Yann Disser, Max Klimm, Kevin Schewior und David Weckbecker. Incremental Maximization via Continuization In Proceedings of the 50th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2023
Júlia Baligács, Yann Disser, Farehe Soheil und David Weckbecker. Tight Analysis of the Lazy Algorithm for Open Online Dial-a-Ride In Proceedings of the Algorithms and Data Structures: 18th International Symposium (WADS), 2023
Júlia Baligács, Yann Disser, Nils Mosis und David Weckbecker. An Improved Algorithm for Open Online Dial-a-Ride In Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA), 2022
Yann Disser und David Weckbecker. Unified Greedy Approximability Beyond Submodular Maximization In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO), pp. 299–311, 2022
Yann Disser, Max Klimm und David Weckbecker. Fractionally Subadditive Maximization under an Incremental Knapsack Constraint In Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA), pp. 206–223, 2021