Veranstaltungen am Fachbereich Mathematik
15:00-16:00Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry: Ekedahl-Oort Stratification of Deligne-Lusztig Varieties
Christopher Lang (TU Darmstadt):
When developing a stratificaion of Rapoport-Zink spaces, Vol…
11:50-13:30WIM Lunch
Women in Mathematics Lunch
Beim WIM Lunch haben Sie als Mathematikerin der TU Darmstadt…
16:00-17:00International Seminar on Automorphic Forms: tba
Ameya Pitale (University of Oklahoma)
14:00-15:00A posteriori error estimates for finite volume schemes for Keller-Segel systems
Vortrag im AG Numerik Seminar von M.Sc. Marc Hoffmann, TU Darmstadt
The Keller-Segel system is a well-established model to des…
16:15-17:45Oberseminar AG Stochastik: Gianmarco Del Sarto, TU Darmstadt
Some perspective on climate change through energy balance models
In this seminar, we will present how Energy Balance Models (…
15:35-17:00Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry: (Relative) Prismatic cohomology, K-Theory and Topology
Thomas Nikolaus (Universität Münster)
We will explain the theory of relative prismatic cohomology …
14:00-15:00Oberseminar AG Analysis - Dr. Tim Binz (Princeton University, USA)
Fluid-Viscoelastic Interaction
Fluid-Viscoelastic Interaction We consider the viscoelastic…
16:00-17:00International Seminar on Automorphic Forms: p-adic higher Green's functions for Stark-Heegner Cycles
Hazem Hassan (McGill)
Heegner Cycles are higher weight generalizations of Heegner …
16:15-16:45What is an Uncertain PDE?
What is...?-Seminar zum mathematischen Kolloquium
Ein Vortrag von Hendrik Wilka M.Sc. Vorbereitend auf den Ko…
17:15-19:00Surrogate modeling for uncertainty quantification in non-Newtonian fluid flows
Mathematisches Kolloquium im Wintersemester 2024/25
Prof. Mohammed Seaid, Durham University, UK Numerical sol…