Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Johannes Anschütz | Mathematisches Institut Universität Bonn | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Cp-semilinear Galois representations of p-adic fields via Cartier-Witt stacks |
Ana Caraiani | Imperial College | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | On the modularity of elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields |
Laurent Fargues | IMJ-PRG, Paris | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Extension du domaine de la lutte |
Jessica Fintzen | Universität Bonn | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Representations of p-adic groups |
Toby Gee | Imperial College | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | An introduction to the categorical p-adic Langlands program |
Philipp Habegger | Universität Basel | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Torsion Points on Families of Abelian Varietie |
Eugen Hellmann | Universität Münster | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | On the K-theory of the stack of L-parameters for GLn |
Moritz Kerz | Universität Regensburg | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | The Picard-Lefschetz formula for normal crossings |
Arthur-César Le Bras | Université de Strasbourg | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | A Fourier transform for Banach-Colmez spaces |
Johannes Nicaise | KU Leuven / Imperial College London | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Irrationality of complete intersections |
George Pappas | Michigan State University | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | p-adic shtukas and integral models of Shimura varieties |
Sabrina Pauli | Universität Duisburg-Essen | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Arithmetic enrichments in enumerative geometry |
Vincent Pilloni | Université Paris-Saclay | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Higher Hida theory |
Michael Rapoport | Universität Bonn | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | p-adic uniformization of Shimura curves |
Peter Scholze | Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Analytic Geometry |
Georg Tamme | Universität Mainz | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | K-theory and regularity |
Michael Temkin | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Functorial resolution of singularities: comparison of the methods |
Xinwen Zhu | Caltech, Passadena | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | Isogenies of mod pCM abelian varieties via main theorem of complex multiplication |
Paul Ziegler | TU Munich | Darmstadt | 03.-07.10.2022 | A Tannakian formalism for Bruhat-Tits buildings |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Vicente Muñoz | Málaga | Frankfurt | 29.04.2022 | E-Polynomials of the SL(2,C)-character varieties of orientable surfaces |
Dimitry Wyss | Lausanne | Frankfurt | 29.04.2022 | Intersection cohomology from non-archimedean integrals |
Brandon Williams | RWTH Aachen | Darmstadt | 03.05.2022 | Free algebras of modular forms on ball quotients |
Jaclyn Lang | Temple University | Darmstadt | 10.05.2022 | A modular construction of unramified p-extensions of Q(N1/p) |
Patrick Kennedy-Hunt | University of Cambridge | Frankfurt | 11.05.2022 | The Logarithmic Hilbert Scheme and its Tropicalisation |
Ana María Botero | Universität Regensburg | Frankfurt | 13.05.2022 | Toroidal b-divisors and Monge-Ampère measures |
José Ignacio Burgos Gil | Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas | Frankfurt | 13.05.2022 | Chern-Weil theory and Hilbert-Samuel theorem for semi-positive singular toroidal metrics on line bundles |
Michael Rapoprt | Universität Bonn | Darmstadt | 13./14.05.2022 | Integral models of local Shimura varieties |
Paul Walton | York University | Darmstadt | 18./19.05.2022 | Gender Equality in an Academic Department: How to do it |
Andreas Mihatsch | Universität Bonn | Frankfurt | 18.05.2022 | δ-Forms and Intersection Numbers |
Emilio Franco | Madrid | Frankfurt | 20.05.2022 | Branes in the hyperKähler framework |
Ana Peon-Nieto | Birmingham | Frankfurt | 20.05.2022 | Some branes over the singular locus of the Hitchin base |
Sebastian Heller | Hannover | Frankfurt | 20.05.2022 | Branes through finite group actions |
Daniel Greb | Univ. Duisburg-Essen | Frankfurt | 01.06.2022 | Invariant rings of reductive representations and singularities of the Minimal Model Program |
Dave Jensen | University of Kentucky | Frankfurt | 10.06.2022 | Brill-Noether Theory over the Hurwitz Space |
Kaelin Cook-Powell | Emory University | Frankfurt | 10.06.2022 | The combinatorics of the Brill-Noether Theory of general covers |
Andreas Bäuerle | Universität Tübingen | Frankfurt | 15.06.2022 | Gorenstein Fano 3-folds of Picard number 1 with a 2-torus action |
Sven Möller | Universität Hamburg | Darmstadt | 21.-24.06.2022 | Forschung Scheithauer |
Petra Schwer | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | Frankfurt | 29.06.2022 | What is a building and why should one care? |
Paul van Hoften | Stanford University | Darmstadt | 30.06.-02.07.2022 | Hecke Orbits in Shtuka Spaces |
Jochen Heinloth | Duisburg-Essen | Frankfurt | 01.07.2022 | Introduction to the P=W conjecture |
Junliang Shen | Yale | Frankfurt | 01.07.2022 | Symmetries of cohomology of Hitchin moduli spaces and the P=W conjecture |
