Werner Nickel

Teaching and Research Fellow
School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
University of St Andrews.

E-mail: werner@dcs.st-and.ac.uk


If you want to get the latest version of GAP (Version 3.4, patch-level 4), follow the link on the left. It will get you the full GAP distribution (about 19MB) as a zoo archive

For more information on GAP look at the site in St Andrews or Aachen.

In April 1997, an instructional workshop on the use of GAP in research took place in St Andrews.

Have you ever heard about Mathematical MacTutor, a software system for the Macintosh to teach mathematics? Among other things MacTutor has a great archive on the history of mathematics.

Part of my job is to develop a Windows version of MacTutor.

Currently there are only two of my programs available: Version 1.2 of the ANU NQ and a simple calculator that allows you to do computations in the nilpotent quotient produced by the NQ.
There are home pages which I quite like and which are not as boring mine:
Alice C. Niemeyer Götz Pfeiffer

Wolfgang, schau mal her.