IT Tutorial

Welcome to the IT Tutorial. Here you will find important information and instructions on the most important electronic services of the TU.

This area is divided into different sections that chronologically integrate the different facets.

It is best to click through the different pages and browse through their contents to get an overview of what you can find here. When the time is right, you can then return to the corresponding articles and follow their instructions and videos.

Before the orientation week

This section explains things that you ideally already know before you start your studies. There are two things that will be very important for your studies:

During the orientation week

In this section you will find instructions on all the programs you will need during the orientation week and later in your studies:

  • The Campus Management System TUCaN is used to register for courses and exams.
  • The course management system moodle is used by many events as the name suggests to organise these events.
  • The two online services Discord and Zoom are the two platforms most frequently used for lectures and exercises in the digital semester.
  • At many universities in Germany and worldwide you can use the WIFI eduroam.