Naoki Koseki | Edinburgh | Frankfurt | 01.07.2022 | Cohomological chi-independence for Higgs bundles and Donaldson-Thomas invariants |
Matilde Manzaroli | Universität Tübingen | Frankfurt | 08.07.2022 | Tropical homology over discretely valued fields |
Daniel Corey | Technische Universität Berlin | Frankfurt | 08.07.2022 | Initial degenerations of flag varieties |
Dmitry Zakharov | Central Michigan University | Frankfurt | 08.07.2022 | An analogue of Kirchhoff's theorem for the tropical Prym variety |
Oscar Gracia-Prada | Madrid | Frankfurt | 22.07.2022 | Non-abelian Hodge correspondence for real groups and higher Teichmüller spaces |
Florent Schaffhauser | Bogota | Frankfurt | 22.07.2022 | Higher Teichmüller spaces for orbifolds |
Brian Collier | Riverside | Frankfurt | 22.07.2022 | Holomorphic curves and cyclic G2-Higgs bundles |
Lucas Mann | Universität Münster | Darmstadt | 28./29.07.2022 | Six Functors and Descent for Solid Sheaves on Discrete Adic Spaces |
Ulff Kühn | Universität Hamburg | Darmstadt | 05.09.2022 | Forschung Bruinier |
Sven Möller | Universität Hamburg | Darmstadt | 19.-23.09.2022 | Forschung Scheithauer |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Antoine Ducros | Sorbonne Université, Paris | Frankfurt | 01.10.2021 | Non-standard analysis and non-archimedean geometry |
Joe Rabinoff | Duke University, Durham | Frankfurt | 01.10.2021 | Weakly smooth forms and Dolbeault cohomology of curves |
Tony Yue Yu |
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena |
Frankfurt | 01.10.2021 | Generalizing GKZ secondary fan using Berkovich geometry |
Kris Shaw | University of Oslo | Frankfurt | 15.10.2021 |
A tropical approach to the enriched count of bitangents to quartic curves |
Melody Chan | Brown University, Providence | Frankfurt | 15.10.2021 |
Homology representations of compactified configurations on graphs applied to M2,n |
Daniele Turchetti | University of Warwick | Frankfurt | 15.10.2021 | Schottky spaces and moduli of curves over Z |
Rémi Reboulet | Université Grenoble Alpes, Saint-Martin-d’Hères | Frankfurt | 20.10.2021 | Plurisubharmonic geodesics in non-Archimedean geometry |
Elise Goujard | Bordeaux University | Frankfurt | 29.10.2021 | Counting (tropical) covers: quasimodularity of generating function |
Walter Gubler | Universität Regensburg, Deutschland | Frankfurt | 29.10.2021 | Forms on Berkovich spaces based on harmonic tropicalizations |
Navid Nabijou | University of Cambridge | Frankfurt | 29.10.2021 | Tropical expansions and rubber torus actions |
Nils Matthes | University of Copenhagen | Darmstadt | 02.11.2021 | Meromorphic modular forms and their iterated integrals |
Lindsay Dever | Bryn Mawr College | Darmstadt | 09.11.2021 | Distribution of Holonomy on Compact Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds |
Yujie Xu | Harvard University, Cambridge | Frankfurt | 10.11.2021 | On normalization in the integral models of Shimura varieties of Hodge type |
Jan Steffen Müller | University of Groningen | Frankfurt | 12.11.2021 | p-adic Arakelov theory on abelian varieties and quadratic Chabauty |
Klaus Künnemann | Universität Regensburg | Frankfurt | 12.11.2021 | Pluripotential theory for tropical toric varieties and non-archimedean Monge-Ampère equations |
Stefan Wewers | Universität Ulm | Frankfurt | 12.11.2021 | Explicit models of curves via nonarchimedian geometry |
William Chen | IAS, Princeton | Darmstadt | 23.11.2021 | Connectivity of Hurwitz spaces and the conjecture of Bourgain, Gamburd, and Sarnak |
Vlerë Mehmeti |
Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur- Yvette | Frankfurt | 26.11.2021 | A Hasse Principle on Berkovich Analytic Curves |
Erwan Brugallé | Nantes Université | Frankfurt | 26.11.2021 | Euler characteristic and signature of real semi-stable degenerations |
Jérôme Poineau | Université de Caen Normandie | Frankfurt | 26.11.2021 | Analytic dynamics over Z and torsion points of elliptic curves |
David Reutter | MPI für Mathematik, Bonn | Frankfurt | 01.12.2021 | Semisimple topological quantum field theories and exotic smooth structure |
Manami Roy | Fordham University | Darmstadt | 07.12.2021 | Dimensions for the spaces of Siegel cusp forms of level 4 |
Claudia Fevola | MPI für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig | Frankfurt | 10.12.2021 | Kp Solitons from Tropical Limits |
David Holmes | Leiden University, | Frankfurt | 10.12.2021 | Piecewise polynomials and intersection theory |
Dimitri Wyss | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | Frankfurt | 10.12.2021 | DT-invariants from non-archimedean integrals |
Luis Garcia | University College London | Darmstadt | 12.01.2022 | Eisenstein cocycles and values of L-functions |
Oishee Banerjee |
Universität Bonn | Frankfurt | 12.01.2022 | Filtration of cohomology via symmetric (semi-)simplicial spaces |
Isabella Negrini | McGill University, Montréal | Darmstadt | 18.01.2022 | A Shimura-Shintani correspondence for rigid analytic cocycles |
Mima Stanojkovski | RWTH Aachen | Frankfurt | 21.01.2022 | Orders and polytropes: matrices from valuations |
Ilya Tyomkin | Ben Gurion University | Frankfurt | 21.01.2022 | Applications of tropical geometry to irreducibility problems in algebraic geometry |
Harry Richman | University of Washington | Frankfurt | 21.01.2022 | Uniform bounds for torsion packets on tropical curves |
