The Christine Bernardi Lectures is a series of annual distinguished lectures organized jointly by the department of mathematics of TU Darmstadt and in honor of TRR 154 ( Christine Bernardi), an inspiring female applied mathematician. 1955 – 2018
Her work centered on numerical analysis of partial differential equations in fluid mechanics. She received the French Academy of Sciences's Blaise Pascal Prize in 1995 and was a plenary speaker at the European Mathematical Society Congress in 2008.
The Christine Bernardi Lectures will be given by excellent mathematicians working in related fields of mathematics and will address a broad mathematical audience.
2024 – Barbara Kaltenbacher
The 2024 Christine Bernardi Lecture will be given by Barbara Kaltenbacher (University of Klagenfurt) on Oktober 23, 2024 at 17:15 in the Nuclear Physics Hall (S2|14 24) Schlossgartenstr. 9. Before the scientific talk, from 14:50, the speaker will meet with early career researchers and share experiences from her academic career.
2023 – Andrea Walther
The 2023 Christine Bernardi Lecture will be given by Andrea Walther (Humboldt University Berlin) on November 8, 2023 at 17:15 in the Uhrturmhörsaal (S2|08 171) Hochschulstr. 4. Before the scientific talk, the speaker will meet with early career researchers and share experiences from her academic career.