7th Seminar on Conformal Field Theory February 3rd, 2017 Technische Universität Darmstadt ************************************************************************ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstracts of the talks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Gerald Höhn: On the Genus of the Moonshine Module ************************************************************************ I will give a novel and simple description of Schellekens' seventy-one affine Kac-Moody structures of self-dual vertex operator algebras of central charge 24 by using the Niemeier lattices with roots. I will also discuss a possible uniform construction procedure of the self-dual vertex operator algebras of central charge 24 starting from the Leech lattice. ************************************************************************ Wolfgang Soergel: Special Bimodules and Motives ************************************************************************ I will try to explain the context of these special bimodules and how they categorify the Hecke algebra and how motives allow a geometric understanding of the homotopy category of special bimodules. ************************************************************************ Tomoyuki Arakawa: Moore-Tachikawa conjecture and chiral algebras of class S ************************************************************************ Motivated by the string theory, Moore and Tachikawa conjectured in 2011 the existence of two-dimensional topological quantum field theories whose values are holomorphic symplectic varieties. In type A, the symplectic varieties in question are expected to be isomorphic to the Coulomb branches of some quiver gauge theories whose construction were recently proposed by Braverman, Finkelberg and Nakajima. Independently, motivated by the same physical background, Beem, Lemos, Liendo, Peelaers, Rastelli and van Rees conjectured the existence of two-dimensional topological quantum field theories whose values are vertex algebras. In my talk I will explain how the conjecture on vertex algebras would imply the conjecture on symplectic varieties.