Márton Erdélyi | (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) | Darmstadt | 25.01.2022 | Matrix Kloosterman sums |
Tyler Kelly | Birmingham | Frankfurt | 26.01.2022 | An Open Enumerative Theory for Landau-Ginzburg models. |
Jessica Fintzen | University of Cambridge | Darmstadt | 26.01.2022 | Representations of p-adic groups |
Vesselin Dimitrov | (University of Toronto) | Darmstadt | 01.02.2022 | The unbounded denominators conjecture |
Christin Bibby | Louisiana State University | Frankfurt | 02.02.2022 | A generating function approach to new representation stability phenomena in orbit configuration spaces |
June Huh | Princeton University | Frankfurt | 03.02.2022 | Kazhdan-Lusztig and singular Hodge theory for matroids |
Pieter Belmans | Université du Luxembourg | Frankfurt | 09.02.2022 | Graph potentials, TQFTs and mirror partners |
Petru Constantinescu | MPIM Bonn | Frankfurt | 16.02.2022 | Dissipation of Correlations of Automorphic Forms |
Johannes Rau | Universidad de los Andes | Frankfurt | 18.02.2022 | Patchworks of real algebraic varieties in higher codimension |
Siddhard Kannan | Brown University | Frankfurt | 18.02.2022 | Cut-and-paste invariants of moduli spaces of relative stable maps to P^1 |
Rohini Ramadas | University of Warwick | Frankfurt | 18.02.2022 | The S_n action on the homology groups of M_{0,n}-bar |
Nathan Pflueger | Amherst College | Frankfurt | 23.02.2022 | Vertex gluings and Demazure products |
June Huh | Princeton | Frankfurt | 23.02.2022 | Kazhdan-Lusztig and singular Hodge theory for matroids |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Tiago Fonseca | University of Oxford | Darmstadt | 13.04.2021 | The algebraic geometry of Fourier coefficients of Poincaré series |
Andreas Mono | University of Cologne | Darmstadt | 20.04.2021 | On a twisted version of Zagier's $f_{k, D}$ function |
Noémie Combe | MPI Leipzig | Frankfurt | 21.04.2021 | The realm of Frobenius manifolds |
Amanda Folsom | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Darmstadt | 27.04.2021 | Eisenstein series, cotangent-zeta sums, and quantum modular forms |
Felipe Rincon |
Queen Mary University | Frankfurt | 30.04.2021 |
“Tropical ideals (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – First meeting in Summer Semester 2021)” |
Jeremy Usatine | Brown University | Frankfurt | 30.04.2021 |
“Stringy invariants and toric Artin stacks (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – First meeting in Summer Semester 2021)” |
Shiyue Li | Brown University | Frankfurt | 30.04.2021 |
“Topology of tropical moduli spaces of weighted stable curves in higher genus (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – First meeting in Summer Semester 2021)” |
Moni Kumari | Bar-Ilan University | Darmstadt | 04.05.2021 | Non-vanishing of Hilbert-Poincaré series |
Marcin Lara | IMPAN/Warsaw | Frankfurt | 05.05.2021 | Fundamental groups of rigid spaces, geometric arcs and specialization morphism |
Michael Mertens | University of Liverpool | Darmstadt | 11.05.2021 | Weierstrass mock modular forms and vertex operator algebras |
Sebastián Herrero | Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso | Darmstadt | 18.05.2021 | There are at most finitely many singular moduli that are S-units |
Andrea Petracci | FU Berlin | Frankfurt | 19.05.2021 | On deformations of toric varieties and applications to moduli of Fano varieties |
James Rickards | McGill University | Darmstadt | 25.05.2021 | Counting intersection numbers on Shimura curves |
Margarida Melo |
Roma Tre University | Frankfurt | 28.05.2021 |
“On the top weight cohomology of the moduli space of abelian varieties (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – Second meeting in Summer Semester 2021)” |
Baldur Sigurðsson |
UNAM Cuernavaca | Frankfurt | 28.05.2021 |
“Local tropical Cartier divisors and the multiplicity (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – Second meeting in Summer Semester 2021)” |
Jenia Tevelev | UMass Amherst | Frankfurt | 28.05.2021 |
“Compactifications of moduli of points and lines in the (tropical) plane (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – Second meeting in Summer Semester 2021)” |
Michael Groechenig | University of Toronto | Frankfurt | 02.06.2021 | Hypertoric Hitchin systems and p-adic integration. |
Claire Burrin | ETH, Zurich | Darmstadt | 08.06.2021 | Rademacher symbols on Fuchsian groups |
Victor Batyrev |
Univeristät Tübingen | Frankfurt | 11.06.2021 |
“Variations on the theme of classical discriminant (Mini-Workshop on Toric Degenerations)” |
Lara Bossinger | UNAM Oaxaca | Frankfurt | 11.06.2021 |
“Newton--Okounkov bodies for cluster varieties (Mini-Workshop on Toric Degenerations)” |
Chris Manon | University of Kentucky | Frankfurt | 11.06.2021 |
“When is a (projectivized) toric vector bundle a Mori dream space? (Mini-Workshop on Toric Degenerations)” |
Chao Li | Columbia University | Darmstadt | 15.06.2021 | Beilinson-Bloch conjecture and arithmetic inner product formula |
YoungJu Choie | Pohang University of Science and Technology | Darmstadt | 22.06.2021 | A generating function of periods of automorphic forms |
Mattia Talpo | Pisa | Frankfurt | 23.06.2021 | Derived categories of parabolic sheaves with rational weights. |
Hülya Argüz | Université de Versailles | Frankfurt | 25.06.2021 |
“Tropical enumeration of real log curves in toric varieties and log Welschinger invariants (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – Third meeting in Summer Semester 2021)” |
