 2006/07, TU Darmstadt (assistance): Assistance for lecture „Mathematik III für ET“ by Prof. Dr. R. Farwig
- Summer 2006, TU Darmstadt (assistance): „Mathematik IV für ET, Mathematik III für Inf Bsc“ by Prof. Dr. S. Ulbrich
- Winter 2005/06, TU Darmstadt (assistance): „Mathematik I für Inf und WInf“ by Dr. A. Rößler
- Summer 2005, TU Darmstadt (assistance): „Mathematik IV für MB WI/MB“ by Prof. Dr. P. Spelucci