Teaching mathematics

Study Programme in Teaching Mathematics at Secondary Schools

The Study Programme in Teaching Mathematics trains you to become a teacher at Secondary Schools (Gymnasium) in Years 5 to 13. The course covers both mathematics and the teaching of mathematics. You also have to study an additional teaching subject as well as the basic sciences which include education and social science. Additional information can be found on the webpages of the Zentrum für Lehrkräftebildung (ZfL).

You can also visit General Information on the Bachelor’s Programme in Mathematics – Teaching at Secondary Schools, from which the linked overviews of study programmes are taken.

The Study Programme in Teaching Mathematics takes nine semesters and comprises training in two subjects (90 CPs each) as well as the so-called basic sciences (60 CPs). It culminates in the First State Examination for Teachers at Secondary Schools at the end of the first phase of the course.

In the basic sciences you study educational science, including elements of teaching methodology, psychology, sociology and political studies. You also do a general educational work-experience module (Practical Phase I).

We teach both the subject-specific science and the relevant teaching methodology in every subject.

In mathematics we place great emphasis on a strong linkage between subject-specific science and the relevant teaching methodology: Whilst the course covers the same contents as the Bachelor’s programme in the initial semesters, later on, you will also study teaching methodology. In the so-called “combi modules”, advanced scientific contents are linked to subject-related teaching methodology.