Stefano Mereta |
Swansea University | Frankfurt | 25.06.2021 |
“Tropical differential equations (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – Third meeting in Summer Semester 2021)” |
Eric Katz | Ohio State University | Frankfurt | 25.06.2021 |
“Combinatorial and p-adic iterated integrals (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – Third meeting in Summer Semester 2021)” |
Claudia Alfes-Neumann | Universität Bielefeld | Darmstadt | 29.06.2021 | Some theta liftings and applications |
Victoria Hoskins | Radboud University Nijmegen | Frankfurt | 30.06.2021 | The geometry and cohomology of moduli spaces of vector bundles and Higgs bundles |
Yuya Murakami | Tohoku University | Darmstadt | 01.07.2021 | Extended-cycle integrals of the j-function for badly approximable numbers |
Lennart Gehrmann | Universität Duisburg-Essen | Darmstadt | 06.07.2021 | Rigid meromorphic cocycles for orthogonal groups |
Andrea Blunck |
University of Hamburg | Frankfurt | 13.07.2021 |
“Ruth Moufang and her work on projective planes (Ruth Moufang Lectures by Jennifer Balakrishnan (Boston University): Rational points on curves: from Diophantus to the present day)” |
Jennifer Balakrishnan | Boston University | Frankfurt | 13.07.2021 |
“Questions about rational points on curves (Ruth Moufang Lectures by Jennifer Balakrishnan (Boston University): Rational points on curves: from Diophantus to the present day)” |
Fabio Bernasconi | University of Utah | Frankfurt | 14.07.2021 | Log liftability for del Pezzo surfaces and applications to singularities in positive characteristic. |
Jennifer Balakrishnan | Boston University | Frankfurt | 15.07.2021 |
“Mordell’s conjecture and the last ninety-nine years (Ruth Moufang Lectures by Jennifer Balakrishnan (Boston University): Rational points on curves: from Diophantus to the present day)” |
Jennifer Balakrishnan | Boston University | Frankfurt | 16.07.2021 | Explicit methods for rational points on curves(Ruth Moufang Lectures by Jennifer Balakrishnan (Boston University): Rational points on curves: from Diophantus to the present day) |
Xuesen Na | University of Maryland | Frankfurt | 25.7. bis 6.8.2021 | Limiting configuration of SU(1, 2) Higgs bundles |
Peter Fiebig | Friedrich-Alexander Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Sven Möller, | Kyoto University | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Anne Moreau | Université Paris-Saclay | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Katrin Wendland | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Noriyuki Abe | University of Tokyo | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Chiara Damiolini | University of Pennsylvania | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Yuto Moriwaki | Kyoto University | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Reimundo Heluani | IMPA, Rio de Janeiro | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Veronika Pedic | University of Zagreb, Croatia | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Andre Henriques | University of California, Berkeley | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Christoph Schweigert | Universität Hamburg | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Gerald Höhn | Kansas State University | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Cuipo Jiang | Xiamen University | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Hiroshi Yamauchi | Tokyo Women's Christian University | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Shoma Sugimoto | Kyoto University | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Tomoyuki Arakawa | Kyoto University | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Andrew Linshaw | University of Denver | Darmstadt | 21.-24.09.2021 | Conference on Vertex Algebras and Related Topics |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Haowu Wang | MPIM Bonn | Darmstadt | 14.10.2020 | Root systems and free algebras of modular forms |
Yunqing Tang | CNRS & Université Paris-Sud | Darmstadt | 21.10.2020 | Reductions of K3 surfaces via intersections on GSpin Shimura varieties |
Alessandro Lägeler | ETH Zürich | Darmstadt | 28.10.2020 | Continued fractions and Hardy sums |
Michael Griffin | Brigham Young University | Darmstadt | 04.11.2020 | Class pairings and elliptic curves |
Ming-Hao Quek | Brown University | Frankfurt | 04.11.2020 | Resolution of singularities via stacks and weighted blowings up |
Christina Röhrig | Universität zu Köln | Darmstadt | 11.11.2020 | Siegel theta series for indefinite quadratic forms |
Toshiki Matsusaka | Nagoya University | Darmstadt | 18.11.2020 | Two analogues of the Rademacher symbol |
Beatrice Pozzetti | University of Heidelberg | Frankfurt | 18.11.2020 | The real spectrum compactification of higher rank Teichmüller spaces |
Kathrin Maurischat | RWTH Aachen | Darmstadt | 25.11.2020 | Explicit construction of Ramanujan bigraphs |
Martin Schwald | University of Essen | Frankfurt | 02.12.2020 | On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues |
Xin Fang | Universität Köln | Frankfurt | 04.12.2020 |
Tropical flag varieties – a Lie theoretic approach (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Man-Wai Cheung | Harvard University | Frankfurt | 04.12.2020 |
Polytopes, wall crossings, and cluster varieties (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Lara Bossinger | UNAM Oaxaca | Frankfurt | 04.12.2020 |
