Course focus in the Master's Programme

The Master's Programme in the research area analysis includes:

  • the attendance of in-depth lectures in the amount of 18 CP from the offer of the research area Analysis. As far as a reasonable combination is possible, lectures from other research areas can also be chosen.
  • the attendance of a analysis seminar (6 CP)
  • the preparation of a master thesis (30 CP)

You can find the in-depth lectures of the research area Analysis scheduled in the coming semesters in our course overview .

Examples for the structure of the Master's Programme

Lecture series Partial Differential Equations

Preparatory in the Bachelor programme
Winter semester Funktionalanalysis 4 + 2
In-depth in the Master programme
Winter semester Partielle Differentialgleichungen I 4 + 2
Summer semester Partielle Differentialgleichungen II 4 + 2