Tropical geometry of Grassmannians and their cluster structure (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Ariel Pacetti | Universidad de Cordoba | Darmstadt | 09.12.2020 | \mathbb{Q}-curves, Hecke characters and some Diophantine equations |
Yajnaseni Dutta | University of Bonn | Frankfurt | 16.12.2020 | Holomorphic 1-forms and geometry |
Eugenia Rosu | University of Regensburg | Darmstadt | 16.12.2020 | Twists of elliptic curves with CM |
Johann Franke | Universität zu Köln | Darmstadt | 13.01.2021 | Rational functions, modular forms and cotangent sums |
Jolanta Marzec | University of Kazimierz Wielki | Darmstadt | 20.01.2021 | Algebraicity of special L-values attached to Jacobi forms of higher index |
Dori Bejleri | Harvard University | Frankfurt | 20.01.2021 | Compact moduli of higher dimensional varieties |
Alheydis Geiger | University of Tuebingen | Frankfurt | 22.01.2021 |
Deformations of bitangent classes of tropical quartic curves (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Matt Baker | Georgia Tech | Frankfurt | 22.01.2021 |
Pastures, Polynomials, and Matroids (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Daniel Litt | University of Georgia | Frankfurt | 22.01.2021 |
The tropical section conjecture (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
John Cristian Ottem | University of Oslo | Frankfurt | 27.01.2021 | Enriques surface fibrations of even index |
Tom Oliver | University of Nottingham | Darmstadt | 27.01.2021 | Twisting moduli, meromorphy and zeros |
Martin Schwald | University of Essen | Frankfurt | 02.02.2021 | On the definition of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their singular analogues |
Daniele Agostini | MPI Leipzig | Frankfurt | 03.02.2021 | On the irrationality of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces |
John Christian Ottem | University of Oslo | Frankfurt | 19.02.2021 |
Tropical degenerations and stable rationality (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Marco Pacini | Universidade Federal Fluminense | Frankfurt | 19.02.2021 |
A universal tropical Jacobian over the moduli space of tropical curves. (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Laura Escobar | Washington University in St. Louis | Frankfurt | 19.02.2021 |
Wall-crossing for Newton-Okounkov bodies (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Eleonore Faber | University of Leeds | Frankfurt | 24.02.2021 | Grassmannian categories of infinite rank and rings of countable Cohen-Macaulay type |
Sourav Das | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai | Frankfurt | 10.03.2021 | Log-symplectic structure on a degeneration of moduli of Higgs bundles |
Anthea Monod | Imperial College | Frankfurt | 12.03.2021 |
Tropical geometry of phylogenetic tree spaces (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Claudia He Yun | Brown University | Frankfurt | 12.03.2021 |
The S_n-equivariant rational homology of the tropical moduli spaces \Delta_{2,n} (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Daniel Corey | University of Wisconsin | Frankfurt | 12.03.2021 |
The Ceresa class: tropical, topological, and algebraic (TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt) |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Danylo Radchenko |
ETH Zurich | Darmstadt | 08.04.2020 | Universal optimality of the E8 and Leech lattices |
Paloma Bengoechea | ETH Zurich | Darmstadt | 15.04.2020 | Periods of modular functions and Diophantine approximation |
Jan Vonk |
IAS Princeton | Darmstadt | 22.04.2020 | Singular moduli for real quadratic fields |
Marta Panizzut | Universität Osnabrück | Frankfurt | 24.04.2020 | Tropical cubic surfaces and their lines. |
Jan Draisma |
Universität Bern | Frankfurt | 24.04.2020 | Catalan-many morphisms to trees-Part I |
Alejandro Vargas | Universität Bern | Frankfurt | 24.04.2020 | Catalan-many morphisms to trees-Part II |
Eugen Hellmann | Münster | Darmstadt | 27.04.2020 | On the derived category of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra, I |
Nick Andersen |
Brigham Young University | Darmstadt | 29.04.2020 | Zeros of GL2 L-functions on the critical line |
Eugen Hellmann | Münster | Darmstadt | 07.05.2020 | On the derived category of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra, II |
Soma Purkait |
Tokyo Institute of Technology | Darmstadt | 06.05.2020 | Local Hecke algebras and new forms |
Ben Heuer | Bonn | Darmstadt | 11.05.2020 | Perfectoid universal covers of abelian varieties, I |
Hannah Larson | Stanford University | Frankfurt | 13.05.2020 | Vector bundles on P^1 bundles |
Peter Humphries |
University College London | Darmstadt | 13.05.2020 | Sparse equidistribution of hyperbolic orbifolds |
Jakob Scholbach | Universität Münster | Darmstadt | 14.05., 03.08., 17.09.2020 | Project: „The derived Drinfeld Lemma for étale sheaves“ |
Ben Heuer | Bonn | Darmstadt | 18.05.2020 | Perfectoid universal covers of abelian varieties, II |
Emanuel Reinecke | University of Michigan | Frankfurt | 20.05.2020 | The cohomology of the moduli space of curves at infinite level |
Larry Rolen |
Vanderbilt University | Darmstadt | 20.05.2020 | Periodicities for Taylor coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms |
Andreas Mihatsch | MIT | Darmstadt | 25.05.2020 | Currents on Lubin-Tate spaces I |
Olivia Beckwith |
University of Illinois | Darmstadt | 27.05.2020 | Polyharmonic Maass forms and Hecke L-series |
Yue Ren | University of Swansea | Frankfurt | 29.05.2020 | Tropical varieties of neural networks |
Hannah Markwig | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | Frankfurt | 29.05.2020 | The combinatorics and real lifting of tropical bitangents to plane quartics |
Dan Fretwell |
Bristol University | Darmstadt | 03.06.2020 | (Real Quadratic) Arthurian Tales |
Andreas Mihatsch | MIT | Darmstadt | 08.06.2020 | Currents on Lubin-Tate spaces I |
Martin Raum |
Chalmers Technical University | Darmstadt | 10.06.2020 | Divisibilities of Hurwitz class numbers |
Alexander Ivanov | Bonn | Darmstadt | 15.06.2020 | On p-adic Deligne-Lusztig spaces, I |
Frederik Benirschke | Stony Brook University | Frankfurt | 17.06.2020 | The boundary of linear subvarieties |
Alexander Ivanov | Bonn | Darmstadt | 22.06.2020 | On p-adic Deligne-Lusztig spaces, I |
Sven Möller |
Rutgers University | Darmstadt | 24.06.2020 | Eisenstein Series, Dimension Formulae and Generalised Deep Holes of the Leech Lattice Vertex Operator Algebra |
Mark Gross | University of Cambridge | Frankfurt | 26.06.2020 | Gluing log Gromov-Witten invariants |
Luca Battistella |
Universität Heidelberg | Frankfurt | 26.06.2020 | A smooth compactification of genus two curves in projective space |
Kalina Mincheva |
Yale University | Frankfurt | 26.06.2020 | Gluing log Gromov-Witten invariants |
Johannes Anschütz | Bonn | Darmstadt | 29.06.2020 | Averaging functors in Fargues' program for GL_n |
Hao Zhang |
Sorbonne Université | Darmstadt | 01.07.2020 | Elliptic cocycle for GL_N(Z) and Hecke operators |
Eva Viehmann | München | Darmstadt | 06.07.2020 | Harder-Narasimhan and Newton polygons for modifications of G-bundles, I |
Shaul Zemel |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Darmstadt | 08.07.2020 | Shintani Lifts of Nearly Holomorphic Modular Forms |
Eva Viehmann | München | Darmstadt | 13.07.2020 | Harder-Narasimhan and Newton polygons for modifications of G-bundles, II |
Nikos Diamantis |
University of Nottingham | Darmstadt | 15.07.2020 | Twisted L-functions and a conjecture by Mazur, Rubin and Stein |
João Lourenço | Imperial College London | Darmstadt | 16.09.2020 | Project: „Diamond local models" |
Simon Riche | Université Clermont Auvergne | Darmstadt | 28.09.-02.10.2020 | Project: „Integral Ramified Satake and Dynkin Pairs“ |
Pramod Achar | Louisiana State University | Darmstadt | 28.09.- 02.10.2020 | Project: „Integral Ramified Satake and Dynkin Pairs“ |
Steve Kudla | University of Toronto | Darmstadt | regular cooperative meetings | |
Siddarth Sankaran | University of Manitoba | Darmstadt | regular cooperative meetings | |
Tonghai Yang | University of Wisconsin | Darmstadt | regular cooperative meetings | |
Jens Funke | University of Durham | Darmstadt | regular cooperative meetings |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Markus Schwagenscheidt | Universität zu Köln | Darmstadt | 16./17.10.2019 | |
Giulio Bresciani | FU Berlin | Frankfurt | 23.10. – 24.10.2019 | On the (birational) section conjecture over finitely generated field |
Sam Payne | University of Texas, Austin, USA | Frankfurt | 31.10.2019 | TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – First meeting in Winter Semester |
Enrica Mazzon | Max-Planck-Institute Bonn | Frankfurt | 30.10. – 1.11.2019 | TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – First meeting in Winter Semester |
Christoph Goldner | Universität Tübingen | Frankfurt | 31.10.2019 | TGiF-Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt – First meeting in Winter Semester |
Anilatmaja Aryasomayajula | IISER Tirupati, India | Darmstadt | 20.11.-14.12.2019 | Estimates of holomorphic cusp forms associated to co-compact arithmetic subgroups |
Mirko Mauri | MPI Bonn | Frankfurt | 04.12.2019 | Dual complexes of log Calabi-Yau pairs and Mori fibre spaces |
Tong Hai Yang | University of Wisconsin, USA | Darmstadt | 8.-15. and 20./21.12.2019 | |
Johan M. Commelin | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | Darmstadt | 17./18.12.2019 | Formalising perfectoid spaces |
Chiara Damiolini | Princeton University, USA | Frankfurt | 18.12.2019 | Conformal blocks defined by modules over vertex algebras of CohFT-type |
Mariá Angélica Cueto | Ohio State University, USA | Frankfurt | 19.12.2019 | Anticanonical tropical del Pezzo cubic surfaces contain exactly 27 lines. |
Yusuf Mustopa | Tufts University, USA | Frankfurt | 13.01. – 17.01.2020 | |
Edgar Assing | Universität Bonn | Darmstadt | 14.01.2020 | Wilton estimates and the fine structure of Fourier coefficients |
Dr. Daniel Kohen | Universität Duisburg – Essen | Darmstadt | 20./21.01.2020 | A Gross-Kohnen-Zagier theorem for non-split Cartan curves |
Lars Kühne | Universität Basel, Switzerland | Frankfurt | 22.01. – 24.01.2020 | |
Jürg Kramer | Humboldt-Universität Berlin | Darmstadt | 22.-24.01.2020 | |
Eugen Hellmann | Universität Münster | Darmstadt | 27.-30.01.2020 | On the derived category of the Iwahori-Hecke Algebra |
Diane Maclagan | University of Warwick, UK | Frankfurt | 24.01.2020 | |
Oliver Lorscheid | IMPA/MPI Bonn | Frankfurt | 24.01.2020 | |
Karl Christ | Bar-Ilan University, Israel | Frankfurt | 24.01.2020 | |
Cecília Salgado | MPI Bonn / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil | Frankfurt | 06.02.2020 | |
Dr. Hongbo Yin | MPIM Bonn | Darmstadt | 11.02.2020 | Cubic sum problem and singular moduli |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Stephen Kudla | University of Toronto, Canada | Darmstadt | 01.-30.04.2019 | |
Gabino González-Diaz | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain | Frankfurt | 03.04.2019 | Galois action on Riemann surfaces and their associated solenoids |
Robert Osburn | University College Dublin, Ireland | Darmstadt | 23.04.2019 | Generalized Kontsevich-Zagier series via knots |
Dimitri Wyss | Université Paris 6, France | Darmstadt | 11.-15.05.2019 | Non-Archimedean integrals on the Hitchin Fibration |
Mark Feldmann | Universität Münster | Darmstadt | 20.-21.05.2019 | |
Alexander Betts | MPIM Bonn | Frankfurt | 22.05.2019 | Non-abelian Kummer maps for curves |
Irene Bouw | Universität Ulm | Darmstadt | 29.05.2019 | Computing arithmetic invariants via reduction |
Lucia Mocz | Universität Bonn | Frankfurt | 06.06.2019 | A New Northcott Property for Faltings Height |
Margarida Melo | Università degli studi Roma Tre, Italy | Frankfurt | 06.-08.06.2019 | Combinatorics and moduli of line bundles on stable curves. |
Farbod Shokrieh | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | Frankfurt | 06.-08.06.2019 | Heights and moments of abelian varieties |
Philipp Jell | Universität Regensburg | Frankfurt | 07.06.2019 | The tropical Hodge conjecture for divisors |
Hanieh Keneshlou | Max-Planck-Institut Leipzig | Frankfurt | 05.-07.06.2019 | Moduli of 6-gonal genus 11 curves with several pencils |
Samouil Molcho | Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel | Frankfurt | 11.-12.06.2019 | The Logarithmic Picard Group and its Tropicalization |
Katherine E. Stange |
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA | Frankfurt | 22.-27.06.2019 | An illustration in number theory: abelian sandpiles and Schmidt arrangements |
Jonathan Wise | University of Colorado, Boulder | Frankfurt | 22.-27.06.2019 | Complete moduli of line bundles and divisors |
Paul Ziegler | University of Oxford, UK | Darmstadt | 23.-26.06.2019 | |
Madeline Brandt | UC Berkeley, USA | Frankfurt | 30.06.-06.07.2019 | Matroids and their Dressians |
Andrew Corbett | University Exeter, UK | Darmstadt | 24.-27.06.2019 | Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms: p-adic analysis and arithmetic at the cusps |
Sven Möller | Rutgers University, USA | Darmstadt | 01.-10.07.2019 | |
Kęstutis Česnavičius | Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France | Darmstadt | 02.-04.07.2019 | Purity for the Brauer group of singular schemes |
Dhruv Ranganathan | University of Cambridge, UK | Frankfurt | 04.-08.07.2019 | Tropical curves, stable maps, and singularities in genus one |
Yoav Len | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA | Frankfurt | 04.-09.07.2019 | Algebraic and Tropical Prym varieties |
Robert Little | Oxford University, UK | Darmstadt | 07.-10.07.2019 | A Geometric Theta Correspondence for Picard Modular Surfaces |
Dmitry Zakharov | Central Michigan University, USA | Frankfurt | 14.-20.07.2019 | Covers of algebraic curves and graphs with a finite group action |
John Millson | University of Maryland , USA | Darmstadt | 15.-23.09.2019 | Holomorphic forms on quotients of hermitian locally symmetric spaces and generalized special cycles |
Shaul Zemel | Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel | Darmstadt | 17.-22.09.2019 | Heegner divisors on toroidal compactifications of orthogonal Shimura varieties |
Jens Funke | University of Durham, UK | Darmstadt | 16.-23.09.2019 | The construction of Green currents and singular theta lifts for unitary groups |
Siegfried Böcherer | Universität Mannheim | Darmstadt | 16.-20.09.2019 | On paramodular forms of arbitrary degree |
Soumya Das | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India | Darmstadt | 17.-20.09.2019 | Fundamental Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Bossinger, Lara | Max Planck Institut, Leipzig | Frankfurt | 15.-17.10.2018 | |
Roe, Joaquim | Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona | Frankfurt | 22.-26.10.2018 | |
Elsholtz, Christian | Universität Graz, Österreich | Darmstadt | 30./31.10.2018 | Applications of sieve methods |
Shaw, Kristin | Universität Oslo | Frankfurt | 05.-07.11.2018 | Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes of matroids |
Funke, Jens | University of Durham U.K. | Darmstadt | 05.-11.11.2018 | |
Fiebig, Peter | Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen | Darmstadt | 14./15.11.2018 | Darstellungstheorie in positiver Charakteristik |
Habegger, Philipp | Universität Basel | Frankfurt | 21./22.11.2018 | On the Bogomolov Conjecture over Function Fields in Characteristic 0 |
Mocanu, Andreea | University of Nottingham U.K. | Darmstadt | 26./27.11.2018 | Newform theory from Jacobi forms of lattice index |
Rettenmayr, Stephan | Universität Bonn | Frankfurt | 29.11.2018 | Mumford-Tate-Gruppen und Breuil-Kisin-Moduln |
Haowu Wang | Université Lille | Darmstadt | 17.-19.12.2018 | Non-existence of reflective modular forms |
Sustretov, Dmitry | HSE Moskau | Frankfurt | 16./17.01.2019 |
Gromov-Hausdorff limits of curves with flat metrics and non-Archimedean geometry |
Goren, Eyal |
McGill University, Montreal |
Darmstadt | 11./12.01.2019 | P-adic dynmicas of Hecke operators |
Heinloth, Jochen | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg | Darmstadt | 06./07.02.2019 | Hitchin's fibration: From integrable systems to number theory |
Kathrin Bringmann | Universität Köln | Frankfurt | 13./14.02.2019 | False theta functions and their modular properties |
Emily Clader | San Francisco State University | Frankfurt | 11.-15.02.2019 | Wall-crossing in quasimap theory (Minicourse I, II and III) |
Felix Janda | University of Michigan | Frankfurt | 11.-15.02.2019 | Variants of the DR cycle (Minicourse I, II and III) |
Martijn Kool | Utrecht University | Frankfurt | 11.-15.02.2019 | New calculations in Vafa-Witten theory |
Hyenho Lho | ETH Zürich | Frankfurt | 11.-15.02.2019 | Quasi-modularity of Calabi-Yau fibration |
Cristina Manolache | Imperial College, London | Frankfurt | 11.-15.02.2019 | A splitting of the virtual class |
Georg Oberdieck | MIT/University of Bonn | Frankfurt | 11.-15.02.2019 | The Gromov-Witten theory of T*ExP1 (Minicourse I, II and III) |
Nicola Pagani | University of Liverpool | Frankfurt | 11.-15.02.2019 | Towards an enumerative geometry of compactified universal Jacobians |
Adrian Sauvaget | Jussieu, Université Paris VII | Frankfurt | 11.-15.02.2019 | Masur-Veech volume recursion |
Dmitry Zvonkine | Jussieu, Université Paris VII | Frankfurt | 11.-15.02.2019 | Cohomological field theories with non-tautological classes |
Walter, Lena | Freie Universität Berlin | Frankfurt | 20.-22.02.2019 | Projektarbeit |
Haase, Christian | Freie Universität Berlin | Frankfurt | 20.-22.02.2019 | Projektarbeit |
Daniel, Jeremy | Université de Lorraine, Metz | Frankfurt | 18.-22.03.2019 | Projektarbeit |
Martin-Baillon, Florestan | Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris | Frankfurt | 18.-22.03.2019 | Projektarbeit |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Ehlen, Stephan | Universität zu Köln | Darmstadt | 12.-14.03.2018 | |
Lozovanu, Victor | Leibniz Universität Hannover | Frankfurt | 23.04.2018 | |
Lentner, Simon | Universität Hamburg | Darmstadt | 15.05.-16.05.2018 | Non-Semisimple Modular Tensor Categories |
Schwagenscheidt, Markus | Universität zu Köln | Darmstadt | 16.-18.05.2018 | |
Yang, Tonghai | University of Wisconsin, USA | Darmstadt | 18.-25.05.2018 | Mini-Workshop “Generating series of special cycles” |
Ehlen, Stephan | Universität zu Köln | Darmstadt | 21.05.-25.05.2018 | Mini-Workshop “Generating series of special cycles” |
Sertöz, Emre | Max-Planck-Institut MiS, Leipzig | Frankfurt | 23.05.-24.05.2018 | Computing and using periods of hypersurfaces |
Frey, Linda | Universität Basel | Darmstadt | 19.06.2018 | Explicit Small Height Bound for $\mathds{Q} (E_\text{tor})$ |
Angelo Lopez | Roma Tre University, Italien | Frankfurt | 24.06.-29.06.2018 | Extremal cycles and diagonals in symmetric product of curves |
Pop, Florian | UPenn, Philadelphia, USA | Frankfurt | 20.06.-22.06.2018 | Recovering canonical inertia generators |
Zakharov, Dmitry |
Central Michigan University, USA | Frankfurt |
01.07.-08.07.2018 |
The double ramification cycle, relations in the tautological ring, and tropical geometry |
Tom Oliver | Oxford University, U.K. | Darmstadt | 02.-05.07.2018 | Order an cancellatopn of zeros for automorphic L-functions |
Patrick Holzer | Darmstadt | 03.07.2018 | Recovering short generators of principal fractional ideals in cyclotomic fields of conductor | |
Quentin Gendron | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Frankfurt | 12.09.2018 |
Name of Guest | University | Host University | Date of Visit | Title of Talk |
Hoshi, Yuichiro | Kyoto University, Japan | Frankfurt | 26.10.-17.11.2017 | On torsion points on a curve with good reduction over an absolutely unramified base |
Hübner, Katharina | Universität Heidelberg | Frankfurt | 30.11.2017 | The tame site |
Funke, Jens | University of Durham U.K. | Darmstadt | 08.01.-12.01.2018 | |
Alfes-Neumann, Claudia | Universität Paderborn | Darmstadt | 09.01.2018 | Shintani lifts of harmonic Maass forms |
Lonjou, Anne | Universität Basel | Frankfurt | 21.01.-24.01.2018 | |
Ehlen, Stephan | Universität zu Köln | Darmstadt | 24.-27.01.2018 | |
Kudla, Stephen | University of Toronto, Kanada | Darmstadt | 31.01.-04.02. | Arithmetic theta series |
Wanner, Veronika | Universität Regensburg | Frankfurt | 01.02.-02.02.2018 | Subharmonic functions on non-archimedean curve |
Zagier, Don | MPIM Bonn | Darmstadt | 02.-03.02.2018 | Modular forms and mock modular forms in physics. |
Bachmann, Henrik | Nagoya Uni, Japan | Darmstadt | 06.02.2018 | Multiple harmonic q-series at roots of unity and their connection to finite & symmetrized multiple zeta values |
Carlson, Magnus | KTH, Schweden | Frankfurt | 06.02.-08.02.2018 | Cohomology rings of number fields and applications |
Brandt, Madeline | University of California, USA | Frankfurt | 08.02.-09.02.2018 | Tropical Superelliptic Curves |
Maculan, Marco | Institut Mathématics de Jussieu, Frankreich | Frankfurt | 08.02.-09.02.2018 | Stein spaces in non-archimedean geometry |
Kühne, Lars | Universität Basel | Frankfurt | 14.02.-16.02.2018 | |
Möller, Sven | Rutgers University, USA | Darmstadt | 18.02.-23.02.2018 | Cyclic Orbifolds of the Leech Lattice Vertex Operator Algebra |
Zemel, Shaul | Hebrew University, Israel | Darmstadt | 05.-12.03.2018 | |
Ehlen, Stephan | Universität zu Köln | Darmstadt | 12.-14.03.2018 | |
Ziegler, Paul | University of Oxford, UK | Darmstadt | 22.03.-23.03.2018 |